A Change from LED to HPS- Path Worth Taking!


Well-Known Member
well yellowing is ok to me if it is the last few weeks of flower, but pre mature yellowing can decrease bud production. i always give flowering plants shots of veg nutes to try to keep them green, i always had N def in flower though, i got it more under control though the more i grew.
its odd not much people stop in, its a great looking grow with great plants


Well-Known Member
thanks MC! i thought the title would attract more viewers but it may have blown them off as well. i always had plenty of photos with small amounts of time between each update but no one decided they would frequent the thread so i really fell off the wagon the last month or so. ill make sure to post an update for my one and best viewer this coming week! i also always wasnt too sad to see the yellowing towards the end as i had heard that the plant is using its last sugars and such that are stored in the fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
heres the update for my one and only viewer haha! todays day 8 of flower and they had a nice bit of growth in the last few days. seems like whenever i throw plants from my LED into my closet under the HPS that they get a light green appearance instead of the dark green that they were. really surprised that not many people get light bleaching and such since i get it with the plants even like a foot away. got some group pics and each plant individually. the coco plants are doing great and the soil plants are trying to hold in there!



Well-Known Member
hey bro, just went through the entire thread and its been quite a ride huh.?. Def got some dankey nugs for sure. Im subd up now and looking foreword to seeing this evolve :-)



Well-Known Member
hey bro, just went through the entire thread and its been quite a ride huh.?. Def got some dankey nugs for sure. Im subd up now and looking foreword to seeing this evolve :-)

ya its been a major ride! my whole growing process from LED to HPS has been crazy and huge learning process. from shitty soil to decent soil to coco its been alot of ups and downs. ive got it pretty set now though with a majority of my plants being in coco using the lucas formula. this will hopefully be my best round so its good you tuned in now haha. i was just reading through the lucas formula thread for coco on icmag where i learned how to do what im doing and i learned a couple new things that got changed along the way so im gona try those out and see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
I don't usually dip into these kinds of debates, but Vortex fans can be had for less than the prices in myGTO2007's link. For example, a 6 inch Vortex 449 cfm fan costs 149.90 at plantlightinghydroponics.com as opposed to 167.00 for the equivalent from HVACquick. Vortex fans are not overpriced by any means. They are quiet, reliable and some people like not having to wire it up to plug it in.

main reason i want to go with those vortex is that they are at the hydro shop and i dont have to deal with waiting for packages and if they dont work all i have to do is go return it no ?s asked. something shipped i have to wait, pay for shipping, and possibly have to pay for return if it doesnt work. if i were to go with one of those which would you suggest, the 150x? only 12 dollar shipping for ground which is alright. and i still need the air to be cool so how do you do that with out a/c or a swamp cooler?


Well-Known Member
I don't usually dip into these kinds of debates, but Vortex fans can be had for less than the prices in myGTO2007's link. For example, a 6 inch Vortex 449 cfm fan costs 149.90 at plantlightinghydroponics.com as opposed to 167.00 for the equivalent from HVACquick. Vortex fans are not overpriced by any means. They are quiet, reliable and some people like not having to wire it up to plug it in.
good to know for the future! cant believe everything people say without hearing different sides and actually going research yourself. vortex do seem nice but its hard for me to believe that a 449 cfm is quiet haha! my canfan is like a jet turbine engine but i guess compared to other fans such as squirrel fans they are quieter. ive almost lost my fingers to the dam thing and a some hair if not my scalp haha! glad to see some more people interested. definetely learned my lesson about the title SHNK haha, hows you grow doing? havent seen you post pics in a bit on the 600.


Well-Known Member
I'm a lazy bastard. I threw one up on the 600 for the contest last weekend, but I knew I couldn't compete. I've got pix I haven't downloaded from the camera that are just getting stale. My grow is in full speed. I cut a plant down every day or two, I just potted up more clones, started some DOG and Cheese seeds I got from the seed fairy. I'm a busy boy. I could monopolize the 600 with what I'm doing but that would be bad manners and you know the 600! I'll post up a big update today in my thread if I get the chance.

Quiet is relative. My grow is right under my kitchen and if I'm not cooking or have the radio on I can hear the hum of my 6 inch vortex, but it sounds like a normal basement noise, ya know? Like from a dehumidifier or something like that. I'm thinking of getting a really big fan and mount it in my garage to exhaust my entire basement out of a vent in the gable. If I do that, I'll mount the fan inside an insulated enclosure and probably install a duct muffler as well. Then whatever noise there is would be in my garage attic.


