8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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Well-Known Member
anyways, plants just went on light shift. the new super blues are giving the room a nice aura.... it's easier on the eyes than the soft whites I had. im doing 2 soft and 2daylights on the ceiling now, criss-crossed. I'm also experimenting on which one a plant prefers. I'll find out in about 8-11 hours


Yehh if u plant the 8 seeds in one pot then probability is tht maybe 1 or 2 r goin to harvest successfully but my suggestion is to get separate pots or just use ur resources otherwise it gonna end up wit a single plant


Active Member
anyways, plants just went on light shift. the new super blues are giving the room a nice aura.... it's easier on the eyes than the soft whites I had. im doing 2 soft and 2daylights on the ceiling now, criss-crossed. I'm also experimenting on which one a plant prefers. I'll find out in about 8-11 hours
does the criss-crossing mean more lumens ? as im replicating your grow, i need to ask can i use porn mags instead of encyclopedia's, or will the plant turn lesbo on me ?


Well-Known Member
how will you "know" which one a plant prefers in about 8-11 hrs exactly?
I put some of the plants a certain distance between the bulbs. 1 is right in the center/in between of a soft and a bright... and another plant is placed about 1/2 centimeter closer to the soft in-between the other soft & blue. I will judge the one that is off center and where it faces/leans.. and if I need more evidence the one placed in directly in the center will confirm.

and I will be able to tell by the hours because I know how the plants move now. 8 or 11 hours is security. They will probably show in 2-4 hours. but I'm just being safe.


Well-Known Member
Yehh if u plant the 8 seeds in one pot then probability is tht maybe 1 or 2 r goin to harvest successfully but my suggestion is to get separate pots or just use ur resources otherwise it gonna end up wit a single plant

yeah, that's what I was presuming also, and that's why I voted for a dubsack or 2 myself... but we'll see bro, I'm confident in getting at least 3 and at the most 7. I have 7 going right now and only 1 is being a slight nuisance as it was hard for it to get light before and it also was/is the spiders toilet. we'll see how he turns up.


Well-Known Member
Did you round up or down?
I shouldn't have said about, gas was exactly $6.19

great news. the new bulbs are sexing the shit out of my plants. they've all grown really well. even the one that was pooped on finally showed some legitimate progress for the 2nd time in it's life. they've all put on an inch and the biggest one put on about an inch and a half. I had to remove another book when I woke up.

They all favored the blue lights. even the ones under the softs were trying to get themselves some of that blue light. they were lst'ing themselves a little bit going for the blue.

I'm going to try to round up some more soil. I think I'm going to get some heavier nuted soil to add. If I feel the are starting to root fight, I will just food and dose higher to prevent them from killing each other fighting over food. I think this will help keep them all alive, along with the more soil space. I'm going to go ahead confirm that at least on Oz is coming off these hoes. I don't see any of them dying.

What's the smallest you've seen yielded on a fully grown and well harvested plant that was harvest on time? aka with at least 1% brown trichomes. I'm going to keep it low and estimate the lowest yield x7 and I'll be getting that at the least. these big ones could be producing a lot more


New Member
What's the smallest you've seen yielded on a fully grown and well harvested plant that was harvest on time? aka with at least 1% brown trichomes. I'm going to keep it low and estimate the lowest yield x7 and I'll be getting that at the least. these big ones could be producing a lot more
You could get like 1 gram 7x, so like a quarter.


Well-Known Member
lol, fuck dat Chit. but a quarter ain't bad to me. I'm estimating Around 4 Touchdowns 24-30grams at least give or take some extra points
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