8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I want to get a word in before somebody calls you a faggot! haha

how many nodes or leaves till you think I should start flowering? a couple plants are about a foot tall already at 3.5 weeks of age.... wow, it feels good to finally be able to ask a question safely.... i feel like it's a new world
What is your height restriction? I always leave space for them to at least double in size. For instance when my girls reach about 13-15" (when I grew in pots) I flowered them because my height constraints.


Well-Known Member
my height restriction is about 9-10ft the only restriction is light. a triple split cfl is what I'm working with right now, kind of looks like a ninja star

maybe I should veg for a while and just lst and top and make them short and bushy so the light can hit more plants and spread more evenly

there are definitely a lot of ways I can play this, but that seems to be great for better yield with my resources... thoughts?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Also, the light can only penetrate so far...if they are at a foot tall or so I would say flip em 12/12...CFL's dont necessarily have great canopy penetration.

But if you top them, I would give them at least another 4 days of veg before flip.


Well-Known Member
If your going to LST I wouldn't top them just because of the slow in growth(stunt).

I'm no expert on LST but I'm trying this go around for my mother plant.

Here's some pictures of this go around..

First two pics were taken 12/9/2010 second two were taken last night(12/17/2010)

DSCI0684.jpgDSCI0685.jpg12-17-2010- (1).jpg12-17-2010- (6).jpg
First pic is all I did tied main stalk down. See what it did in 8 days(plus was getting over some over-fertilization) I'm going to tie some more down in a few days.

Actually since so many people look at this thread. LST experts look at my plant and give some ideas where to go from here LOL



Well-Known Member
If your going to LST I wouldn't top them just because of the slow in growth(stunt).

I'm no expert on LST but I'm trying this go around for my mother plant.

Here's some pictures of this go around..

First two pics were taken 12/9/2010 second two were taken last night(12/17/2010)

View attachment 1332839View attachment 1332840View attachment 1332841View attachment 1332842
First pic is all I did tied main stalk down. See what it did in 8 days(plus was getting over some over-fertilization) I'm going to tie some more down in a few days.

Actually since so many people look at this thread. LST experts look at my plant and give some ideas where to go from here LOL


If your going to LST your crop you should do it when get about 4 inchs or so. The smaller the better, it will prevent less brake's in the stem because they bend very easy. The older the more harder she get's. In time you'll get her, good luck man and good looking crops!
Once the middle of the stalk dosent want to bend it's a little to late.

But what I have seen done is planting your crop on a diagonal 45 deg. This will bring your plant back down low and you can start to wrap the top around your bucket as you get new growth doing this you should see less of a chance at not breaking a steam. I havent done it this way but I've read and seen it and it works kinda will if that's your only option left.


Well-Known Member
If your going to LST your crop you should do it when get about 4 inchs or so. The smaller the better, it will prevent less brake's in the stem because the bend very easy. The older the more hard she get's. In time you'll get her, good luck man and crops! I dont mean to sound like a dick if I'm giving that off. Just trying to help!
Not trying to be a dick, but if your doing LST properly you shouldn't break any stems. You don't go and just fold them over, you gradually fold them over over a few days so the stems don't break. LOW STRESS training, if you are snapping stems then its HST HIGH stress training.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
God help me, I've waded through this fucking mess, LOOKING for some pix of this ALLEGED grow....alas, nothing, zip, nada.....just a bunch of craziness, insults, lots of undies in a bunch, hurt feelings, and none of this speaks very well of a serious cannabis forum.:roll:
But, anyway....Good luck & good grow.......BB

Sorry, that would be 570 posts

mango tango

Well-Known Member
yeah i feel like commenting for the sake of useless commenting that has been happening on this post. ive read the pages and gained zero insight....maybe my fault.... but i am now dumber then when i began the thread.

props to those of you who have actually tried helping...the whole purpose of this website is to help and inform. it seems that there is way more judging and criticizing then helping on this website...it really is too bad, we are suppose to be peaceful stoners...or am i the only one who actually relaxes when i smoke anymore??

