7 Outdoor/All Ace Seeds Indoors

Just a tent grow update as I’m away from my home, but had enough time to get tent pics. Gave all a watering last night, leaf health hasn’t improved BUT hasn’t seem to get any worse either. Both of my Golden Tiger x Panama are just getting frostier and frostier every time I look. I believe I’m having just a tiny bit of stretch still happening Golden Tiger and maybe a slight bit on Killer A5 Haze. They’re also starting to fill in nicely with Killer A5 Haze taking a bit longer than the other 3 strains/4 plants. So I’m wondering what phenotype I have, but I’m leaning towards the Malawi one just because of the look of the leafs. Anyways here are my pics, and will hopefully have an outdoor update later tomorrow when I return home.

Ok I’m back home and it’s been 2 days since I‘ve last seen my plants and OH BOY! My sister was gracious enough to water everyone yesterday and I don’t know if the growth happen last night but my plants are starting to tower over my head. Plus everyone but the CBG plant are showing the start of flowering now. Have potential for some bad storm over the coming 4 days but hopefully they’ll be fine, before I probably leave them for another 2 day trip. When they start to pack on their flowering weight, I’m gonna have to find them some support soonish.

Gave everyone just a plain watering last night, and smelling wonderful today. My GTxP runt almost has a pine like smell, the replacement smells very floral like roses. It‘s pistils have some pink coming in and the runt is ll white. I think I might due a light topping or cal/mag on her as well, as I notice a few spots on a leaf here and there. Checked them closer to see if it was bugs but no signs there or on anyone else. (Thank God) So some pics

As for outside, they just keep drinking and growing on me. I soaked the hell out of my MAC plant 2 days ago, and she was almost bone dry this after when I return home from work. Same thing for my Slurricane and Blue Cindy but still a tiny bit more weight to them. Either way, these gals are all becoming monsters on me. Pot and all, I think all but the CBG plant is above the 7 foot+ mark. Back to my MAC plant and the stem split that happen a couple weeks back. The weight was starting to rip apart the tape, so I added a plastic tie I found in my carport to bring it together better. Didn’t see it until a hour ago, so no pic to share but hope these work ok. Took them before work at like 6:30am and so lighting isn’t the greatest.

So I did my best tape job I could on my MAC(k) today. The stem was split and then we got a fucking storm last night that was pretty gusty. I’m just happy I watered everyone beforehand or I would of had some on the ground. Who knows what the dogs would of done to them had that happen. So out came the hockey tape and did what I could.

So I did my best tape job I could on my MAC(k) today. The stem was split and then we got a fucking storm last night that was pretty gusty. I’m just happy I watered everyone beforehand or I would of had some on the ground. Who knows what the dogs would of done to them had that happen. So out came the hockey tape and did what I could.

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Looks like a fine repair job, hopefully she Should be fine dude!
Ok it’s been a bit since I updated. I was out of town a couple days to go see my newest nephew born this past weekend. They are adorable and holding them is like like being on a good hard hitting sleepy Indica. :) So they might of gone another day without watering bit they’d be dried out by the time I came home today. So i did two watering cans between everyone with a Tbsp of blackstrap molasses in each fill. Sadly I have spotting on Golden Tiger and my replacement Golden Tiger x Panama plant. Speaking of her, I think from my research of online pictures that she is on the Panama Goddess influence side. She is turning pink/dark pink in the pistils and a few spots on my leafs. (she‘s gonna look beautiful) So I’m gonna let the roots dry out a good bit before the next watering. So here are the pics

HOLY SHIT! STOP STRETCHING EVERYONE! I mean it because my Slurricane is probably bordering on or over 7ft with her pot. Then my MAC is right behind it and she will need a ton of support when she starts packing on the flowering weight. We have had a good chunk of ran and have spotted and removed a few fan leafs here and there on BlackBerry Moonrocks and Blue Cindy. The other big thing is that I have been finding a few also curled up in webbing with spiders still inside. Then we have already had a few nights drop below 15C at night and already seen purpling on pretty much everyone. Tape job is holding but tonight has the chance for some real gusty winds and so everyone is tucked into each other for their hopeful protection. So fingers crossed for an easier night than being forecasted, so I can keep posting pics like these.

