8 weeks into flowering and nothing is happening


Well-Known Member
About my lighting i have the two grow-lux bulbs and i dont know there lumens but my other 2 bulbs are 2000 lumens each so that's 4000 plus my hps bulb is about 16000 lumens so all together i have over 20000 lumens which i figured would be enough maybe my hps on the floor really screwed me. I did try to hang it but it yanked the screws out of the ceiling so it was really my only choice although looking back i could have separated the ballast from the base and just hung the base. i figured with my white walls the light would reflect enough that it wouldnt matter where i put it, in fact i thought it might help them stop stretching so much since the most light was below them but maybe that back fired on me. I could make clones of these plants and start from that right? I haven't really looked into that yet but that is an option correct?
Lumens don't mean that much with fluoro tubes because that lumen output is spread out over several feet. If you are going to go with fluoro tubes, you need to change up your growing method to take advantage of the lights. That means you will need to scrog, sog, LST or something else that will result in a more even canopy so that the light can reach the bud sites.


Well-Known Member
And yes you can take clones from a plant flowering for that long they just take awhile to root. Just use all the smaller branches with barley any nug


Okay thanks everybody I am heartbroken but ill just have to move on and grow myself some new women. Ill switch my tubes to daylight and maybe add some more light and let them sit for another month and see what happens. ill also take clones from some bottom branches and see if i can get them to grow. Thanks everyone and if you have any more suggestions feel free to keep giving me advice.


Okay thanks everybody I am heartbroken but ill just have to move on and grow myself some new women. Ill switch my tubes to daylight and maybe add some more light and let them sit for another month and see what happens. ill also take clones from some bottom branches and see if i can get them to grow. Thanks everyone and if you have any more suggestions feel free to keep giving me advice.
If you can get yourself some new seeds or new clones from a vegging plant. Since you've flowered your plant for 8 weeks already it's going to take forever for the new cuttings to root and start vegging again. You'll be ahead by atleast two weeks by just starting over with new plants.

Either try to finish these plants(don't recommend, it would take atleast another 6 weeks of 12/12 and the plants will most likely hermie from flowering that long) or start over with new seeds/cuttings(I recommend starting over).


Well-Known Member
wow.......very sativish. they can take a long time to fill out, and still be fluffy, and that looks pure sativa. the heat does not help


Well-Known Member
If you can get yourself some new seeds or new clones from a vegging plant. Since you've flowered your plant for 8 weeks already it's going to take forever for the new cuttings to root and start vegging again. You'll be ahead by atleast two weeks by just starting over with new plants.

Either try to finish these plants(don't recommend, it would take atleast another 6 weeks of 12/12 and the plants will most likely hermie from flowering that long) or start over with new seeds/cuttings(I recommend starting over).
as we all see int he pictures the buds arnt developed much at all in all my flowering clone experince i can tell you the amount of time to reveg has not as much to do with how long theyve been flowering but how devloped the buds are, iv taken bottem bottem branches off of a friends kens gdp he harvested and gotten them to root and be growing in veg in under 2 weeks. hes got a plant with tons and tons of viable clones theres enough potential clones there to teach yourself how to clone and 10 friends. shit id take half that plant as clones and do a soq as soon as there revegged and about 10 inches tall. not everybody has money to just go buy another tray of clones(or pack of seeds for that matter) everytime somthing dosent go right...


Well-Known Member
that strain is supposed to be an earlier flowering sativa at 61-71days, its not gunna produce this time around thats forsure


Well-Known Member
About my lighting i have the two grow-lux bulbs and i dont know there lumens but my other 2 bulbs are 2000 lumens each so that's 4000 plus my hps bulb is about 16000 lumens so all together i have over 20000 lumens which i figured would be enough maybe my hps on the floor really screwed me. I did try to hang it but it yanked the screws out of the ceiling so it was really my only choice although looking back i could have separated the ballast from the base and just hung the base. i figured with my white walls the light would reflect enough that it wouldnt matter where i put it, in fact i thought it might help them stop stretching so much since the most light was below them but maybe that back fired on me. I could make clones of these plants and start from that right? I haven't really looked into that yet but that is an option correct?
The only way you can say the hps is giving you 16000 lumens if it is hung from the top. Having it at the bottom is going to decrease your lumens drastically....I really dont know what to tell ya. Also...leaves gather light from the tops...and breathe in co2/exhale oxygen from the bottoms. Giving them light from the bottom up greatly reduces the amount of light they can use from your hps. The hooks I suggested will not pop out of the ceiling if you install them correctly. They are made for drywall. That 150hps...I used to have one...hung it from my ceiling just fine using them hooks. I installed safety lines from the hangers on the light to screws fastened into the shelf on my closet...that way, if for some reason it does fail, the light only falls a couple inches saving my plants. If you can't hang that hps from the top...I would suggest getting a tent and not growing anything else until you are able to hang your lights correctly. What you are doing is wasting time...money and effort. Sorry to be so bold but its the truth.

Maybe for next grow you should invest in one of these...or build one yourself using 1 inch pvc pipe. It is very easy to make and cheaper than buying an already built one. This will take care of your problem, not being able to hang a 10-20 pound light from your ceiling


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Well-Known Member
Is something wrong? if so what? My thoughts were maybe a light leak or maybe my closet is to hot (the hps bulb heats the tiny closet very fast)
Big tall and ugly, you sure its 8 weeks? Its far too hot you need a peak memory thermometer to find out how hot, get the HPS off the ground not only is it heating the plants from the bottom up its basically doing nothing on the deck, put it overhead work something out. So the resaonn for this is too hot causing stretch and spindly look and lack of light causing spindly scrawny look.