600W DWC Cabinet System - 1st Run


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everything looking great but going to flush in the next 48 hours anyway.

topped BD momma in chamber two

cal/mag seems to have done the trick. PH is pegged again.

PH 5.7, 2620 PPM, 66f res
70 room, 79 chamber one, 74 chamber 2

note i have been trading out the CO2 bottle for a fresh yeast infection every 3 or 4 days.


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cant get rid of the heat :wall:, i have 2 fans 7inch and one 6inch taking air out also one 6 inch fan putting air in, also a 12" oscillating table fan facing upward towards the plant and bulbs at max speed. space is 17"x27", right now i have 4x45w 42 4200k 3100umens = 180w/12400lumens
but during flowering i am planning to use this:
2x cfl 45w 4200k 3100lumens =90w/6200lumens
2x cfl 105w 2700k 7140lumens=210w/14280lumens
2x hps 75w 2100k 6300lumens= 150w/12600lumens
total 450w/33080lumens with hps off is 300w/20480lumens
temperature right now with 4x45w hps on is 88.4F, with hps off is 75.8F~78F, the plant is 10" tall in the 6th week of vegetation stage:leaf:, fruity juice x northern lights x skunk F1 strain
should i go with only one hps on in flowering and 4xcfl, that would be 375w/27780lumens?
is there enough light, should i add another 2x45w when flowering
can i prune, remove bad leafs on the last day of vegetation stage? are the two 105w cfl in 2700k spectrum ok? :idea:or should i get more in the 2700k spectrum or back it up with hps? thanks to everyone for answering peace :bigjoint:


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haha i have no fucking clue how many lumens are in my main chamber. tried using a light sensing android app to measure it but i don't think my phone's sensor can hang.

noticed main res has gone down at least 2 gallons overnight. flushing anyway, but damned if these girls aren't just sucking down the 2650PPM and kicking ass.

added one of those $20 6" clip on, 2 speed fans from the hydro shop. It blows, no pun intended. The panaflo 120mm PC fan moves easily three times as much air, a quarter of the size, and can easily stick it under the canopy, all for about the same price minus a power supply to wire it with. I will be using panaflos exclusively from now on, no more of these overpriced plastic pieces of shit. FYI the fan is whatever sunlight supply ships to their affiliate shops, same one i see on every hydro site for $20ish.


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Flushed and reset as follows:

5ml/gallon cal/mag
16ml/gallon each sensi a & b
8ml/gallon big bud
6ml/gallon hygrozyme
about 3ml ph up

the res took no more than 10 gallons. it's lost around 3.5 galllons to root mass.

note all of the above measurements are right off the bottle labels save for cal/mag.

ph stable, ppm mysteriously right where i wanted to go. it's not that drastic of a change from 2600ppm down to 1800 considering this is all RO water now. the tap water in there before was nearly 400ppm.

if ph slides i'll ph up then stabilize with cal/mag.

otherwise, as usual, things looking tastier by the day.

PH 5.8, 1800ppm. 65f res
68 room, 79 chamber 1, 75 chamber 2
room humid 62%
approx chamber one humid 35%


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everything cool, ph stable. plants look a little droopy, like aw man where'd the hard sauce go? will see how they feel about it in a day or two, as there are strong signs of nute burn this morning. i think this last flush was done just in time.

ph 5.7, 1950 ppm, 67f res
68 room, 29 chamber one, 73 chamber two
62% room humid
chamber one humid around 40%


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PH 5.6, 2200 PPM, 68f res
74f room, 79f chamber one, 75f chamber two
room humid 61%

i don't trust that ppm number one bit, no time to calibrate today. will check it tomorrow. plants look good, but since flush im seeing very lime green on the lower, newer growth on the BD. Banding on it has increased quite a bit, and it's showing big signs of what looks like burn almost overnight on the larger, older fan leaves. buds look great though, so .. shrug. Not sure what to expect from these strains with these nutes in flowering so we'll see.

added another 10ml cal/mag with ph up from 5.3. we're sliding again. if theory holds, cal/mag should arrest the slide. we'll see.


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another 10ml cal/mag and some ph up from 5.4 to 5.8.

took out those 3 lousy 80mm pc fans and replaced with a surplus panaflow 60mm. it moves three times as much air, beats all three 80mm's combined and the 6" ghetto fan. panaflo for teh win.

topped off with around 1.5 gallons of premix sauce, same recipe as last flush.


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5.1 at first check today. ph up to 5.7, 10ml cal/mag.

ppm showing 2300. unless water level has dropped substantially in 12 hours, there's no way this is right.


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calibrated. ph dead on as usual. as suspected, ppm was way high. we've been around 1500 this whole time.
got to start wondering now, when ppm is climbing, is it the meter? is it really climbing? fuck .. need to calibrate this thing daily. meter is basically useless a couple hours after calibration. is this usual for a $175 tri-meter or do I need an upgrade?

10ml more cal/mag and ph up from 5.2 to 5.7


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ph up from 5.4 and 10ml more cal/mag
suspect chamber one temp sensor is reporting incorrectly.

PH somewhere around 5.6, ppm somewhere around 1500, res temp 69f
room 71, chamber one 79, chamber two 76
room humid 61%, est chamber one humid 35%


Active Member
Yeah that's what I'm thinking. Going to call control wizards this week and see wtf.
Wondering though, can plants survive drinking pure ph up? I think that's all I've been feeding them..

4.5ph this morning. somewhere around 25 -30ml PH up again, 35ml cal/mag a few minutes after.


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another round of ph up, from 5.4 this time.
sorry if you're reading this and wondering why i'm making these repeated posts. i want to be able to look back later and know exactly how i fucked up.


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arrested the ph slide with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. hasn't budged now in .. about 5 hours. was sliding at .1 per hour before.
Was hoping I could get this set right without using baking soda. maybe more cal/mag would have stabilized it as well but got tired of chasing ph.

next time, 10ml/gal cal/mag to start.

best of all, starting to see stems leaning a bit with bud weight.
young growth toward the bottom of both BD and OGs are now showing lime green.
leaves praying for mg even more today. added a couple pinches of mg to the sauce.

ph 5.8, pph 1850, 69f res
70 room, 79 chamber one, 75 chamber two
room humid 62%


Active Member

First of the pistils beginning to turn golden on the OGs.
calibrated ppm again and bumped up to around 2k. This is as high as the AN nutrient calc wants to go. Ha!
add 100ml each sensi a & b, 12ml hygrozyme, 12ml big bud
1/4 tsp baking soda
1.5 gallons RO

still not a single problem with ph drop since turning to baking soda again. it's been perfect. expecting maybe a small drop tonight after topping off.

up to 80 in room today. having to keep the exhaust fan on at all times to maintain about 81 in chamber 1.

ph 5.6, 2050ppm, 68f res
73f room, 81 chamber one, 77 chamber two
room humid 62%


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ph dropped a little lower than expected but nothing like before. the floor this time is around 5.2 - 5.3. Brought it back up with 3/8tsp baking soda.