Johnny McChroni
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  • How it is now, I dunno. I've corresponded with the breeder a fair amount, and back in 2010 he told me that the parents of the strain that was being sold before that had been lost, and that he was breeding for new parents, but hadn't finished yet, as of when I'd talked to him. I haven't spoken to him since then, but I see it's back for sale again, so I guess he's finished, but how close the strain is to what it was before, I can't say until after next year's season, which will be the first time I've grown any since.
    The strain isn't all that stable - or wasn't, back then (more on that in a moment) - so pretty much every plant is going to be different than every other. Of the (I think) 4 that turned out to be female, two were similar, and the other two different from those, and from each other. Only one of them was allowed to finish inside, and it was really good, though the yields for the size of the plant weren't all that impressive. Only caution with this plant is that it doesn't require a shitload of fertilizer like some do. (cont'd)
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