600 W Coco/Perlite Indoor Blue Venom Grow


Active Member
u have bugs in there somewhere, one of the leaves has been minched on, just keep a very close eye daily on those babies, very nice, look simular to mine.


Active Member
i also am on my fourth grow, my last was bigbud x northenlights and was absolutely slamming!!!

as for ur flower date that should be perfect!! have they started showing their pre-flower yet?? as the plant will let u kno by showing u the pre-flower when its ready to be flowered, if u flower before this stage u will lose its full potential, they look pretty big, with more than enough internodes so ide go for the 22nd like u said, those babies will double if not tripple in size, if u already knew all that please excuse me lol, im going to flip mine in 2weeks, cant wait, i have seed from killer bud so not sure how many fem'z im gunna get from 8plants yet, theyr just starting to show their pre-flower but its to early to tell, please god give me some healthy girls. peace bro im gunna stay tuned to watch ur babies bloom. 600wmedi


Well-Known Member
if your cuttings did come off different mothers then you could have a chance of different phenos. Phenotype include characteristics of the plants, some desired, some not desired. If you label your clones with which plant they were taken from, then you will know which plant will look like which bud. I had 1 blueberry strain, 3 blueberry phenos, none were worth it. so il kill them all


600wmedi, i'm definitely gonna spray 'em with Azatrol tonight as a precaution as they're gonna be able to withstand it much better than if I wait. I have to spray with VHO too, and I'll try to wait as long as i can inbetween sprays. I'm not sure what kind of bug it is, but should I bomb my hut when I flip to flower or is that too drastic? Thanks for the advice on the flip, I think i'll stick with the 22nd for now. I'll take some close-ups tomorrow and examine for pre-flowers. After the first few grows, I've seen my plants double to triple in size and have used a trellis to support/guide the branches as to keep them from getting too close to the light. I'll try to string it tomorrow and show you a picture. I pray your babies are females and they grow big and strong.
Wonderblunder: Clones will be taken before I go into flower, and i'll definitely use your method of labeling which plant they original came from to figure out what's worth saving. I'll keep track of 'em and hopefully be able to have a few generations of Bvs as I'm real starting to love this strain.

Also does anyone have a recipe for their homemade co2 generator. I use a 5 gal bucket that has a hole cut in the lid that is the diameter of a hose that hooks up to the back of my fan. I fill the 5 gallon full of hot boiling water. I then add 2 lbs of sugar per gallon and put a piece of burnt toast floating on the water. I empty a packet of yeast (~7 grams) onto the toast and use it for about 2 to 3 weeks. Does anyone have a different method or recipe? Thanks for all your guys help.


Well-Known Member
Good deal. How did the portable Air cooler deal work. Looked pretty sweet..... If you keep all your clones until your done flowering it could give you the oppurtunity keep a purple pheno, if not all turned purple/ blue. This is blueberry X white-widow?


Well-Known Member
Boiling water will kill the the live yeast. I think its somehwere around 120 degrees. I am baker........ I personally wouldn't mess around with homemade c02, you do have a tent after all though. At my local growshop they sell bags, with mycellum in there, and they say it will keep a 10 X10 exhausted room at 1500ppm for 6 monthes, I claim bullshit


Well-Known Member
hey dude nice plants! how often do you water? does the coco dry out fast? im gonna start a grow with coco soon, just gotta figure out a few details.


Wonderblunder: Looking into the mycelium idea, but not sure. There are a ton of options for CO2 but none that are easy to regulate like a tank. I'm trying to do something on a low budget, I was just wondering if anyone had perfected a method similar to mine. The water is boiled to get rid of the impurities (I use tap for this), and then cooled for a few minutes before I add the bread and yeast. It definitely works as I can smell the yeast fermentation. And blue venom is blueberry crossed with white widow.
Did a lot of work on the babies, but will update with pics tomorrow. Took 10 clones total, 8 off the BVs hoping they all survive, but I'm not that realistic. This was my second try at taking clones, so I hope all goes well. Trellis is up and the swamp cooler is hooked up but its not rigged absolutely airtight so I want to fix that before I post. I'm gonna duct it straight into the box by using a hole thats supposed to be for wires to exit. I need to go get a clamp, some duct tape, and a few other things to make it right. I also made a support for my tray so that it has a shaper angle in order to promote the removal of the excess feed.
Rockstarenergy, feeding is something that cannot be put on a schedule. You need to respond to how they look, how old your plants are, what is in the actual feed, how big the pot is, the soil type/mixture, and so many other factors. I've been getting away with a gallon per day total, but I was planning on increasing it soon (they are going to flower on sunday). I try to do a feed, feed, water regimen and feed almost everyday. If you go back in my posts you'll see exactly what goes into the mix, but I've never bothered with the details of how often/when I do. Suggestions off the top of my head: Its better to feed them towards the morning part of their cycle as they absorb it more readily, and have a longer period to digest and use the nutrients (some ions take over a day to get into the plant itself and become available). Don't let your roots dry out/get too wet, keep them at a stable level. Don't drown them either. Your plant will tell you what you're doing wrong. If you have any problems with deficiencies or anything looks wrong, I suggest Jorge Cervantes. However, coco is a very forgiving medium that is great for beginners....


