600 Watt 12/12 From Seed Lazy Susan


Well-Known Member
Chaka, u need a new Avatar.... one that signifies "Bad Ass!" your plants look great! Keep it up brosef and toke well!


Well-Known Member
hahahah all i can think of is the griswalds european vacation. hey look kids big ben parliament!!!!
You have no idea how real this is. Happened to me a few times in Italy.... couldn't get over to save my life. Kept telling duchie "Look kids, Big Ben, Parliment"... I don't think he got it.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lmao NASCAR!!!! looks nuts, so much power.

chaka, your getting a pretty hellish ratio of m/f's or a great one if your breeding!?

and jig i can just imagine it. creased up laughing going round and round hahaha shame duchie didn't get it, i thought everyone had seen lampoons, every vacation. xmas is my fave. chevy chase is still rockin it out. you guys see hot tub time machine? i often wonder if he's actually clark griswald in real life bit like henry winkler is permanently the Fonz.

thread jack complete and i'm ghost.


Well-Known Member
Chevy Chase is still on TV over here. Only scripted show I watch. 'Called Community'. Worth a look. Clark Griswald is so my dad. lol

I'm done too now. :) Carry on.

Happy healthy puppies!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you know i have the community first season on dvd, only watched the first couple then as usual my girl wants to watch but doesn't have time an complains if i watch like 3 seasons of something without her. first couple were character building episodes but some good funny moments.


Well-Known Member
The ratios are looking ok, I still have 14 to sex and being this late with no nuts usually is gonna lean more towards girls. I'm gonna be tossing females too!

I think Chevy chase was one of my favorite actors growing up, along with bill Murray and randy quaid. Being 40 I think they were in my demographic!


Well-Known Member
Looking good Chaka, are you able to do an outdoor grow? You could just plant the extra girls outside if you are able to.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 plants that should be fem, scary! I know but one is going outside the other will probably go in the trash. No more fem seeds in my grows! It's a mama dude seed from Emily.


Well-Known Member
The ratios are looking ok, I still have 14 to sex and being this late with no nuts usually is gonna lean more towards girls. I'm gonna be tossing females too!

I think Chevy chase was one of my favorite actors growing up, along with bill Murray and randy quaid. Being 40 I think they were in my demographic!
stuff looks good dude. im 27 and grew up loving all of those guys. they were my tv icons. but i think i was ahead of the curve. i liked all the stuff my older sister and dad liked so i got to watch them all constantly. :)


Well-Known Member
you know i have the community first season on dvd, only watched the first couple then as usual my girl wants to watch but doesn't have time an complains if i watch like 3 seasons of something without her. first couple were character building episodes but some good funny moments.
My girl and I argue over the same shit constantly.. lol

either she gets mad at me for watching ahead or vice a versa. It never fails.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I were watching Weeds together from DVD and then somewhere in like season 7 I caught her watching an episode. It was like she had cheated on me! Then I was all like fuck it, Im not watching it anymore!


Well-Known Member
I am usually the culprit more times than not. Its not my fault she passes out within ten minutes of turning the tv on..
How many BubbaCougars girls you got in there?


Well-Known Member
I am usually the culprit more times than not. Its not my fault she passes out within ten minutes of turning the tv on..
How many BubbaCougars girls you got in there?
Actual females Im not sure, I did label the transplants but honestly dont recall what was what. Of the 12 males, 9 were Peacock, 2 were the bubbacougar and 1 was skunky monkey. So possibly 4 females left of the cooter.


Well-Known Member
1 more male, 3 more females. I have about 8 to sex still and only room for maybe 3. At a glance I did see 2 precougar


Well-Known Member
Its in a 10 or 15 gallon pot, got the DE layer and neemed, just like my indoor plants get. Ill be staying on top of this fucker this year, those terminator caterpillars last year were brutal.


Well-Known Member
Its in a 10 or 15 gallon pot, got the DE layer and neemed, just like my indoor plants get. Ill be staying on top of this fucker this year, those terminator caterpillars last year were brutal.
i use Monterrey with spinosad. best stuff ive found for preventative measures against Caterpillars.