7 Outdoor/All Ace Seeds Indoors

Ok, big multi-post update and I’ll start with Blue Cindy harvest. So I’m going low and slow at 55f on my freeze dryer and I’m really liking the results. That little extra 5f to the dry really helps the cure. The weed came out smelling just like I put them in, sour blueberries. So they start at 4pm Monday and finished at 11:30pm last night. Overall I have 200g of dried bud, with probably potential for 100+g of dried bud to be added from the freezer. So I took some a few hours ago and it’s super citrus/blueberry, I’m relaxed, hungry, little slow and walking in a hazy after only 2 bowls. Why’d I take so long to grow you again :)

Tent got a simple watering with a tad of Epsom salt. I think my Golden Tiger x Panama and Malawi as once again battling on who to harvest first. Noticed them both getting frostier but the GTxP is barely drinking now, in comparison to everyone else who keep drinking away at the same rate. As much as I wanna harvest, I think I gotta let them keep going. Thankfully they should be fine for another couple weeks, as my priorities for harvest lay elsewhere.

Here lies elsewhere, and I think Slurricane will come down on Friday. Had a few gusty days and blew over several times and lost a few limbs, and dirty others up. Still a bit of rot on her and MAC(k) were removed today, and I don’t wanna lose anymore. Thought Blue Cindy could go a bit longer but she’s pretty good where I got her too, and will hope for the same with this. Also removed some rot was from C99 yesterday when the pics were taken. Blackberry Moonrocks is looking hearty, and man are her buds rock hard and dense. Maybe take her down n Monday after Amy short work shift. MAC(k) seems like she needs another week or so, but the weekend ain’t looking great and will give her Slurricane extra cover when I take her down Friday. so in order Slurricane, MAC(k), C99, BlackBerry Moonrocks and CBG

Recently took down my Slurricane plant, got 1839g of wet bud, first batch is dried and I jarred 231g. Tried about 4 bowls of her before bed, and shes pretty mellow man. She tastes real smooth and can taste the DoSiDos lineage in her. She’s slightly flowery, sort of sweat with some very faint berry like taste. She didn’t hit like a truck like a thought it would but the weighted blanket eventually just started to feel heavier and heavier without any adjusting. Also made me a bit snacky and couldn’t help myself from eating a full salted caramel chocolate bar at midnight too myself. So I’m hoping on Monday after a short work shift, I can take down my BlackBerry Moonrocks. Gonna need a bit longer to dry because of how dense her buds are.

Fuck that was a big plant to take down, but BlackBerry Moonrocks is down. My basket was overflowing when I took them in on the limbs, and still overflowed when I got them down to buds. I’m gonna need 2 individual freeze drying sessions to complete everything. So hard to say exactly what I got but metal bowls are roughly 70g and weren’t subtracted before the first 2 bowl filling Pics. So roughly it’s about 2800g and won’t be starting my dry cycle until later tonight because I’m gonna go 18.5hrs for the dry. So I don’t have to set an alarm for 2am and can do my more normAl 6-7am wake-up. Sadly I did lose a bit to rot but might of done slightly better then the other 3 I’ve taken down. So enjoy the pics, and hopefully MAC(k) of C99 comes down Thursday or Saturday.

Sad news inside as I had to remove a top cola on my Golden Tiger x Panama runt plant. It just went to brown on me, i wonder if I’m letting them dry too much between waterings. She is one frosty looking plant, but a few weeks from finishing. I guess with my outdoor gals, everyone is at least another week or 2 from even being considered for harvest. Plus I tend to think I’ll do them all by hand because my TrimPro will be too rough. Golden Tiger almost seems like she’s another month or so from finishing at the way she keeps reflowering. So hopefully by early November I’ll have this journal completed and all dried too. So enjoy folks

I don’t know if I trust this newer scale I’m using, as the numbers don’t seem right. First batch of BlackBerry Moonrocks is dried and only 175g but looks like more. They aren’t the prettiest looking buds as the blade on my TrimPro was in need of a sharpening, lots of green left on the buds. Thankfully because of the freeze drying process, I can take a finger up and down on the buds and the leafy green just flakes right off. I took 2 bowls of her about 20mins ago and she is real mellow. I can feel my eyes just drooping right now, and can see this knocking me on my ass tonight with a few extra bowls in me. She’s gassy in both taste/stink with a blackberry almost cherry like hint in there as well. So far, so good and probably only half the finished weight done too. Hoping to maybe get my MAC(k) down tomorrow, but worried about lack of freezer space for the extra buds that won’t fit in the first dry round.

