Lying pig gets retirement package, medicine farmers die in prison, seems pretty fair considering how dangerous marijuanas are
Yes and when you inject them straight into the eyeballs is v dangerousMarijuana is dangerous.
It drives pigs mad.
They'll knock down your door and flashbang you out of fear and hate.
People are murdered by police daily.
I saw a police officer shoot an unarmed man in the back while he was handcuffed, face-down, on the ground.
I watched as he drew his pistol, not his taser, then I saw him aim and pause to allow the other officer that had his knee on the man's neck to get clear before he fired.
That is what makes marijuana so dangerous, law enforcement.
Tupac was right.
Poor dude. His sentence is really spotlighted when compared with Carlos Danger and what he was convicted of.
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that would be true if we were to ignore the impending indictments on trump's campaign manager and russian stooge, paul manafort.First we'll be seeing Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) crash and burn.
how many years in prison do you suppose donald trump would get for the pedophilia he committed with his buddy and convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein?
a judge found this suit credible enough to go forward, and then they came back with more witnesses.
is it any wonder why convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein had to plead the fifth when asked if he and trump had ever lurked around underage minors together?
that would be true if we were to ignore the impending indictments on trump's campaign manager and russian stooge, paul manafort.
let's not forget flynn as well. he was a foreign agent too.
they've had manafort tapped for years now. everything he said to dotard will eventually be public record, and that will be ugly. damning stuff.
and apparently bannon, cohn, miller, priebus, kushner and ivanka all used private email. that is now illegal to do. it wasn't when hillary did it.
plus sessions perjured himself, that's a felony worth a lot of prison.
the only question now is who in the trump regime won't be going to prison for the illegal acts they pulled?
anyhoo, good luck trying to get the stench of corruption and prison off of the entire trump team, you worthless limp-dicked nazi!
it was a fair question.didnt realize your so anti- cannabis....good to know
You guys are just so darned cute when you put on your denial glasses. Nobody is going to jail on any federal charges unless they turn on trump. The power of the pardon is there, directly embedded in the constitution, and there are no limits at this point in time.
He can pardon anyone and everyone he wants to, including himself, of any and all crimes committed against the united states. You gave him that power when you elected him.
Sure, the SCOTUS could rule it doesn't apply when there is a direct conflict of interest. But this SCOTUS? Not likely. Many of them are strict interpretists. And it will take years to wind it's way up and down the court system.
Trump will be in his gold mausoleum at arlington before any of this is resolved to the point here someone goes to jail.
And don't forget that even if the court strikes down Trump's ability to pardon, it won't effect his successor. Nixon died an ex-president, not a criminal. Disgusting, but that's history for you.
nice stretch.....that post was specifically quoted because it, of course, deflected from the topic. But then, you make some egregious assumptions that makes you look you are wishing for pedophiles? how did it relate to my was a fair question.
how many years in prison do you suppose donald trump would get for the pedophilia he committed with his buddy and convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein?
What? do you think pedophiles are OK if they support legalizing cannabis? Umm, no. One doesn't have to include the other.
he should have violated the 4th amendment rights of thousands of hispanic citizens in defiance and criminal contempt of a court order.
if he did that then trump would just pardon him.
law and order, dickbags.
nice stretch.....that post was specifically quoted because it, of course, deflected from the topic. But then, you make some egregious assumptions that makes you look you are wishing for pedophiles? how did it relate to my link....
but my question was a fair one: why are you and Buck anti-cannabis?
because a hyperbolic false equivalency, still doesn't change the fact that this man is going to prison for cannabis and I smell bacon.
Only if you use a thick needle.Yes and when you inject them straight into the eyeballs is v dangerous
You on the Bart that day too?Marijuana is dangerous.
It drives pigs mad.
They'll knock down your door and flashbang you out of fear and hate.
People are murdered by police daily.
I saw a police officer shoot an unarmed man in the back while he was handcuffed, face-down, on the ground.
I watched as he drew his pistol, not his taser, then I saw him aim and pause to allow the other officer that had his knee on the man's neck to get clear before he fired.
That is what makes marijuana so dangerous, law enforcement.
Tupac was right.
"Apparently" the same thing is happening in at least one west African country, they have found cannabinoids which may be helpful in cases of cerebral malaria, obviously there's plenty of slack for all involved due to gov involvement, competition is worked on ruthlessly no doubtOnly if you use a thick needle.
We have a similar thing here... In Durban, there is a massive cannabis farm. Somehow it managed to find legal permission and funding (the supposed owner is a poor rasta supposedly).
Enquiries have been made relating to the minutes of the meetings where it was decided to give such permission. No information has been forthcoming, yet they are still busting growers.