600w White Label White Widow/DNA Genetics Chocolope

My res temps were high 70's and plants pretty much just stalled. Still green but no growth. I run the under current and the water pump running 24/7 and the lights in the tent do nothing but heat up the water so I have no choice nor does anyone else running a under current its mandatory for it. So I bought a used dehumidifier and bent the evaporated right into the reservoir for now. People are worried about copper leaching but we used copper for water pipes for ever so I just said screw it and less mess and what not. Dropped my res from like 79-80 right to 66 degrees in about an hr i guess. It was fast either way and I put it on a 24 hr light timer with 15mins on and 30mins off. Ill see what the temp is in the morning to get an idea anyway.

I poured my tea from the top down to for the most part but with the under current I run about 30-40 gals of water so its a lot i put in. lol.

I've heard of others using the evap. coil from a dehumidifier. I don't think you'll have a problem with this. And yeah it is pretty much needed for UC. All that constantly moving around of the water must make it quite warm.
I ran into root rot once in my dwc. I some of roots were brown and slimy. I cut the bad roots off. I thoroughly cleaned my bucket and refilled my bucket with fresh r/o water and eventually added my nutes back to it (if I remember correctly). I also used frozen water bottles to keep the temps around 68.

Thanks for sharing. Gives me hope i'll get past my battle.

Hopefully the h2o2 bath is searing off all the organics and then im going to empty bucket. Clean it good and rinse off roots and then start running tea.

Not sure if you can run tea with chlorinated water.

*EDIT* Taken from Heisenberg's tea thread

  • Will the chlorine/chloramine in my tap water kill off my bennies?

    It is best to use pure water to brew the tea, however adding tap water directly to your buckets in small amounts to top off will not kill enough bennies to matter. I add as much as a gallon of un-aged tap water to my 5 gallon res with no ill effects. If you are worried, simply add a little tea a few hours after watering.

Yah people were worried about the copper leaching but we use copper pipes for our water since the beginning of time. lol. It is super efficient though. I had it set for 15 min on and 30 min off and I woke up to the water being 50 degrees. lol. So I set it to 15min on 45min off and I got out of work early and checked and the water is at 55 degrees. lol.

So it looks like I am going to try 15on and 60off and see what happens.

I'm just hoping I see some growth from the plants at least. After this I am going to be lost if they still don't want to grow. lol.
Yah people were worried about the copper leaching but we use copper pipes for our water since the beginning of time. lol. It is super efficient though. I had it set for 15 min on and 30 min off and I woke up to the water being 50 degrees. lol. So I set it to 15min on 45min off and I got out of work early and checked and the water is at 55 degrees. lol.

So it looks like I am going to try 15on and 60off and see what happens.

I'm just hoping I see some growth from the plants at least. After this I am going to be lost if they still don't want to grow. lol.

Yeah, although it is more economical to go with cpvc or pvc nowadays. I hope you beat it man. You're using tea also? Because brown slime doesn't care about light, cold temps, or proper res maintenance. It'll still make its way into your grow if it can.

Keep tweaking with the on/off to get a good temp.
Plants in the rapid rooters are doing good. Going on like Day 3 or 4 since sprout. One has like a dozen roots poking out from the sides and bottom. The other just has it's tap root out the bottom.

I notice the roots come out a lot more fuzzy. It holds water just as well as the RW, but doesn't soak up so much that it can't breathe. We'll see how it goes out. Confident enough to start money seeds. Just no room.

This white widow is stretching soooo much. Was feminized seeds.
Fed each bucket 4cups of tea.

The Chocolopes roots look so tan. Lame. There was so much roots too. I still see white fuzzy roots coming out though. Odd.

I have been too afraid to check the White Widow's roots, but I peeked today and there pretty white still and lots of fuzzy roots are coming out the bottom of the netpot. The addition of tea today will probably stain the roots tan though.

