600W DWC Cabinet System - 1st Run


Active Member


another 1/2 tsp of baking soda over the course of an afternoon. 5.3 was the floor today.

add 30ml cal/mag

ph 5.6, @ 2200 ppm, 69f res
72 room, chamber one 79, chamber two 77
room humid 60%
chamber one humid @ 35%


Active Member

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everything fantastic.

had to adjust ph back up from the 5.3 floor again. used ph up yesterday, it slid back down within hours. baking soda today, about 3/8 tsp. Steady since.

note last pic, the three headed monster, is the stalk that burned badly. Going to have to experiment next time with maybe a soldering iron, burning tips carefully to produce a topping effect without losing a top.

ph 5.6, ppm probably not 2350, 68f res
72 room, chamber one 80, chamber two 77
room humid 65%
chamber one humid @ 40%


Active Member
6oz is my legal limit I think, so exactly that!

barring that, I have no expectation (good way to live), but if I did have an expectation, I'd set it around 12 - 16oz. Although, I wouldn't be surprised to see 15 - 30 oz. Really have no idea wtf I'm talking about on this, but so far this hydro setup has far surpassed every estimation.


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topped off with RO, 3 gallons.

seeing alot of either burn or completely systematic mg deficiency. betting on the former, added nothing with the top off. no ph mod needed so far, rock solid steady at 5.6 since last dose of baking soda.

also calibrated ppm. it was damn near dead on after a couple of days. figured that ppm rise was just the meter being screwy again but no, its the plants altering the balance, wanting less.

ph 5.6, 2150 ppm, 67f
room 67, chamber one 79f, chamber two 75f
room humid 56%
chamber one humid @ 25%

note nearly all of humidity in room is coming from chamber exhaust.



Active Member
now under green light
flowers look great this morning
but leaves are curling

added another .5 gallon of RO with 50ml cal/mag. cal/mag immediately stabilized ph creeping up after adding straight RO. ppm was reading 2200 already, 2050 now.


Active Member

about halfway through flower.

diluted the sauce down a few hundred ppm. put back around 3 gallons of RO with 50ml cal/mag and 20ml each sensi bloom A & B.

looking great. zero ph fluctuation.

ph 5.6, 1870ppm, 66f res
69 room, 79 chamber one, 77 chamber two
room humid 58%
chamber one humid @ 35%


Active Member

bumped ph up earlier with a slight bit of the baking soda.
ppm not climbing so much. this is closer to what plants want .. i hope. looking for water level dropping without big ppm fluctuation. almost there.
spotty leaves still everywhere. hoping stabilizing ppm at this lower level does the trick. otherwise flowers looking great, no other problems.

added a third webcam to the main chamber.
ph 5.6, 1910ppm, 67f res
room 67, chamber one 79, chamber two 74
room humid 62%


Active Member

further diluted with 1 gallon when ppm hit 2000.
no ph adjustment needed

ph 5.6, 1930ppm, 68f res
room 70, chamber one 79, chamber two 73
room humid 55%
chamber 1 humid @ 25%


Active Member
Nah I was just working under a green light during the dark hours and decided to communicate that in the most clear and consise way possible: haiku.


Active Member

add 20ml each sensi bloom a & b
add 40ml cal/mag
add 12ml hygrozyme
add 10ml big bud
two pinches of epsom salt
top off with 1 gallon RO

no ph adjustment needed so far. adding cal/mag at the first slightest sign of ph movement has been great to stabilize and buffer ph. in this case, added RO yesterday was enough to overcome buffers and cause ph to creep up to 5.7. Adding nutes today brought it back down to 5.6, and adding cal/mag provides buffering to keep it there. Hopefully this is the least bit on the right track.

found a very interesting post here (journaled it) about someone calling AN support re: ph issues. Very good read. States that coco coir should be at 5.8, not 5.6 like they say for everything else. Also states necessity for cal/mag in RO and even more in coco coir. I'm figuring I need the same treatment for coco croutons, hopefully not wrong about that. bumping ph up.
sure would explain what looks like ph spots going rampant, but 5.6 to 5.8 shouldn't be enough of a difference to cause that. again, never sure what to expect on strains new to me, nutes new to me, etc.

also managed to stick my finger into the nice 80mm panaflo fan. this busted off a blade (barely nicked my finger). had to screw the thing into a res hole cover so it doesnt spin away unbalanced. good airflow blowing up through the canopy is the only thing keeping this overgrown scrog from turning into a mold festival.

ph 5.8, 2070ppm, 67f res
room 68, chamber one 79, chamber two 75
room humid 55%
chamber humid @ 33%


Active Member

ph up earlier (using ph up) from 5.5 to 5.8
add 15ml cal/mag

Add 1.5gal RO. no ph adjustment needed.

later pulled out 4gal sauce, add back 3.5gal RO with 40ml cal/mag.

plants sucking back a good 2 gals per day or so. they look like shit but again, dont know whats normal at this point.

planning on overdrive sauce from day 42 - 56, then clearing them out for the remainder.

calibrated ppm again, was way off. ppm was actually lower than shown. meter is going back to the factory in a couple weeks.

ph 5.8, 1630 ppm, 66f res
room 68, chamber one 79, chamber two 75
room humid 58%
chamber one humid @ 37%


Active Member

plants looked worse so took ppm back up again. much better since.

ph 5.8, 2000 ppm, 66f res


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keeping ppm around 2k, letting ph sweep between 5.9 and 5.6.

most stalks are leaning about 3" under the weight.

OG in the right rear is unbalanced so much with all the weight to the right that its tipping over the net pot. dont think theres anything to worry about, dont think it can fall through.
not gonna complain about problems stemming from too much weight!

had that busted and unbalanced fan end up pointed out into the room this morning. the chamber seals up pretty well but i never did do a final weatherstripping etc run. combined with a box fan left on in the room and it was a little stinky out about 30-40 feet. keeping the chamber vent fan on constantly from now on. soon as i turned it on, zero odor, no problems, can't smell a damn thing. works perfectly.

ph 5.8, 2100 ppm, 66f res
71 room, chamber one 78f, chamber two 73f
room humid 53%
chamber humid @ 20%


Active Member

happened on what i think might be a useful trick. leaving a cover off of a res hole during the night hours dropped res temp over 2 degrees.

blue dream finally showing more than one or two amber hairs. thinking this sativa may go longer than the OG. read: get choked out by the flush before its time.

plants are sucking down more sauce than ever. can see the water level go down within an hour of topping off.
still maintaining ph with ph up to set it, then a dose of cal/mag to hold it there or close.

threw in a bunch more big bud yesterday, up to the total ml suggested in the AN nute calculator (heavy feeding action yo). No doubt about it today, each individual little flower is visibly swollen today. maybe would've happened anyway, still pretty cool. overdrive will start tomorrow. was going to flush first but im down to 125ml of sensi bloom a&b. going to keep the res going with top offs for another week. will probably cut the sensi bloom with a little bit of grow for the final week, something like that. per the heavy feeding schedule on AN, i'm about 190ml short for the grow.

on that note, planning on restocking with the ph perfect line if I can get ahold of it. depending on how things turn out, might go with the connoisseur line next time, but will probably roll with sensi again just to see if i can improve my kung fu under similar conditions.

ph 5.8, 2150 ppm, 64f res
69 room, 79 chamber one, 74 chamber two
room humid 56%