8 weeks into flowering and nothing is happening


Ok so I am flowering my 3 plants that turned out female and I think something is wrong. Since they started to flower they have not made a lot of progress, I am on my 8th week and i still havent seen any real resin production my bud just looks like a bunch of white hairs still and i don't know what to do. They are Great White Shark and the website i bought from said 7 to 8 weeks of flowering even if that is an early prediction i feel like they should be farther than this also a few of my hairs look like they may be turning brown which is also worrying me. I know my lighting isnt the best but i have a 150 watt hps on the ground and 4 4' florescents hanging from the ceiling. The hps bulb was to heavy to hang from the ceiling in the closet that is why it is on the ground but maybe getting it closer to the tops of the plants would help? Since the pictures were taken i raised the hps bulb up probably a foot and a half higher so maybe that will help. also my plants are huge and way to tall but i tried topping them and keeping my hanging lights very close to the tops but nothing has been able to stop these huge plants. Is something wrong? if so what? My thoughts were maybe a light leak or maybe my closet is to hot (the hps bulb heats the tiny closet very fast) maybe my 12 inch pots have become to small for my plants or maybe something else? any help would be appreciated!Resampled_2012-05-24_11-49-47_131(1).jpg2012-05-24_11-49-56_233.jpg2012-05-24_11-49-30_944.jpg


Well-Known Member
What kind of florescent lights are you using? you're right your hps lamp should be up top. plant looks like a sativa maybe hybrid sativa/indica. never grew that breed. Sativa's usually talke at least 10 to 12 weeks to flower. Usually breeders give an estimate of flowering time but that depends on your set up and conditions.That's my opinion and best guess. Now that your hps is up top maybe it will start to fully flower.


Two of my florescent bulbs are grow-lux bulbs and two are 6500k bulbs. I kept the 6500k bulbs in because i was told that my hps light would be enough red light and leaving those bulbs in would give me a good spectrum of light. Coho when you say sativa dom you mean that they are mostly sativa and that is why they are taking forever correct? and there is nothing I can do about the stretching now but how will it effect my end harvest and how long it takes my plants to reach maturity?


Well-Known Member
I vote some sort of problem has occurred...how is your air exchange..? People don't realize what improper ventilation can sometimes cause in the way of stunted growth and what not...


Well-Known Member
I don't think I would have let something like that continue in my tent...I would have probably killed it awhile back...You should see definite colas by week 5 or 6...no more little hairs here and there crap...
So, I am not sure what went wrong where, but something somewhere is wrong with those plants...


Well-Known Member
Too little light, all in the wrong places. That is why you have stretch and practically no bud. That 150w HPS won't do anything on those super tall plants, it is best when placed about 6-7" above plants and even closer wouldn't hurt as long as the heat is in check.

You also state that your 4' fluoros are "on the ceiling", they won't be any good unless about 3-4" above the plant.


I didn't mean on the ceiling i meant hanging from the ceiling i have them within 3 inches of the tops of my plant if i add more light will that fix it? I have put a lot of time and money into these plants not to mention the risk of course if there is no hope for these then i would like the cut my losses now and move on but if there is hope then i will do what ever it takes to get them to bud. I thought they were just taking time but now its sounding like they might be screwed. Could someone please tell me if there is any hope? If I'm about to have to kill my 3 baby girls I would like to know so i can start preparing mentally.:sad: It will be heartbreaking...


Well-Known Member
So what would you recommend i do?
Get your lighting as close as possible to the plants. You might still pull something out of this one even if it is at 8 weeks because I see alot of stiff white hairs instead of wispy orange ones, so you are not even close to having "ripe" flowers.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean on the ceiling i meant hanging from the ceiling i have them within 3 inches of the tops of my plant if i add more light will that fix it? I have put a lot of time and money into these plants not to mention the risk of course if there is no hope for these then i would like the cut my losses now and move on but if there is hope then i will do what ever it takes to get them to bud. I thought they were just taking time but now its sounding like they might be screwed. Could someone please tell me if there is any hope? If I'm about to have to kill my 3 baby girls I would like to know so i can start preparing mentally.:sad: It will be heartbreaking...
What type of fluoros are you using? t12, t8, t5?


Well-Known Member
Yo I'm sorry but ima be honest at 8 weeks with that strain I really don't think it's worth your time and everybody telling you to keep trying are giving you false hope. Buy more seeds or feminized and keep your fluorescent close and flower earlier so they don't get as tall. Looks like a freak accident of a grow don't give up I promise they only get better in my experience. Justne grow under your belt and I'm sure you've learned a lot off of this it sucks it's a waist but it be highly unlikely you get an experience like this again


Well-Known Member
OK, a little research shows that Gro-Lux bulbs are 40w t12s. That likely means all of your bulbs are t12 40w, which is the worst lumen/watt of the straight linears. They would have been OK for vegging but horrible for flowering, and the spectrums are also wrong for flowering. Couple this with the bad positioning of the 150w HPS, and it simply appears that your plants are light starved.


Ok maybe ill give it a little more time and see if there are any improvements and if nothing happens ill just cut them down. And my bulbs are T12


Well-Known Member
get a couple of hanging plant hooks that have dry wall taps with treads on the other side. They will anchor into the ceiling nicely. You can even put some silicon around the base where it screws into the wall for more support. I had to do the same thing with my 400W hps. You have to have that high powered light on top. It does nothing on the bottom but make the popcorn pop. You want them top buds bigger..thats where the higher potency/yield will be.


Well-Known Member
Get your lighting as close as possible to the plants. You might still pull something out of this one even if it is at 8 weeks because I see alot of stiff white hairs instead of wispy orange ones, so you are not even close to having "ripe" flowers.
Yep, you watched them for 8wks looking like that.. What's a cpl more wks at maybe chance at some bud,,,,, a bud,,,,, oh ok a joint... but thats as low as im gonna go.


About my lighting i have the two grow-lux bulbs and i dont know there lumens but my other 2 bulbs are 2000 lumens each so that's 4000 plus my hps bulb is about 16000 lumens so all together i have over 20000 lumens which i figured would be enough maybe my hps on the floor really screwed me. I did try to hang it but it yanked the screws out of the ceiling so it was really my only choice although looking back i could have separated the ballast from the base and just hung the base. i figured with my white walls the light would reflect enough that it wouldnt matter where i put it, in fact i thought it might help them stop stretching so much since the most light was below them but maybe that back fired on me. I could make clones of these plants and start from that right? I haven't really looked into that yet but that is an option correct?


Well-Known Member
If and when you can (not for this grow, too late), get rid of the t12s and go with t5s. T12s are OK for cloning and mothers, maybe even vegging (pushing it), but almost next to useless as the plants mature. Definitely useless for flowering.


Well-Known Member
That late into flower, it would be really tough to get them to reveg, especially clones.. You could prob reveg the whole plant easier... it would be tough to do either 1 without getting a hermie when they reflower. Just put as much light as you possibly can and run them a cpl more wks and see what ya come up with.. At least then it won't be a total loss just more of a learning experience