I'll post pictures later tonight before the tea gets to it.
Yesterdays update

Day 44:

Flower ready but the Chocolope isn't doing too well so i'm going to let her recover first. Seems kind of stunted now. I see new fuzzy roots coming out, you can see one in the last picture inside the pot. I'll beat it though. I cannot sacrifice this beautiful plant to this. Such intense growth and up until a few days ago the roots were as white as the White Widow. I would say it was the new nutes(happened like 24hr after) but the White Widow has been running those nutes for 72 hours now atleast fine.

White Widow - Haven't checked her feed in a few days. Was eating up food at 1.0 EC. Just trying not to contaminate too much from the plant thats obviously sick. I'll eventually change out the res tomorrow. Let the chlorine evap out a couple days just enough time to brew another batch.

I hear pondzyme works just as well. Is that the bottle with all the fish on it? Says +barley. Weed likes gluten?

The Afghan in RW(Day 8 since sprout) is feeding .4EC. I looked through my old journal and when I grew AK last time thats what they looked like give or take a little and thats what I was feeding them. She was a heavy feeder anyways.

The rooters(Day 4 since sprout) at I think the same since I don't care about them and they were just an experiment of bag seeds from last batch. I wanna see whats a safe level for these seedlings for future reference. I feel i'm either feeding too much or too little at these early stages.

While tying down the tops of the white widow they broke. I thought its not that bad I could just leave em and they're grow back stronger, kinda like they do in supercropping. But then I thought what if they just rot. So I made the executive decision to cut them fully with a scalpel and clone em.

Put them in the DIY pseudoaerocloner and 22 hours later they're looking the same as they went in.

The white widow looks funny now. It's tops all around the stem in a circle, nothing in the middle. :LOL: It's not even like its branching much to fill in. Oh well. If she survives she'll look cool come harvest time.
Looks like the rot is getting its ass kicked by the tea. Lots of new white roots out and roots look whiter.

Ordered an RO filer 150GPD 0ppm 5 stage. Should be here by end of this week. Said 2-5 business days.

Gonna do another tea dosage only 1 cup total this time.
Day 48:

Chocolope - Still not feeding nutes, since like 5-6 days ago. I'll have to check. But i'm going to add some tonight. Start them off small at like .8EC and see if they need to go where they need to go from there.

Whatever that was affecting my roots has seemed to have receded back a bit. I added another cup last night, poured it all over the top of the roots and down.
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White Widow - Not sure what the feed is cause I haven't checked it as I didn't want any contamination so i've been keeping both res closed for the most part. Shes drinking like a champ, had to add a gallon this morning she was looking a bit droopy. Could be hungry too. Going to change out the res entirely while I brew up another batch of tea.

Afghan Kush are nearing root bounding themselves, the entire RW bottom is filled with roots. Need to buy more buckets.

Clones still haven't rooted. But they're still perked up right.
Day 49:

Yesterday night I changed out the buckets. Put Chocolope to .9EC and left the PH. Put White Widow at 1.0EC and left the PH.

This morning I PHed them both to 5.8.

An hour ago I checked on them and Chocolope was at .76EC and 6.1PH. White Widow was at .84EC and 6.0PH.

Upped White Widow and Chocolope up to about 1.15EC and set them at 5.8. Realizing now that I shouldn't of done that cause I already PH downed this morning. Oh well.

I still haven't got new buckets and lids to start the AK. On the agenda for tomorrow as well as another tea dosage.
RO filter still hasn't arrived. Haven't even heard back from them bastards. Emailed them a few days ago.

They didn't hesitate but a day to cash the check though.

Tent is getting crowded.
Day 52:

Chocolope - Was at like .9 EC @ 5.8PH so I upped it with 2ml/gal protekt and about 4ml total of foliage pro. Was at 1.1EC and 6.4PH. Downed to 5.8/7

White Widow - Was at 1.14EC from 1.2. Upped to 1.3EC with all foliage pro and was left with 5.9PH water. Downed to 5.8

Keep saying I will not let my plants grow to be monsters...But nope. There is always a reason to push off flowering.