if i were to start a thread saying ...NEWB Incandescent Grow, it would get more replys because people are way quicker to call someone out, make fun of them, and get a little "i feel like a badass high" then put their own rep on the line by giving valuable information....granted this might be an unnecessary and maybe even fake grow...but wow. im ashamed of myself for even posting to be honest

YET nonetheless a useless thread for bored people to read never hurt anyone....BUMP

mango tango

Well-Known Member
and tafbang english is your 3rd language? you use a translator.. damn even if i got you beat in the green thumb department youve got the upper edge on linguistics. at least hold on to that dignity


Well-Known Member
Good news!!! I just got a camera but i can only upload 2-3 pics so they are going to be vague!!! Will get more soon. Camera phone so i'm sending them to my email now. Will upload in like 5 minutes prrrrrr

and mango no translator... and yeah my thumb is green as fuck now


Well-Known Member
I feel like calling names. I'm pretty excited to finally show off my work~


I couldn't get the whole chair and table in because of the impossible angle to get them all at once. but... none of my plants have any problems. just 1 had a brown tip once but it was like that when it was born... so idk. probably just didn't like the gerber it was eating


grow plenty

Well-Known Member
I didn't read all 55, but I read a bunch. I saw both parties are involved in name calling and put downs. But you guys back dude in a corner with his "grow", and he did keep his cool for a while which is commendable, He did say please keep your personal feelings at bay and tried to get some help or knowledge, but there were people str8 up name calling and putting him down with in hrs of his post. Thats just crazy to me, a holier than thou mentality almost immediately? Why? whats the point? Whats to gain in backing people in a corner? So your better than him at growing, do you live in the artic circle or where ever the hell this guy lives? Maybe he doesn't make enough to buy pots, $30 bags of soil, $100 in nutes and lights. Why can't he make due with what hes got??? Ohhhh, because he's stupid for trying to do that, I forgot.. If your less fortunate your stupid for even trying. thats just sad.. To me.
The poor dude, If people can't post here,, then where do they post? People are so quick to jump all over people with less experience, knowledge, and ideals than them and I don't get that.. But different strokes for different folks I guess. I'm a firm believer in constructive response. If you don't like this guy then don't bother with him, go somewhere else, dislike someone in person. Or don't hahah, It's a free world:)
so you didnt read the whole thread? if you refuse good advice over and over, and then spew out nonsense like he is then you will get the same.

mango tango

Well-Known Member
Good news!!! I just got a camera but i can only upload 2-3 pics so they are going to be vague!!! Will get more soon. Camera phone so i'm sending them to my email now. Will upload in like 5 minutes prrrr

and mango no translator... and yeah my thumb is green as fuck now
WOW thanks for the shirtless photo??????? and why are you grabbing your dick..who took the photo? i guess you really are trying to show off your work...


Well-Known Member
so you didnt read the whole thread? if you refuse good advice over and over, and then spew out nonsense like he is then you will get the same.
I never refused any advice that was useful or made sense

and mango... it was already on my upload thing and I remember that I said I wanted to show off my work and I saw the picture of my abs so I was like...."makes sense, *upload*"

and me putting my hand there helped with the lighting and angle for a good pose, no homo. My computer has a camera on it and it was a photo session I had a year ago. I would've taken plenty pics as I still have the same computer, but I've been in safe mode the past 2-3 weeks because my computer hiccuped and my windows 7 disc is cracked and not working..... so I'm pretty much just having an all-around bad time, except for the plants. they make me happy sometimes

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
I feel like calling names. I'm pretty excited to finally show off my work~


I couldn't get the whole chair and table in because of the impossible angle to get them all at once. but... none of my plants have any problems. just 1 had a brown tip once but it was like that when it was born... so idk. probably just didn't like the gerber it was eating
now if you could just delete some of those stupid statements youve been making through out this entire thread,or.....if you would have posted pics waaaayyyy back when??? keep your sig bitch!
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