Heres some pics before I go to work. Everything is hooked up now, and tweaked the fans a little due to their size. Heres pics from 11/15 when I installed everything. These were taken outside the box:

I just took these. They may look wilted as I've been out of RO water. (The machines by my place are broken again!) I just gave 'em 1 gallon after I took the pics, hopefully that's enough. You can see the trellis in the first few pics, and then the ducting for the cooler that goes straight into the box:



Well-Known Member
I like the swamp cooler setup....... plants look awesome........ Sounds like you have a grip on whats going on. I wouldn't worry about measuring or regulating c02, if you are going to improvise, go big. Have you heard about the vinegar drip into baking soda? Dry Ice? I have heard those are decent but, I have never used either. I tried the yeast and water method on a previous grow, but the setup got so gross, and i got tired of redoing it. I will probably buy a regulator and a tank sometime in the future......

High Hopes

Beautiful plants and setup. Iam also growing blue venom i have some on day 49 of flowering They get huge thick buds And the aroma is awsome


Sorry I haven't been posting...been really busy but I have been following the comments.
Wonderblunder: I have heard of those methods, but I definitely don't want to deal with having to go to the store every other day for dry ice. The vinegar/baking soda seems like more work, than just mixing up the yeast mix and letting it sit. You're right about the tank and regulator. After this grow, I'll probably break down and buy it finally. Post some pics of the Purple Widow, it sounds like a really interesting strain. Thanks for staying tuned and offering up some suggestions for the CO2.
High Hopes: Since you've grown BV, how much do they need for feed? I just upped my daily feed from a gallon to a gallon and a half (the whole amount is split over the 6 plants, not 1.5 gallons each). I'm flipping them tomorrow, and hope you're right about the buds. I want some huge, donkey dick colas larger than my fist...but that may be too optimistic. I've been rubbing the plants leaves, and they already smell great. I can't wait for them to flower so I can see them form colas and stink up my house. Any suggestions you can give me are welcome. I defintely want any input on how the BVs react, what nutrients they need more/less of...anything really. No one seems to know much about them, so please enlighten me.
600wMedi: The bush structure is similar, but my fan leaves are much larger and have more of the blueberry pheno. Those look great by the way, keep doing what you're doing brother cause they're loving it.

And lastly some pics I took a few minutes ago. They look a little droopy because I forgot to feed them yesterday. They're perking up, but I plan on a massive feed tomorrow before I flip. Maybe twice the normal feed? Anyway the pics as promised:

I'll be checking this regularly but won't post pics until Tuesday or Wednesday, and will be busy this weekend due to Turkey Day. Let me know what you guys think....


Active Member
calidude be very carefull doubling up on feed, i asume u mean nutes, i did that once just before flowering and i burnt the fan leaves wich wasnt good at all.
i would feed as normal with just a little extra nutes ontop, remember to carry on with the veg nutes for the first week or 2 until the buds beggin to form then switch to the bloom nutes, sorry if u already knew tis just thaught ide add that. il keep an eye on this grow, nice.


Hey guys...everything seems to be going well. Have pics from when the lights came on and will take some more tomorrow and post. I can't wait for these things to start forming colas.
600wMedi, I just gave it one and a half times its normal feed, with the same amount of nute I've always used. I upped the nute after switching to flowering. The bulb gt changed too....I'll post pics


Well-Known Member
looking good. I would definitely reccomend trying to get some of those main branches further apart, so all the inner branches can fill out. Purple Widow is still in veg until the next round goes to flower. I have a new journal in sig. check it. Interested on how the c02 method works. I am reconsidering DIY c02. YOu could always make your own Mycelluem cultures as well. They put out lots of c02, could be made in advance and stored. Just put in the fridge when ready to activate..... This may be my choice


Hey been really busy but finally got a minute to work on the babies. They weren't tended to for two days and looked on the verge of death. Gave them some feed and they perked up 6 hours later. Heres what I gave them:
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Sweetleaf 12mL/G[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Hygrozyme 5mL/G[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Cannazyme 5 mL/G
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Great White Scoop/2G[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Roots Excelurator 1.1mL/G[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Humate 10mL/G
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif] Seaweed 5mL/G[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif] Sea Minerals 0.5mL/G[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Sea Fuel 5mL/G[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Magical 7.5mL/G[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Liquid Karma 12mL/G[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif] SilicaBlast 5mL/G[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif] Budswell 10mL/G[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Canna Coco A+B 35 ml/4 G (~9mL/G)[/FONT]
I'll post some pics tomorrow that have been taken over the last few days to see if you guys see any growth.
Wonderblunder: Spread the plants out. Was planning on moving a Chem Valley mother into the box, but gave it away to a friend so he could experiment. I like the fridge mycellium idea...how could it be possible though? I'm really interested and am going to read your entire journal right now.


Well-Known Member
I am not doing it. I will take a pic and get some instructions and post them here. The bags of mycellum at my grow show claim to get a 10X10 X8 room at 1500PPM within a few days and last for 3-6 monthes. Even if you exhaust a bit, but not crazy. I claim bull shit. I want to make a bunch of them and then just go to town........... This may be my first tutorial we will see.