Well-Known Member
I'm a lazy bastard. I threw one up on the 600 for the contest last weekend, but I knew I couldn't compete. I've got pix I haven't downloaded from the camera that are just getting stale. My grow is in full speed. I cut a plant down every day or two, I just potted up more clones, started some DOG and Cheese seeds I got from the seed fairy. I'm a busy boy. I could monopolize the 600 with what I'm doing but that would be bad manners and you know the 600! I'll post up a big update today in my thread if I get the chance.

Quiet is relative. My grow is right under my kitchen and if I'm not cooking or have the radio on I can hear the hum of my 6 inch vortex, but it sounds like a normal basement noise, ya know? Like from a dehumidifier or something like that. I'm thinking of getting a really big fan and mount it in my garage to exhaust my entire basement out of a vent in the gable. If I do that, I'll mount the fan inside an insulated enclosure and probably install a duct muffler as well. Then whatever noise there is would be in my garage attic.
ya in my room the fan is pretty loud but its not too noticeable threw the walls other then a humming sound. ill have to swing by and check out your update.


Well-Known Member
thanks for changing your post Fuzzy! glad to see you back, i remembered you were one of my first supporters of my switch in this thread.


Well-Known Member
heres my children! Sour D X ??, i think it may be hawgsbreath but i forgot. either way should be nice to toy around with in a couple months.


Well-Known Member
update finally! haha just kidding :-) Looks good LG cant wait to see them progress. As you can see my addiction to riu isn't letting up.


Well-Known Member
update finally! haha just kidding :-) Looks good LG cant wait to see them progress. As you can see my addiction to riu isn't letting up.
haha yeah ill keep to a weekly update until the real progress of buds occurs! tomorrow ill show the flower girls who have exploded in the last two weeks and filled out the entire area pretty much leaving me no more room for the plants i thought i could swing in to finish it out. should be a good round finally! really looking forward to the skywalker and grape romulan as they are looking real good. im secretly addicted too just stay on for a bit at a time but check a lot haha!


Well-Known Member
im gettin good resulte vegging under a t5 flourecent light, been vegging for 3 weeks now...i plan vegging 4 weeks under the t5 and then switch them to my 2 600watt hps lights air cooled... first time grower, everythin going good so far


Well-Known Member
im gettin good resulte vegging under a t5 flourecent light, been vegging for 3 weeks now...i plan vegging 4 weeks under the t5 and then switch them to my 2 600watt hps lights air cooled... first time grower, everythin going good so far
you vegging for another 4 weeks or up to 4 weeks? i think T5s are great light sources for veg and get very nice uniform growth and youll be amazed at the growth youll get with your 600s! you should start a journal, i would be happy to follow along and try to help where ever help is needed. how many plants you got going? could have a nice size canopy with 2 600s. post a link if you get a journal going D!


Well-Known Member
Sure... Im starting with 5 feminized seeds... They are 3 iced grape fruit. A supersilver lemon haze and my phat fruity. I would not mind to keep vegging unde my t5 lights but its only 2ft long and I already transplanted my girls into 1 gal buckets, I feel like they gon out grow the t5 lights pretty soon, therefor I will need to start using my 600 watt hps lamps I have a ballast,

4 weeks is all that im doing under my t5, aftr that I plan to vegge another 4 to 6 weeks under my hps, I am really aiming at alot of yield so I dont mind vegging for about 3 months, I hope to get clones out my girls before they go 12/12. After havesting I plan to keep a female of every strain, this will ensure that I have a constant supply of clones...what growing meathod can I look into, I want to try the sog meathod, still doing reaserch not yet convinsed which to go wit


Well-Known Member
heres my day 13 12/12 update. not very good pics since my cam sucks at these for right now but once buds form they will be better. before anyone tells me that my plants are yellowing, I know but its not from any nute problem, its from my light being close and causing bleaching! when ever i switch from CFL/LED to my HPS my plants go light green and then get bleached as well. its a small area with a lot of wattage for the area and even though my light is cooled perfectly i still cant have it too close or the bleaching will occur. doesnt bother me though since i know it has nothing to do with the plants health suffering such as a nute problem.

pic 3- Pure Kush
pics 4,5- GDP
pics 6,7- Bubba Kush
pics 8,9- DOG
pics 10,11- Skywalker Kush
pics 12,13- Grape Romulan
pics 14,15- Sour Diesel
pics 16,17- XXX OG Kush
pics 18,19- Snow Cap
pics 20,21- Pure Kush 2
pics 22,23- Killer Queen

the rest are the group photos



Well-Known Member
i agree with that whodat! its my first true run with a majority coco and i really have enjoyed the results ive got the last times with coco. still thinking about doing a scrog sometime or bringing back by bubbler hydro system but well see once i finalize my strains if i ever do. the pots may be a bit small for the size plants but coco does pretty well in small pots. next run i may up the size pots and drop the number of plants. this run im hoping for atleast three quarter lb.