I wanna harvest a tent plant so badly right now, but the runt is turning pink on my like her replacement. Plus outside plants need to be done first. Killer A5 Haze took its time but she’s really getting fat. So I’ll keep it simple to plant pics and a bud shot too.

So I got my MAC(k) down and ended with about 2080g in wet bud. I sadly lost A LOT to bud rot on this one. I lost about 6 big colas because the rot just spread under the tarp. So I don’t have a lot of big buds but a lot of popcorn like buds, because I broke them down looking for more rot. Good thing I did because I did find more rot/questionable looking buds that I just garbaged. My Cinderella 99 will hopefully come down on Sunday, and she’s gotten fat/frosty.

So everything finished around 12:30 this morning, and sat in my good ol’ cardboard box until I jarred everyone this morning. So for my MAC came to 205g dried, with again another possible 80-100g to be added later when the rest gets a turn to be freeze dried. Tomorrow Cinderella 99 will come down for sure with hopes of Malawi coming down Wednesday or my CBG.

Cinderella 99 is now down, and got roughly 1525g in wet buds. No delaying this batch and ready have most of it freeze drying as we speak. Happy to say this strain did overall great against bud rot. I’ve removed buds here and there, but it did a great job of just staying put. Unlike the other strains outside, if the bud rotted it never seem to move onto the next closest. Which is even more surprising with how early it got hit by the wpm issue. Buds were pretty big, frosty and screaming with a sour citrus like smell. Like my Blue Cindy, but without the blueberry (well, no shit right) Got our first frost possibly hitting tonight and so I’m sort of tempted to take down my CBG plant in an hour, but I’m tired. So this should be done but mid evening tomorrow and Wednesday hopefully it’s Malawi time.

So Cinderella 99 finished freeze drying around 9:15 last night, sat in cardboard box for 13hrs before jarring (so far) 225g. I probably have another 50-70g when dried, just waiting its turn in the freezer. She smells amazing like an intense sweet overripe pineapple and tastes about the same too with a hint of citrus lime like taste. Was my 2nd year in a row growing and is one of my goto strains for the afternoon. She had a wpm issue early, lost a couple buds to rot BUT probably did the best of the all for the little amount lost to it.

A bit late on the tent updates, but I’m still hoping to get Malawi down tomorrow. I took another work shift that might be my only hiccup to my possible plans. My Killer A5 Haze buds just went hard and plump in random areas, but had a mad lean over come over look now. If Malawi comes down tomorrow, I will swing their yo-yos over to help her out. Haven’t noticed and another bud issues pop up, and thank god for that. My runt GTxP girl is starting to turn red like her replacement sister, but won’t get anywhere near her depth of colours. So I gotta water everyone tonight and will do everyone the same, again in case of work going longer tomorrow.

Last night it didn’t seem like I would be here, but thankfully everything worked out in the end. I forgot what it’s like trimming buds by hand, but my TrimPro would have destroyed the buds. Thankfully it keeps everyone looking real pretty and frosty like. So with the Malawi down I got 559g and drying as we speak, and should take like 4hrs less then everyone else to dry Since they are lighter structured. So hopefully a smoke report will happen tomorrow. Quick math says this would have been day 101 of flowering too. Hopefully my Golden Tiger x Panama replacement plant can possible come down this Sunday.

