8 bulb T5 for seedlings


Active Member
So im getting ready to pop 10 more girls under a new T5 light, I completely ruined the last batch with the light 2 inches from the lip of the cup.

The guy that I got the beans from said keep the light within 6 inches this time, and so did the lady at the hydro store. Im totally new to T5s so what is the right way to do it throughout the grow?

Should I

a) start at 6 inches, let the plants grow up to the light and keep them within 2 inches

b) start at 6 inches and keep the light at 6 inches away

c) something else



Well-Known Member
I take your growing from cuttings ???? If so i normally put the light about 10 - 12 inches away to start with until i'm sure that roots have fully take'n, this will also give your wee ones time to adjust to their new environment. I would also suggest a bottle spray. You now those water bottles that you spary your plants with ?? I would spray them 10 - 12 times daily to keep them nice and moist. Remember they are just young plants and will take time to adjust, so don't be afraid for the first week or so to keep the light back a bit. By the end of the 2nd week you will be flying.

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I use t5 floros for all my seedlings and clones. I keep my light a good foot to foot and a half above them and they thrive with tight node spacing. You should never have to put the light that close to the young plants. Maybe when they are over a foot tall you can put it to 6 inches so the light gets to the lower leaves.


Well-Known Member
I have found that T5 lights throw off a shitload of heat. I am using a 6 bulb 4' one to flower under and had to do some major ventilation mods to be able to get my plants right up on the lights. I have a 4' bank of T8 lights which throw off no heat that I am growing some auto-flowers under simply because they can grow right into the lights and not be affected. With proper air movement and ventilation, you will be able to run a plant almost all the way up to the bulbs on a T5 light.


Well-Known Member
put your hand on top of the canopy of your plants and hold it there for a few minutes. if it starts to get hot then you need to raise the lights. i found that if i stacked some shoe boxes at one end of my tent and then put a fan that blows straight across the bottom of the light, heat is greatly reduced. also, cutting a hole in the tent at about the level of the canopy makes air get sucked in and right across the canopy which reduces heat as well. this is my first time using T5 lights and thus far I am kind of liking them. i have identical plants blooming under a T5 light and an HPS light, so we will see how my yields compare..


Well-Known Member
I use T5 for seedlings and vegging, and they will burn your seedlings at 2 inches. Keep the lights at least 6 inches away and keep a fan blowing over the plants.

T5s are great for vegging, they produce shorter, beefier plants compared to growing under HPS. But I would flower under HPS, no doubt.