757's pooponics and no frills last minute garden

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I'm not 100% poo, but I do use cow, horse, chicken and turkey in the mix. And I do my best to do it on the cheap.

Remember when we grew with manures for economic rather than ecological reasons? What I learned back then was 1 coffee can of chicken shit was about the same as 5 gallons of cow shit. One of the reasons I grew in an old chicken pen last year. {the patch name was CP and my best two plants were CP1 and CPDA {deer ate}.


Well-Known Member
I'm not 100% poo, but I do use cow, horse, chicken and turkey in the mix. And I do my best to do it on the cheap.

Remember when we grew with manures for economic rather than ecological reasons? What I learned back then was 1 coffee can of chicken shit was about the same as 5 gallons of cow shit. One of the reasons I grew in an old chicken pen last year. {the patch name was CP and my best two plants were CP1 and CPDA {deer ate}.
When I got this place the people be 4 had all kinds of animals and left me their shit. Rabbit,chicken,turkey,guinea fowl, Llama, sheep, and goat. I also had the neighbor happily drop off their horse and cow shit for me.
And I like the grow bag grow bag. Too cool.
Thanks. This was extremely last minute and it's what was on hand as I didn't want to spend anymore. Lols. It's working awesome and plan to add a few more grow bag, bags


Well-Known Member
I'm in already. I've got 2 getaway specials in a hay ring in the middle of a buddy's horse pasture. He's been filling that hay ring with horse manure from his barn, particularly the stables for a couple years. That's even better cause the horse has pissed all over it, upping the N even more. I doubt that matters as old as it is and well as this shit is composted. . Next time I visit him I'll get pics.

Oh yeah, he buried a horse where that ring is 2 years ago. That's why the ring was placed there to begin with.


Well-Known Member
I'm in already. I've got 2 getaway specials in a hay ring in the middle of a buddy's horse pasture. He's been filling that hay ring with horse manure from his barn, particularly the stables for a couple years. That's even better cause the horse has pissed all over it, upping the N even more. I doubt that matters as old as it is and well as this shit is composted. . Next time I visit him I'll get pics.

Oh yeah, he buried a horse where that ring is 2 years ago. That's why the ring was placed there to begin with.
Awesome! This thread is gonna be the shit!


Well-Known Member
When I say "in the middle" I mean it too. These are in the middle of a 10 acre pasture with nothing around them. However, the fence is old and grown up, so from the outside you can't see. Once in the pasture however, these big growing bastards gonna stick out lol. You'll see when I post pics.


Well-Known Member
When I say "in the middle" I mean it too. These are in the middle of a 10 acre pasture with nothing around them. However, the fence is old and grown up, so from the outside you can't see. Once in the pasture however, these big growing bastards gonna stick out lol. You'll see when I post pics.
I remember a few years back there was a member who grew in str8 hay bales. And had good results from what I remember. I look forward to the pics smidge

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, he buried a horse where that ring is 2 years ago. That's why the ring was placed there to begin with.
Back in the day my BIL hunted with dogs. Maintaining a pack of deer hounds is not a cheap hobby. Your feed bill, even when adding deer to their diet, is pretty big. So you want all the dogs to pull their weight. You've heard the expression, that dog won't hunt. When you get one that won't hunt, it is unethical to breed, trade, sell or give the dog away. It has to be put down. Well the BIL being a pragmatic fellow, he would take the dog for a one way walk out to his patch, along with a shovel and his pistol. The strain I'm growing now was from a dead dog patch. I thought about naming the strain "that dog won't hunt" instead of Sidetracked:

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Back in the day my BIL hunted with dogs. Maintaining a pack of deer hounds is not a cheap hobby. Your feed bill, even when adding deer to their diet, is pretty big. So you want all the dogs to pull their weight. You've heard the expression, that dog won't hunt. When you get one that won't hunt, it is unethical to breed, trade, sell or give the dog away. It has to be put down. Well the BIL being a pragmatic fellow, he would take the dog for a one way walk out to his patch, along with a shovel and his pistol. The strain I'm growing now was from a dead dog patch. I thought about naming the strain "that dog won't hunt" instead of Sidetracked:
That is soo fucking wrong on so many levels


Well-Known Member
That is soo fucking wrong on so many levels
It's a bitch and not something I could do. At the same time I have seen many hunting dogs, bred strictly for sale as a hunting commodity and little else and for the ones who suck, the future is bleak. Some wind up for sale at trade day after trade day or in one newspaper ad after another, changing hands time after time from one hunter trying to get his money back to another. These dogs live out their lives hungry, scared, lonely and suffering. Sometimes a .22 to the head is better for the dog. It sucks I know. If breeders were responsible and driven by ethics and not profit motive the market wouldn't be flooded with many times more animals than homes. Sad reality.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
I understand a dog can have skills...but for God sakes if you get a dog it should be a pet first! Neither of my dogs are really good at anything other then being naughty but I'm not going to shoot them because they can't hunt. They are not a tool to only use when you need it. Makes me sick! Yes putting them down is probably better then the life they are given but....grrr.....how about law makers go after those fucker a lil harder then they go after people who put seeds in the ground?