Two unknown bag seed followed up by Afghan Kush(Day 14) left to right.

RO did come in apparently. Setting it up tomorrow and putting up a wall to separate the veg from flower by something more than a tent wall.

Will also be installing a drain system that will empty into a bucket with a pump with a backflow preventer and float valve. Be nice for when I'm running the flood table.
there looking good man. its always a good feeling to over come a problem and have the plants pull through. lol. I was looking at that chocolope on attitude and it does look good. Thinking Im going to go with the cheese quake and a couple other's i got my eye on.
Put them in flower 2 days ago.

The afghan kush in the bucket aren't looking so hot. Bottom single leave is faded a light green and now brown spots about the leaf.

They look stunted and their leaves are all droopy, but the RW feels dry to the touch. Look to the sides and theres tons of furry roots coming out, but nothing touching water yet. I planted them higher up this time to avoid droopy leaves from over saturated RW. But still...I have no fucking idea. I must of upped them on the nutrients too quickly.

I was still feeding .4EC on this around when I started seeing a def. like 8 months ago. Which is when I upped it to .6 EC. This is around day 21. Which is around where I am on my current set.

Day 2:

Chocolope - Yesterday was at @[email protected] from 1.2EC. Upped to [email protected]. Today was at [email protected] . Added more water and upped to [email protected]. I keep chasing these bitches EC around trying to find what they like. It's roots are bouncing back nicely though. Looks off-white under the HPS. All the new growth is bright white thought and makes the older roots look darker.

White Widow(taller one) - Yesterday was at [email protected] from 1.3EC. Just added more water and brought it to 1.3EC and left the PH. Today it was 1.18 @ 5.4PH. Upped to 1.4EC @ 5.8PH

Day 18 - Afghan Kush (4 days in buckets) @ .6EC/5.8

Don't know how these clones are still alive. No roots going on 2 weeks now.

Random bag seeds looking bad. The Rapid Rooter is soaked. @.4EC/5.8


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Yellowing and spotting is worsening on the Afghan Kush. PH was at 6.1 today. Downed to 5.8.

So after 2 weeks the white widow clones have finally set a root out. 2 for 2 so far with the pseudo-aerocloner. Upped the nutrients with 4ml/gal protekt and 2ml/gal foliage pro. At that rate protekt ups my water .1EC to .23EC. The foliage pro does about .2/.21EC every ml/gal so that raised it about .42EC to a final .64EC. Added too much PH down and it went to 5.3. Going to up it tomorrow.

I think the key was raising temps. Veg/clone area reached 76F highest and 60F lowest over the last 72 hours. Current humidity is 40% lights on.

The water was 74F because of all the friction. Which I guess is a good thing for rooting clones so i'm going with it!
Day 21: (yesterdays update)

I think I'm overfeeding these Afghans. The EC is around .65 PH is 5.8, rises to about 5.9/6.0 over 24hours.

Even though it looks like a def. to me, I know nothing. And .65EC is more than enough at this stage.

Cut 4 or 5 chocolope clones and put them in on the 31st. Yesterday(24 hours later) they were still perked up right. 7 for 7 on my first aeroclone attempt.
Day 26:

DSC04545.jpgDSC04546.jpgDSC04547.jpgDSC04548.jpgAfghan Kush - .47EC/6.2 -- Downed to 5.8 -- Leaves have straightened out for the most part. Think this is what they like around this size.

Random Bagseed of stuff I grew, not sure which strain. Hermied so this may be a hermie, was just starting them to get used to rapid rooters. - .4EC/6.5 -- Downed to 5.8


Two Rooted clones off the WW. Rest are off Chocolope. Clones were at 5.8/.74EC -- I like how steady the PH kept. But these roots are seriously almost a foot long.

Day 10 of Flower:

White Widow Left. Chocolope Right

4 of the 5 Chocolope clones have rooted so far as of yesterday. Going to check today to see if the other did.

The two white widow clones are massive root systems. Going to transplant them to a dwc today at .6EC/420PPM.