600 W Coco/Perlite Indoor Blue Venom Grow


Heres the pics, these are from 11/24:

And ones I just took a few minutes ago:

Wonderblunder: I can't wait to see the tutorial/ideas. I think your set-up is amazing, and you can see i've taken your advice on branching them out. Hopefully they'll get huge......


Well-Known Member
Looking awesome. I actually got in contact with the company(local) who makes the Mycelluem c02 bags. Decided to grease their wheels a little bit by writing an article for a magazine about their Shittakke Mushroom kit. Im going for a tour next week, so Hopefully, I will figure it out by then. I will keep you posted!


Wonderblunder: Thats tight about the mycelluem...let me know how it goes. I thought I'd give you guys a gallery so here are the beautiful babies on 12/4:



Things have gotten much better for you Cali. Blue venom seems like a very interesting cross to me. Could you tell me what smell you notice from it when flowering once you get the chance, Thanks.


Things have gotten much better for you Cali. Blue venom seems like a very interesting cross to me. Could you tell me what smell you notice from it when flowering once you get the chance, Thanks.
As I start week 3 today the plants smell very similar to straight blueberry. The only smell reminding me of white widow is the sweet-earthy undertone supplementing the pungent fruity smell of the blueberry...


Well-Known Member
That filled up nicely! My Mycelleum may be on hold, as the guy rain checked my tour date. Its all good I am busy enough as it is. Blue Venom is looking goood.


Wonderblunder: Thanks so much for staying with me. I've been following your grow log closely, and i think you do an amazing job, ad have it done to a science. I wish i could have a grow come out as clean as yours. Keep me posted on the mycellium.
Besides that, the babies are loving life. They don't show any signs of burn, stress, or pests (I can't tell you how much I despise spider mites. The box was filled to the ceiling with huge Big Buddha Blue Cheese plants two grows before this, and had another attack in my 3rd try. ) Here's some pics from yesterday:

I tried to show the tiny beginnings of buds. I'll post more pics tomorrow and the 3rd week of flower feed list. Thanks for browsing.


Well-Known Member
I was just looking at your grow and thinking how clean it is...... Just got done cleaning my room so Im not feeling it is so clean. Accessing all the plants can be a pain in the ass. I made that all a little easier today.
YOur plants are filling out beautifully. I am going to do a flat scrog one of these days...... Maybe I will expand and do a seperate scrog.......


All right...been really busy so I haven't put a lot of work into the plants. I'm trying to figure out what nutes/additives I should be either increasing, decreasing, or removing from my feed. Heres what I gave them and what I'm planning on in parenthesis:
Great White Scoop/2G (constant)
Sea Weed 5 mL/G (constant)
Sea Minerals 0.5mL/G (constant)
SeaFuel 5 mL/G (constant)
Greenfuse 10mL/G (will increase slowly)
Budswell 15mL/G (will max at 25mL/G)
Liquid Karma 12 mL/G (will max at 15mL/G)
Sweetleaf 12 mL/G (will not change strength)
Molasses 10mL/G (might increase)
Roots Excelurator 1.1mL/G (will remove after week 5)
Hygrozyme 5mL/G (will remove after week 5)
Cannazyme 5mL/G (Only using to kill the bottle-not being replaced)
Sweet Capful/2G (Only using to finish the bottle-no replacement)
SilicaBlast 5mL/G (constant)
Vermi-T 75mL/G (constant)
Magical 7.5mL/G (constant)
Canna A +B 10mL of each/G (will increase gradually any opinions welcomed)

Here's pics from a few minutes ago:

I can't wait for those buds to gain some girth...I'm going to work on my feed schedule, and post what I think I'll do. I still have others nutes/additives I haven't used yet as they're week specific (e.g. pk stacker, Deuce-Deuce 22 which is a hardener). Any comments welcomed......thanks!


The babies flowers seem to almost double in size every few days. They look great right now. The canopy is almost perfectly even, allowing for good penetration of light. There's no signs of burn, stress, or pests and I can't tell you how proud I am of them. I'm still working on the feed, sould have it down by tomorrow and will post my proposed list on Monday. Here's some pics I just took:

Check out the close-up of the flower.....
Wonderblunder, I'll get back to you on the feed. Whats the status on the mycellium?


Well-Known Member
hey....whats up with the grow??????just recieved my five pack of bluevenom and cant wait..........where did you go????pics???????