Ok so I let everyone dry out a bit and finally watered them last night. I also gave everyone a top dressing of one Wendy’s Chili size spoonful of dried bat guano. I also upped my PK feed which was nothing but a pinch when watering too roughly 2tsp. There was a noticeable bud fattening from my tent look the day before, with Malawi, Golden Tiger and especially my Killer A5 Haze. Also seem like it was light on the budding cycle until I saw them today. So hopefully this is what my plants required and they look even better now a few hours after I took my pictures. Which were close to lights on this morning, so not totally awake looking like they are now. Speaking of lights, I adjusted my light schedule to 10.5hrs of lights on, and will lower that another half hour in another 3 weeks. I wish I had a camera near by, or wasn’t too lazy to get one. My pink GTxP will now be known as my Venus Flytrap. Tried and thought I got the fly out of the tent 2 days ago, but found it stuck to death on my gal. So I pulled the flying bastard off, and then I had to go back and remove a stuck leg or two. She is one stinky high citrus ammonia floor cleaning smelling gal, but the runt isn’t nearly like that. So anyways enjoy.

My monster MAC took a tumble during a wind/rain storm a couple days ago and bent/crunched a nice good limb. Thankfully not enough to kill it and so I have it wired up on the bottom and higher up with another another nearby limb. Also gonna give it a name, Audrey II after the giant monster plant from Little Shop of Horrors. (love the movie too) Also rotated a few pots to get other limbs a chance of light, but leaving AUDREY II the way she is in case of more wind storms. She just keeps drinking and drinking and I soaked the hell out of her. I’ll find some stakes of some sort and hammer then between my pot handles for extra wind support. She just bends everywhere when the wind/breeze kick in, and worries me that she’s gonna snap (as will I) when the weight starts packing on in flowering. Also gave everyone 2 Wendy’s Chili spoonfuls of dried bat guano and the day before, 2tbsp of black strap molasses. All look happy, no new signs of wpm on a few leaves, and only had to flick away 2 spiders. So enjoy the pics and now I want a Wendy’s Chili

Well I think I let my runt get a little too dry before their watering yesterday. Today it looked a little yellow as they never really perked up afterwards. I sort of had this happen a few grows ago with a Creamsical strain my neighbour gifted me. She was beautiful too with red, orange, pink and purple leaves. Went one day too long and all shriveled up and died on me when I went to water. Everyone still looking pretty much the same, which in some ways I see as a good thing. Although my tent is getting stronger each day with that flowering smell.

Outside is just like walking into a small forest with every watering now. I had a couple of really small limbs on the bottom of my MAC(k) and Slurricane snipped off. Wouldn’t get much off them and can focus energy elsewhere for growing. I was also worried that my pup Buddy would nibble on/off the low hanging fruit and go fruity himself. I was also finding a leaf here and there on my Blue Cindy showing WPM, and so I just removed a shit ton of her fan leaves. So far I haven’t seen it again, and we have had some rainy and dew on the grass nights. I think she just needed more airflow. She was just one bushy gal, but now she‘s looking sexy thin(ish)

Sorry on lack of updates. Did a watering a few days ago for the tent, and will for sure not let any of them get dried up like my GTxP did. That yellowing hasn’t gotten any worse since the last watering and pretty sure, again, it was going dry that caused it. I don’t really notice the weight some of them are actually putting on until I see comparison pics from the previous set of pics I took. Probably close to the half way mark in the flowering but Killer A5 Haze seems to be slow to the flowering in comparison to the others. Probably ready for another drink tomorrow but pics from yesterday

Outside I have a few areas of concern. My Banana Kush Cake and Blue Cindy are showing wpm problems here and there. The BKC being the worse of the 2 of them and so I was removing a bunch of leaves yesterday and today. Did the milk treatment about 2 days ago and seem to work the first day, but our night have been cool and damp lately. So this problem keep reading its ugly head and so another treatment tomorrow. I'm loving the deep blue/purple some areas of almost everyone out there. My CBG looks a little sad, but she so small she still gets the heavy rain to the soil. I haven’t needed to water her all month, and so she looks over watered. Happy to say she looked better at night and was fine today. Everyone is just super thirsty and almost watering every 2nd day after getting a good soaking. Now we are expecting a heat wave to start on Sunday, and so I’ll be keeping an eye on everyone closely

