Well-Known Member
A gas station I used to frequent back in California had a 'regular' there, who would wash as many windows as his little arms would let him every day, all day....I do not like aggressive panhandlers.
I liked it in the good old days when if you seen a needy person it was easy to
tell they were down on there luck. Now it is a business model to sit on the corner with a sign
and guilt trip my family. I give where and when I feel like it.
Sometimes I would see him in the morning when I stopped for gas, then still there in the evening 11 hrs later when I stopped for beer or a monster drink, and never once was he pushy, or rude.
I only saw him walk away with empty hands from some, or with donations from others, but he would not ask.
He would simply finish, wish the driver a nice day, and start to walk away, genuinely depending on the goodness in people's hearts to feed him.
When I saw this pattern, sometimes I would even take him leftovers in the morning from the previous night's dinner, and I kinda felt bad when he got to know my 2 cars, 2 trucks, and the wife's car because he would drop whatever window he was on, and come running as soon as he saw me, never disappointed, even if I only had some coins or couple dollars to give.
People like that I don't mind, but I used to try and kick the vagrant that sat on the sidewalk outside the liquor store begging for money after he actually followed my wife INTO the store one night, not realizing that I was in the truck right behind her as she pulled in.
After I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and drug him back outside like a dog, he would get up and walk to the other side of the parking lot whenever he saw me coming.
I also used to give a guy that would sit in front of McDonalds a burger or something once in a while when I came out, but not cash, as there were two liquor stores within easy walking distance.