She’s finished and got 144g dried from my Malawi. I did take a few grams to sample before pics were taken, and I’m having problems describing the flavour because my cousin was over and had vaped some of my MAC(k) and a mystery joint. So I had these kind of competing with my Malawi (2 bowls from the bong) test sample, and I burnt my tongue smoking the joint. First thing thou is she is like a shot of energy to the system with me being super alert, but can see where a few more bowls would get trippy. For the first 30-60mins I seem to have a ghosting effect when moving my eyes left and right on the peripheral vision. I’m close to 2hrs in now and I’m still alert, even after a shitty nights sleep. Plus I devoured my big supper with me going back for 2nds, and a couple handfuls of chips too. She doesn’t seem to crave the food, but I have no problem eating it when offered. Can’t wait for the others to finish and try

Well I removed a little more bud off my GTxP runt, and playing it safe then sorry. I decided to cut her down yesterday after 108 days in the flowering light cycle. So the runt still gave me 476g wet and just jarred her at 113g dried. So I took a few grams away to try before the weigh in and holy shit is she ever sweat. She was like a handful of fruit flavoured hard candies. She also has a bit of the Golden Tiger in her, but more in the effects. I’m more alert on this strain but the hunger is the same and happy go lucky floaty feeling. Maybe a bit more side distortion with visions after 3 bowls from the bong. Love my Sativas but OMG I forgot how long hand trimming can take with my plants. (trim job wasn’t even that great either) Can’t wait to compare her to the other plant because she throwing out new growth again but she’s pinky/red colour almost top to bottom. So I’m probably a week or 2 until my next harvest. My outdoor CBG is still out there, but she has rot here and there. I just might just let her go as wpm is also present but not terrible that a wash won’t help. So maybe I’ll get some of the freezer bud cleared out this week.

I’m a bit behind on the updates, so I’ll start with my 2nd Golden Tiger x Panama replacement seed to the runt. I think I let some of her colas sort of dry out a tiny bit because of my fan blowing constantly on them. Sort of did this after the other gal moulded a bit on me. No issues other than that dryness of buds and fan leaves. So her total was 464g(w) and freeze dried to a total of 119g. She smells like walking into a clean elementary school gymnasium, and it hit me like that as well. I’m much more alert and energetic, but objects like my Xmas tree light look a bit brighter with a glow. I like her better than the runt version, but preferred the taste of the sweeter fruitier runt. So not the prettiest buds again overall but she feels wonderful after 3 bowls, but I also had fried chicken shortly beforehand. Oily fried food just seems to love amplifying my high and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Hoping to finish up my harvesting portion tomorrow with Golden Tiger finally coming down. Then I just got to finish what’s left of the outdoor stuff that are still in various freezers in basement.

freeze dry some more Blackberry Moonrocks from the freezer and still have a bit left to dry. Got another 246g and sort of ran out of jars, and so food saver bags they go. Sadly I also might of over dried a bit, but hopefully time in the bags will improve that a bit.IMG_5619.jpegIMG_5620.jpegIMG_5621.jpeg
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Nice grow, thanks for sharing! Love that you can grow like that outside. Hopefully someday in the future I will be able to have some back yard plants all legal and stuff. Too many nosy people nearby at the moment plus a city cop lives 2 houses down.
I wanted to get my Golden Tiger down this past Sunday but things got in the way and now looks like I won’t get to her until Thursday . . . Saturday the latest. Still have a bunch of weed in my freezer and so I finished off the rest of my MAC with an additional 125g, or a grand total of 330g. I also got the rest of my Slurricane too fit and got another 74g, and a grand total of 305g.

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We finally have my final plant down. At almost 20 weeks I believe Golden Tiger finally got the chop and I think she was the biggest of them all. She was a hefty 586g wet and freeze dried to about 142g dried. I I might of tried a smidge before the pics ;) She is pretty much like my last outing in a spicy mandarin orange (maybe a hint more spice in this one) but this one also has some grapefruit in her too. Along with her spicy taste, fuck em does she love them spicy tacos too. Everything was just hitting me so nicely and I’m a state of happy bliss. She is probably a yearly grow for me I think, unless my supply is good. I also have another plant down (Killer A5 Haze) That I still wanna process before reporting.