Just an outdoor update today, but will be back hopefully tomorrow with tent update. So I was noticing that my Blue Cindy, Mac, and BlackBerry Moonrocks were really going yellow on me. Plus my Banana Kush Cake had a few main fan leaves showing a rust like feature on themselves. Plus still getting a leaf here and there with wpm on the usually culprits. Weather has been cooler but moisture ridden overnight lately, with me waking up to a ton of dew on my car. So I removed what i saw and yesterday I fed everyone 3-4 Wendy’s chili spoonfuls of dried bat guano, cal/mag, and epsom salt. Then they all got a good soaking last night and looked very happy today, even looking thicker in growth. Going to get another good watering tomorrow morning. As for some reason, we are having our hottest stretch of weather probably all summer at the start of September. Well I hope you enjoy the pics

Just an outdoor update today, but will be back hopefully tomorrow with tent update. So I was noticing that my Blue Cindy, Mac, and BlackBerry Moonrocks were really going yellow on me. Plus my Banana Kush Cake had a few main fan leaves showing a rust like feature on themselves. Plus still getting a leaf here and there with wpm on the usually culprits. Weather has been cooler but moisture ridden overnight lately, with me waking up to a ton of dew on my car. So I removed what i saw and yesterday I fed everyone 3-4 Wendy’s chili spoonfuls of dried bat guano, cal/mag, and epsom salt. Then they all got a good soaking last night and looked very happy today, even looking thicker in growth. Going to get another good watering tomorrow morning. As for some reason, we are having our hottest stretch of weather probably all summer at the start of September. Well I hope you enjoy the pics

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Looking great dude! Thought we were going to start seeing fall with that tease on the East Coast last week but todat back to the humidity dome!
Ok Tent update. Everyone was watered yesterday with cal/mag and a bit of PK. So far the only changes I’ve noticed so far is that my Killer A5 Haze is yellowing now after weeks of green healthy look. Although I’ve noticed the flowering picking up, with Golden Tiger going through a major re-flowering cycle right now. Same thing is happening with the two Golden Tiger x Panama plants, with the pink/red pistils still happening on the replacement. Min light board was dimmed from 100% to probably 90% power, and is probably why I’m seeing happening. Pics aren’t the best as I was too tired to retrieve my phone and so pics are from my ipad. No pictures but the really humid night last night really brought out some bad wpm on my Banana Kush Cake(worst of them ll), Cinderella 99, Blackberry Moonrocks and Blue Cindy. So I sprayed them all with mixture of baking soda, water and a drop of dawn. Probably have more to deal with tomorrow as we are a repeat of last night. Hot, humid and no breeze whatsoever

Not much to say about the tent grow. All seems to be going fine inside with no new issues popping up. Malawi is looking silvery and fattening up nicely, Golden Tiger is also reflowering very nicely. I did some colas shots and minus the rust look on some leaves, the nuggs are looking good. Killer A5 Haze is still lagging in comparison to everyone else in fattening up. My last attempt at growing her saw her get thick and pretty fast. So I really wonder what of the 4 phototypes I got.

Outside is looking awesome as everyone starts really packing on the weight. The morning breeze usually brings me the aromas of outside when I head off to work (sorry neighbours) Sadly WPM is still really rampant on parts of my Blue Cindy and Cinderella 99. So I ask, what did Cindy do to piss Mother Nature off to warrant this problem. I didn’t really notice it until late tonight and will address the issue tomorrow after work when I have sunlight again. I really don’t want to lose any of them, especially Blue Cindy. She’s getting real thick with even more room to grow, but she has that wonderful sour blueberry smell. (just like my past tent grow of her) Sorry for the low light, but like i said, it’s a little late for good sunshine

HOLY SHIT! STOP STRETCHING EVERYONE! I mean it because my Slurricane is probably bordering on or over 7ft with her pot. Then my MAC is right behind it and she will need a ton of support when she starts packing on the flowering weight. We have had a good chunk of ran and have spotted and removed a few fan leafs here and there on BlackBerry Moonrocks and Blue Cindy. The other big thing is that I have been finding a few also curled up in webbing with spiders still inside. Then we have already had a few nights drop below 15C at night and already seen purpling on pretty much everyone. Tape job is holding but tonight has the chance for some real gusty winds and so everyone is tucked into each other for their hopeful protection. So fingers crossed for an easier night than being forecasted, so I can keep posting pics like these.

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Oh shit ya! They are in garbage cans!! That’s great, they look beautiful man