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Brick Top

New Member

"RocknRolla" is another good Guy Ritchie film ... maybe not his best, but still good. Had Alan Ford not died he would have been a much better "Lenny Cole" than Tom Wilkerson was .. but it was still entertaining.

Oh ... using a picture of Toby Kebbell's corrector "Johnny Quid" from "RocknRolla" is a definite improvement over your old avatar. It was a good move on your part.


Well-Known Member
yeah, Johnny Quid is in my blood. I had to use the Dr. House avatar to be taken slightly serious at the begining to fend off the wombats.

I agree with what you said about guy ritchie, not his best film... still good. but he is a fantastic artist. and Quid is my 1 of my favorite Guy Ritchie characters

Brick Top

New Member
IIIIII represent... the lollipop kids
It was actually The Lollipop Guild.

Just a bit of useless trivia. I went to high school with the two grandsons of L. Frank Baum, the writer of "The Wizard of Oz." They lived two doors down from my Aunt.


Well-Known Member
I knew I should've looked up the lyrics, it was hard enough trying to understand what them squeeky buggers were trying to say

Brick Top

New Member
yeah, Johnny Quid is in my blood. I had to use the Dr. House avatar to be taken slightly serious at the begining to fend off the wombats.

I agree with what you said about guy ritchie, not his best film... still good. but he is a fantastic artist. and Quid is my 1 of my favorite Guy Ritchie characters

Guy Ritchie is talented for sure. In some ways he shares some types of talent with Quentin Tarantio. He has an eye for talent and knows how to use them to the fullest.

If you have never seen "Death Proof" you really need to watch it. Something tells me you would appreciate it.

If you are into watching flicks online or downloading them and burning them to DVD go to http://www.icefilms.info/index .. click on movies, click on A-Z List, click on D and scroll down to "Death Proof," that is assuming you have not yet seen it. It is well worth taking the time to watch.


Well-Known Member
You already know. Icefilms has been bookmarked for a while. I'm not really into action films, but richie is special. I'll check out the movie, I boycotted Tarantino the past 10 years. Desperado and From dusk till dawn set the bar pretty high and I saw another film of his that didn't meet my standards and I just fell off him, I'll check it out, brick

Brick Top

New Member
You already know. Icefilms has been bookmarked for a while. I'm not really into action films, but richie is special. I'll check out the movie, I boycotted Tarantino the past 10 years. Desperado and From dusk till dawn set the bar pretty high and I saw another film of his that didn't meet my standards and I just fell off him, I'll check it out, brick

"Pulp Fiction" was excellent
"Reservoir Dogs" was really very good.
"Jackie Brown" was very well made but lacked the rawness and action of many of his films.
"Inglourious Basterds" was well made but a bit 'different' even for Tarantino.

"Death Proof" is a classic.
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