A Case Full Of Glass

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
:grin:The postman brought presents today, seeds from sannie and this beautiful glassware from faded glassworks. Not only are they attractive, but they are highly funtional. I own several pieces from faded and find them to be from medium to thick in thickness and feel good in your hand.
Thanks fdd


12-30-09 011.jpg

12-30-09 012.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sweet, i like those war hammer bowls but i would love one with a spoon body or mouth piece that would be perfect


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3593716]Sweet, i like those war hammer bowls but i would love one with a spoon body or mouth piece that would be perfect[/QUOTE]

those are spoon bodies. it's 2 pieces. one piece is a spoon body/stem, then i attach a second section for the bowl. i make a regular spoon shape and instead of pushing a bowl i pop a hole in the end so i can attach the second piece. i have no idea what you mean when you say "spoon body". :-|


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3593745]Sorry I wasn't clear

I meant that the war hammer bodies are slim, and not wide like your normal spoons[/QUOTE]

ah, i get it. :-P


Well-Known Member
lol cool

like this one is a lil bigger, but could be wider, or at least something i would like

i still like these those
