70% of Americans now support Medicare-for-all

Except by living in a land, voting, paying taxes, etc, you give the implicit consent, so you don't have an argument there other than "I want free stuff NOW and damn everyone else" which really isn't much of an argument at all when you think about it.

You don't vote, then you have no say in what happens, you are consenting to them doing what they wish no matter what by your inaction.

You don't like it, move to a land that suits your ideals. Like Venezuela.

No thank you.

Also, your point of view is demonstrably false, if you believe all people have equal rights.
No thank you.

Also, your point of view is demonstrably false, if you believe all people have equal rights.

Yet you act in the opposite manner, where only those with your views are "equal" in any way and the rest can go fuck themselves, whilst ignoring the basic tenets of what "consent" means in relation to how a country gets run.

Now, by no means am I saying any system of government is perfect, and my own comments about politicians only being interested in getting their snouts deeper in the trough should be quite a hint towards my contempt for damn near every one of them from local to regional to national government, but that matters not one jot in regard to your dribbling about how you never "consented" to various things when the reality is that you legally living in a country, voting, etc, does mean you have given consent to these people you claim you haven't.

You don't like the system, then rebel against it and face the consequences thereof or move elsewhere instead of whining like a worn out jet engine.

Your future is in your own hands, accept the situation you have voluntarily put yourself in or change it. Either way, stop being a whiny "It's not fair" snowflake bitch.
Yet you act in the opposite manner, where only those with your views are "equal" in any way and the rest can go fuck themselves, whilst ignoring the basic tenets of what "consent" means in relation to how a country gets run.

Now, by no means am I saying any system of government is perfect, and my own comments about politicians only being interested in getting their snouts deeper in the trough should be quite a hint towards my contempt for damn near every one of them from local to regional to national government, but that matters not one jot in regard to your dribbling about how you never "consented" to various things when the reality is that you legally living in a country, voting, etc, does mean you have given consent to these people you claim you haven't.

You don't like the system, then rebel against it and face the consequences thereof or move elsewhere instead of whining like a worn out jet engine.

Your future is in your own hands, accept the situation you have voluntarily put yourself in or change it. Either way, stop being a whiny "It's not fair" snowflake bitch.

So you didn't ask me why your previous post is based in an inconsistent error. Scared?

Putting political bias aside, imagine all the free stuff we could have if our military was only big enough, and based solely on US soil, to protect us from attack, which is unlikely if we stopped the CIA/IMF from interfering in other countries all around the world
Nevermind free stuff, can we just spend our taxes on us? This corporate Warmonger welfare crap needs to stop.
Also, anyone arguing against a tried and true internationally universally utilized healthcare system that removes the profit incentive to deny you care, costs less, and frees up doctors to make care decisions on patient need, not cost, well, you're just a useful idiot who's buying a con job.
Putting political bias aside, imagine all the free stuff we could have if our military was only big enough, and based solely on US soil, to protect us from attack, which is unlikely if we stopped the CIA/IMF from interfering in other countries all around the world

That's a good point. Most of the military industrial complex expenditures are "financed" thru monetary expansion (debt creation) and the whole house of cards is reliant on the U.S. petro dollar maintaining it's status as the dominant world currency.

Two peripheral bad things come from the constant "borrowing", US Empire (military might) oppresses people abroad constantly and domestically the creation of inflation keeps the zombie slave hamsters on the treadmill. All the while the propagandist media keeps the taste great / less filling thing going to occupy the stooges.

No wonder "they" killed JFK, can't say Eisenhower didn't warn us.

Moral of the story = Plant food, hoard precious metals.

Nevermind free stuff, can we just spend our taxes on us? This corporate Warmonger welfare crap needs to stop.
Also, anyone arguing against a tried and true internationally universally utilized healthcare system that removes the profit incentive to deny you care, costs less, and frees up doctors to make care decisions on patient need, not cost, well, you're just a useful idiot who's buying a con job.

I appreciate your sentiment and you were doing so well, until the last sentence.

The thing you correctly rail against in the first sentence, is really just a large scale institution of force paid for via forcible confiscation. (inflation...the hidden tax)

Which is also what a universal healthcare system would be the way that you described it. Consumers benefit and prices typically are reduced when a competitive free market (not a crony market ) is in place. A one size fits all system held in place not by consumer demand, but instead by decree...is just another instance of offensive force.

Being against the USA "war machine" is a good thing, because it is an institution of offensive force, which is also what a universal healthcare system would need to be in order to become "universal" without any profit motive.
That's a good point. Most of the military industrial complex expenditures are "financed" thru monetary expansion (debt creation) and the whole house of cards is reliant on the U.S. petro dollar maintaining it's status as the dominant world currency.

