6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Registration Thread!

You've been here a month? Glad to see you're making friends already!

Picking single seeds? What sorta representation can you get from a strain if you run 1-3 beans? You MIGHT find something good, but that's sorta putting all your eggs in one basket. You know breeders who cube their strains? I know of a few, and they MIGHT narrow down variations in the genetics a little...But I never understood the appeal of single seeds.

I usually get 2 of each strain. I run 1 new bean each run. Each run has 3 strains. The best 2 stick around for the next run. I want to see a wide variety and it would take forever without popping a bunch of beans at once and not being able to give them individual focus/attention...
I usually get 2 of each strain. I run 1 new bean each run. Each run has 3 strains. The best 2 stick around for the next run. I want to see a wide variety and it would take forever without popping a bunch of beans at once and not being able to give them individual focus/attention...
What I'm trying to say, if is that most strains and seeds will exhibit more than one phenotype. If you're STRICTLY looking for a keeper, then I understand SoRtA...But if you're looking for a representative of that particular strain, you're better off popping a ten pack. How much space do you have to flower in? Do you have multiple rooms? You mentioned garbage can...are you working with HIDs? Are you over the 1k watt mark even?
So your saying if you some how won this comp you wouldn't be excited at all, and wouldn't take the prizes that these awesome sponsors donated to us and wouldn't be stoked that frozen chosen put this together again for all of us just for the fun learning experience of it all. Personally myself I'm stoked to do this and would still do this even if there wasn't prizes. Just kinda a low blow dude but that's just me. Big props/respect to frozen chozen and the sponsors to put this on for all of us specially with now entry fee. Thanks guys!
I would participate without the prizes. Just an excuse to perform an experiment I've been wanting to perform. I wasn't excited by the filter or the light, those would have been something I would be nervous to claim and would end up sellling if I did. The vouchers/gift codes would be the prize I would have targeted. Winning would be cool, but with the platform (16oz cup) I wouldn't take it very seriously, sounded like a for the fun of it semi-silly competition.
I would participate without the prizes. Just an excuse to perform an experiment I've been wanting to perform. I wasn't excited by the filter or the light, those would have been something I would be nervous to claim and would end up sellling if I did. The vouchers/gift codes would be the prize I would have targeted. Winning would be cool, but with the platform (16oz cup) I wouldn't take it very seriously, sounded like a for the fun of it semi-silly competition.
Free stuff is always nice and probably could be eventually used once needed.
What I'm trying to say, if is that most strains and seeds will exhibit more than one phenotype. If you're STRICTLY looking for a keeper, then I understand SoRtA...But if you're looking for a representative of that particular strain, you're better off popping a ten pack. How much space do you have to flower in? Do you have multiple rooms? You mentioned garbage can...are you working with HIDs? Are you over the 1k watt mark even?
Mix of LEDs, CMH, and tanning bulbs for UVB. 2 rooms, 2400w and 1200w. Mom box with LEDs and cloner. Garbage can is for a segregation chamber a 1 plant grow area with intake and exhaust filters for breeding without risking pollen issues. Parts are already in the mail to build it. It will have 60ft of led strip lighting on the walls and a 75w LED panel on the top/lid.

Basically a perfect growing environment for a plant, in a trash can.
So sounds like you have a decent size grow for a hobbiest. Why only 1 bean of 1 new strain each round? Whatever, you sound like you have a plan, not my place to question it. My advice for you as a new member is, take everything with a grain of salt...Thick skin gets you far here, and shitting on someones pie is always frowned upon
So sounds like you have a decent size grow for a hobbiest. Why only 1 bean of 1 new strain each round? Whatever, you sound like you have a plan, not my place to question it. My advice for you as a new member is, take everything with a grain of salt...Thick skin gets you far here, and shitting on someones pie is always frowned upon
It's just a mechanism to keep the good and toss the bad. I run 3 different resevuers in the main room. So I don't do more than 3 strains. In the 1200w room I grow taller plants for personal and experiments, other seeds get tried here, but are targeted to not care about yield. So if a great one happens to also be a top yielder it will get it's place in the 3.

I got that, but he did shit on mine first, lol.
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...Thick skin gets you far here, and shitting on someones pie is always frowned upon
I got that, but he did shit on mine first, lol.
that shit on your pie sir, it came from YOUR PANTS not mine.
if you think that you can win this or place with mexi-schwag you're sadly mistaken.
Schwag doesn't earn votes.....
Might as well not even "convert" your trash can for this competition. Most of the contestants who actually finish these competitions have a dedicated space and at least "decent" genetics.... With 60 people registered already, you really think you'll place with crap? Not meaning to bash you, but you need to bring your "A" game, not a rubbish bin!
this may have been a bit brash, but again
...Thick skin gets you far here.
Explaining that
has NEVER won or placed in these contests
is what I was trying to accomplish here....
you can have the best build in the world, but with crappy genetics you're only gonna go so far....
Add in a poor choice in who to start talking shit about (the sponsors) and you INSTANTLY LOSE ANY AND ALL RESPECT OR VOTE I MAY HAVE HAD FOR YOU
statements like this are the ones "Shitting on the pie"
I don't really care if I win, I'm more curious what I will get from the seed, and there isn't anything exciting in the prizes..
You don't like the flavor of OUR PIE? A PIE THAT WE AS A COMMUNITY HAVE TOILED TO MAKE, that we OFFERED to you FREE of charge? Then kindly leave, we don't need you to shit on it, and no one said you had to join in or stick around.
I've looked at TONS of your previous posts, the way you have blatantly disrespected other highly respected LONG standing members in other threads, in shortly longer than a month is not tolerable here. This competition is meant to give back to a community that provides so much to home growers in general. Its a way to say "thank you" and to give everyone a chance to try out a new product or company that they may not have known about or had the the money to try. A chance to make some friends and learn a few things...

Without this support from a great host and these kind of sponsors,
This contest wouldn't be happening.

I'm not going to be a Kim Jong-Un and tell you out right to leave; I'd like to hear from everyone that wants to say something good or bad. What does "the community" think?
I have heard from some
PM me if you're uncomfortable posting it here, I will keep anonymity if you like....
Lol.....I always use crappy mexi-brick schwag!I got third in comp #3 and probably would have won comp #2 with my 22g cup I was growing but did not enter because it was too late for me to enter......just saying!

Although this comp will be a unproven cross of a very skunky mexibrick male with a delicious seeds cotton candy female:)...wish me luck!...lol
I'm sorry I wasn't excited about the prizes, it wasn't an intentional bash on anyone. I just didn't get excited by the big ticket items. No need to blow this way out of proportion.

Growing a seed from brick this brick weed isn't anything like growing shitty mexican hemp, lol. It's decent brick weed, actually gets you high and has decent taste in pockets. If you look back over history you can find some very large orders of pretty decent genetics going to the cartels. The genetics will be a roll of the dice, but there is some good shit mixed in with the bad and horrible growing practices. Odds are low, but who doesn't like an underdog, and at least it's interesting, and I have a lot of these seeds.