8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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mango tango

Well-Known Member
but before i do i will give my advise...those seeds are going to get stunted with growth. i know cause i tried my own experimental grow with 3 seeds in 1 pot that i told NO ONE about..and the roots suffocated one another and made dwarfs. but you did prove a lot of people wrong by actually proving its real...thats a victory in of itself


Well-Known Member
I never said anything stupid... I don't have a camera? I just used a camera phone from someone. you are still an idiot..... jesus

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
I never refused any advice that was useful or made sense

and mango... it was already on my upload thing and I remember that I said I wanted to show off my work and I saw the picture of my abs so I was like...."makes sense, *upload*"

and me putting my hand there helped with the lighting and angle for a good pose, no homo. My computer has a camera on it and it was a photo session I had a year ago. I would've taken plenty pics as I still have the same computer, but I've been in safe mode the past 2-3 weeks because my computer hiccuped and my windows 7 disc is cracked and not working..... so I'm pretty much just having an all-around bad time, except for the plants. they make me happy sometimes
ooohhh really? better go back and read you thread pal. keep your sig bitch!


Well-Known Member
but before i do i will give my advise...those seeds are going to get stunted with growth. i know cause i tried my own experimental grow with 3 seeds in 1 pot that i told NO ONE about..and the roots suffocated one another and made dwarfs. but you did prove a lot of people wrong by actually proving its real...thats a victory in of itself
Yeah I need to go to the soil store and get some more soil. I'm going to make a big mound about 2.5ft high or as much as I can fit in the basket for more space.

and the picture of the plant that has a solo shot was my 3rd place plant that I dropped a towel on and thought I murdered. It grew into number 2 yesterday and today it just turned into number 1.. I just turned the lights on maybe 45 minutes ago from 5 hours of night shift. I'm pretty sure the bleeding made it grow a whole lot faster. I did do some voodoo on it as well so, that could possibly be it.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I felt it would die down from all the faggotry that had went on. but proof is proof...

fml, this turned into a lose situation. lets just get some yield next I guess....

how long till you guys think I should start 12/12?


Well-Known Member
A few actually do look pretty damn healthy, They are going to be fighting for root space but I'm guessing you've already made up your mind of not seperating them so I would switch them to 12/12 now so they still have room to grow as much as possible anyway in flowering.

If you would have seperated them from the begining I would have a lot more faith but you might be able to make a few of them work and get a little bud off it.

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
yeah, I felt it would die down from all the faggotry that had went on. but proof is proof...

fml, this turned into a lose situation. lets just get some yield next I guess....

how long till you guys think I should start 12/12?
yeah the proof is in the pudding... start flipping now. now!


Well-Known Member
A few actually do look pretty damn healthy, They are going to be fighting for root space but I'm guessing you've already made up your mind of not seperating them so I would switch them now so they still have room to grow as much as possible anyway in flowering.

Separating is hard as to how they would individually get light. the only solution is to place walls into the dirt.... maybe with playing cards. but I'm sure a root could creep under it 1 day... yeah, they are all healthy, 1 looks kind of poopy, but that's because my jumping spider likes to shit on that one all-the time. and yes it's poop, not spider mites. I'm kind of letting it sit there to see how it helps the plant


Well-Known Member
But yeah they look healthy man. Since you can't separate them, flip them to 12/12, keep up what you've been doing and hope for the best. This is great haha.


Well-Known Member
12/12 starting tomorrow at noon. 12/12 should be great since I won't have to be adding clock numbers in my head day in and day out to remember what time I shut them off and turned them on.

I was just about to say I was going to build a wall of cards. but they are paper and I'm positive they'll rot. Though I've seen a sexy marijuana tree growing out of someones trash can before... I'm going to try to find another way.

I just foilage fed 1 that I topped (the toppage looks to have starting growing a little) and another one that looked like it could use a sip. the rest aren't getting fed today.


Well-Known Member
so you didnt read the whole thread? if you refuse good advice over and over, and then spew out nonsense like he is then you will get the same.
That has nothing to do with what I was even talking about. I said notihng about refusing help, Reread my post, I was talking about the people who started the attack if thats what it is. If he refused help or quality info, thats on him. I didn't need to read 55 pages of name calling and bickering to know what I read in the first 6 pages. if that even makes any senece? But I don't think I'm spewing out nonsence? Am I? He was working with what he had and people jumped all over him.... Maybe because his sweet sweet abs.. hahahaha, or maybe the leaning tower of pizza what ever the case may be, it didn't seem right that he was being backed in a corner and did appear to ask very politely to quit the name calling and insults. Which didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
*shakes head* saw the pics....dont know what to say...im confused...amazed...bewildered...slightly more retarded...um...i...ow OWWW!!! i think i broke my brain


Well-Known Member
*shakes head* saw the pics....dont know what to say...im confused...amazed...bewildered...slightly more retarded...um...i...ow OWWW!!! i think i broke my brain
DJ I can't believe thats all you have to say??? hahaha
Lets start a sick abbs thread!!! And go!
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