Two peripheral bad things come from the constant "borrowing", US Empire (military might) oppresses people abroad constantly and domestically the creation of inflation keeps the zombie slave hamsters on the treadmill. All the while the propagandist media keeps the taste great / less filling thing going to occupy the stooges.

No wonder "they" killed JFK, can't say Eisenhower didn't warn us.

Moral of the story = Plant food, hoard precious metals.


Metals are just as stupid as plain fiat. Unless the metal is being used for something practical like in electronics, an essential nutrient, or purification, etc, you might as well use sea shells. Otherwise it's forcing idol worship. "Oh shiny gold, you so purdy..."
Metals are just as stupid as plain fiat. Unless the metal is being used for something practical like in electronics, an essential nutrient, or purification, etc, you might as well use sea shells. Otherwise it's forcing idol worship. "Oh shiny gold, you so purdy..."

Very well then, send me all your gold and silver me matey!!

I appreciate your sentiment and you were doing so well, until the last sentence.

The thing you correctly rail against in the first sentence, is really just a large scale institution of force paid for via forcible confiscation. (inflation...the hidden tax)

Which is also what a universal healthcare system would be the way that you described it. Consumers benefit and prices typically are reduced when a competitive free market (not a crony market ) is in place. A one size fits all system held in place not by consumer demand, but instead by decree...is just another instance of offensive force.

Being against the USA "war machine" is a good thing, because it is an institution of offensive force, which is also what a universal healthcare system would need to be in order to become "universal" without any profit motive.

So you feel opressed when you see a sign telling you to bus your own dishes at Ikea? Things like that used to be common courtesy which now needs begging.

Only three generations ago doctors weren't making the equivalent of six and seven figures. When, not, if, universal health care happens, people will do the job for the satisfaction of helping their fellow human. Just like I do posting here, along the amusement factor.

Doctors used to get paid in chickens and produce, now it's for stacks of Benjamins, which has dehumanized care and why malpractice insurance is necessary.

Universal healthcare isn"t going to be like forcing you to practice Satanism you're afraid of. You'll actually get treatment for that excessive hair growth and stop scaring the children.

So relax and breathe.
So you feel opressed when you see a sign telling you to bus your own dishes at Ikea? Things like that used to be common courtesy which now needs begging.

Only three generations ago doctors weren't making the equivalent of six and seven figures. When, not, if, universal health care happens, people will do the job for the satisfaction of helping their fellow human. Just like I do posting here, along the amusement factor.

Doctors used to get paid in chickens and produce, now it's for stacks of Benjamins, which has dehumanized care and why malpractice insurance is necessary.

Universal healthcare isn"t going to be like forcing you to practice Satanism you're afraid of. You'll actually get treatment for that excessive hair growth and stop scaring the children.

So relax and breathe.

Except, I have a choice to go to Ikea, (or not) which is the relevant point. Choice, free will etc.

When you don't have a choice and MUST use X, how is that congruent with a "service" ? Services to be a real service must involve mutual assent.

I am not opposed to the results of "Universal healthcare" , I am opposed to the forcible means that would be used to do it.

I like my excessive hair, the chicks really dig it.

I appreciate your sentiment and you were doing so well, until the last sentence.

The thing you correctly rail against in the first sentence, is really just a large scale institution of force paid for via forcible confiscation. (inflation...the hidden tax)

Which is also what a universal healthcare system would be the way that you described it. Consumers benefit and prices typically are reduced when a competitive free market (not a crony market ) is in place. A one size fits all system held in place not by consumer demand, but instead by decree...is just another instance of offensive force.

Being against the USA "war machine" is a good thing, because it is an institution of offensive force, which is also what a universal healthcare system would need to be in order to become "universal" without any profit motive.
Hey barter tard,

Why does socialized healthcare work everywhere and why do your retarded ideas not work anywhere?
Hey barter tard,

Why does socialized healthcare work everywhere and why do your retarded ideas not work anywhere?

My ideas center around peaceful and consensual human interactions, which works well for me.

Back to the first part of your question....."Venezuela" . I win, AGAIN !!!
Except, I have a choice to go to Ikea, (or not) which is the relevant point. Choice, free will etc.

When you don't have a choice and MUST use X, how is that congruent with a "service" ? Services to be a real service must involve mutual assent.

I am not opposed to the results of "Universal healthcare" , I am opposed to the forcible means that would be used to do it.

I like my excessive hair, the chicks really dig it.
You had a choice whether or not to send your 3 boys to a public school.
Did you burn the deed to your land/home ? or do you keep it for safe keeping ?
you are a hypocrite and all talk. You can not even live up to your own crazy talk. Reality is a motherfucker
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Hey barter tard,

Why does socialized healthcare work everywhere and why do your retarded ideas not work anywhere?

Obama promised to close Gitmo but instead droned more than all previous presidents combined. If we elector another Democrat, what assurance will you give it won't start WW3?