Well-Known Member
If you believe in life on other planets, intelligent life, why can't it be possible that they came here 6,000 years ago and planted a couple of seedling beings (the Adam and Eve scenario) that looked around and decided they needed to get smart fast and started eating apples, ~LOL~.
It is actually a matter of faith. You either have it or you don't. who is correct, who knows. I'm sure we'll know when we stop breathing whether we fade to black or move on to another plain.
I'm in the move on category as I cant believe a creator would allow this short span of life to be it for everyone, after observing the great disparities in life. Position: why would a 10 year old in Iraq get Burned by a bomb and a 10 year old in America go to a private school, Is there any reason to this?
Explain this to me in the fairness doctrine. conclusion: There is an afterlife where one gets to transcend his problems and torture on earth. Also where assholes get to change places with 10 year olds in Iraq.
It is a matter of faith to believe in what you believe as there is no evidence (other than you really want divine judgement and vengeance).