7 WhiteWidow Soil Growbox CFLs

Why do these thread all of a sudden come to a halt???? I noticed that this site has some good info, but like I said about the threads just coming to a halt is true. Well this is my first post on this particular Forum site. I've been a member of a couple other site's (Still am actually.) but I figured I'd register to this site, so I can get some visuals on what other people do in regards to their techniques and how they set their grow boxes. I'm in the process of completing my box in the next month or so(if i had the funds, I could probably finish it tomorrow, lol.) and this will be my second grow, but with a much more appropriate grow environment. I'm confident that I will become more successful as time goes on and more knowledge than I currently have is acquired. Like they say though, practice makes perfect,lol. Well, I hope to be around more often than I was at other sites i was a member of in the past. I get way too distracted at some point's with other goings on, but my head is back in the game and I'm ready to finish my double stacked Rubbermaid grow box (50Gal. Tubs, Stacked and held together at one end with 2 door latches, so I can flip it up when needed.) I,ve got all the materials except for the following: 2 Computer fans Intake/Outake (Is the out take fan supposed to be a bit smaller than the Intake fan? I read this on another post, Thanks?) 2 PCS Elbows for passive air flow.( I do need 2 am i correct? And they go on the bottoms of the length wise side ends of the box, please correct me if I'm wrong, thanks. I still need to get another matching 50gal. Rubbermaid tub for the top half of my grow box.
Well I guess that should be all that i need to finish my baby. Just a couple other questions if no one minds: Is it a good idea to use power surge strips as outlets for my CFL's which will be plugged into my Y adapters? Well, I can't think of anymore questions right now, but I will have some more for sure as my project advances in it's build stages. Thanks guy's. One last thing: I truly hope that this thread and my post can be revived and answered (My questions answered at least please, lol.) It will be depressing to see another dried up forum site go dry. Ya dig? Ok, bye for now (-: .