600 Watt 12/12 From Seed Lazy Susan


Well-Known Member
Looks nice, I did about the same thing with all the soil I had from last year. Have been composting it since the first of the year, just added 3 lbs each of kelp meal and alfalfa meal with some azomite. getting it ready for the Secret Garden.


Well-Known Member
7 day kindergarten class. 2 more weeks to start tossing males! I'm guessing when I'm about 3 weeks into flower ill start the next round of seeds. I was top feeding these at first then I said fuck this yesterday and just poured the collective amount they had been using into the bottom of the trays, which is a quart. Sink or swim bitches!


Well-Known Member
7 day kindergarten class. 2 more weeks to start tossing males! I'm guessing when I'm about 3 weeks into flower ill start the next round of seeds. I was top feeding these at first then I said fuck this yesterday and just poured the collective amount they had been using into the bottom of the trays, which is a quart. Sink or swim bitches!

Wow they got big since the 29th. R they labeled?


Well-Known Member
Yes I actually have them labeled! If my eyes dont deceive me thats a skunky monkey front left next to a Peacock!


Well-Known Member
Heres the 2 labeled MD, who knows if they are fem, hopefully cuz one is going outside in a week. Started a bit after the rest


Well-Known Member
A skunky monkey. They're all marked up! Just not grouped together in any special fashion :) I only add one pic per post cuz it's just easier with an iPad that way.


Well-Known Member
And why not another group shot this morning. I rotate the table a little every time I'm in there for good measure.


Well-Known Member
I see some manly looking plants already :) but ill keep my guesses to myself.

How so BC? I ask because I was at a friends house and she was like just a couple more days and we'll know which ones are males.... my issue was they were still 4 leaf plants...much like these in this grow. How can you tell, educated guess, or lean toward one sex on the other? Thanks just trying to learn.


Well-Known Member
Cant forget my table! This reminded me of this one time when we were like 17 and cruising by the movie theater. There was 4 of us in the car and when we rolled by the line there was a group of like 6 girls with their moms, these kids were like 10 and my crazy ass friend says louder than shit out the window, "Boy look at all that pussy" it was so wrong, and so off the wall, I laughed till I was in tears. That guys a minister today btw in Peru! Married with 3 kids, funny how people turn out!

ok so I have a crap load males here too, but the pussy line still popped into my head.
i did a run like this a few times of the skunky monkeys and stank apes. the original cougars amoungst a few others. pretty decent yields. a lot of phenos. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Feminized seeds have a tendency to hermie...
only if they are shitty seeds. have had a run with 7 dif strains all from fem seeds only one hermied. the blueberry gum and that was stress induced from the move and the uhaul trip. i killed off all of the strains and am starting over making moms this time tho. same genetics. minus the gum.


Well-Known Member
Here comes my next batch of soil. I'm broke ATM. This is my old soil from previous grows with 2 $3 bags of Walmart soil and some of my own yard dirt mixed in! I've added some bone and blood meal and hit it with a little "Chaka tea" I don't need no stinking mixing containers! When the plants sex, they'll get up-potted into this, a layer of DE across the top and their first dose of neem.
you should soil the whole area you got there. lol. give you a great end of season harvest. just go out and toss a bunch of seeds bc left behind and pull the males. lol. 12/12 it all. ;)


Well-Known Member
only if they are shitty seeds. have had a run with 7 dif strains all from fem seeds only one hermied. the blueberry gum and that was stress induced from the move and the uhaul trip. i killed off all of the strains and am starting over making moms this time tho. same genetics. minus the gum.
what 7 strains have you run from feminized seed?