6 ft. tall and starting to show preflowers..


Well-Known Member
dude id save that trunk on the shelf let it dry out jus cool man people down the lines gonna be like dude whats this and youll be like summer of 09 mhmm yes hahaha

or make something cool like a pipe or ashtry or something ya kno


Well-Known Member
dude id save that trunk on the shelf let it dry out jus cool man people down the lines gonna be like dude whats this and youll be like summer of 09 mhmm yes hahaha

or make something cool like a pipe or ashtry or something ya kno
LOL! oh man thats funny shit right there!! I just pondered about that so long I forgot I had food in the microwave. I thought of all these Ideas like different carvings and like make a walking stick and take it hiking.....oh shit stoner moment, that is brilliant tho I love your thinking on that!...Im gonna go get that stalk and its gonna have a purpose in this world!


Well-Known Member
haha man i jus think itd be pretty cool oh make it in to a stash box thatd be super cool all carved out and shit


Well-Known Member
well this is the girl that will be ready first...I'm thinking about two weeks left to go. I wish my camera would take better pictures:evil: These pics really do her no justice, when the sun hits her, she just sparkles likes crazy. Maybe I'll borrow a friends nice camera for the final photos before harvest.....but I just gotta think of a reason to borrow the camera...



Well-Known Member
Well if there is one thing for sure I've noticed about these giant green globes......the way they pack on their buds is a little different than the white widow....maybe because these things are just such thick bushes!! From standing up high on my fence post looking down over them you cant even really see any bud structure with all the thick leaves....but when you come down level with these girls and start poking your head in for the view they are definatly hiding some very big buds, these girls are only slightly behind the widow...I'm guessing probably early to mid October for these girls.



Well-Known Member
thanks everybody!:mrgreen: say quick question...I know having spiders around is a good thing for keeping bugs out of your buds.....but in my white widow there is a decent sized spider web......the style web where the spider makes like a blanket web for it to walk on........could this possibly be bad for my plant right now?..

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
thanks everybody!:mrgreen: say quick question...I know having spiders around is a good thing for keeping bugs out of your buds.....but in my white widow there is a decent sized spider web......the style web where the spider makes like a blanket web for it to walk on........could this possibly be bad for my plant right now?..

I don't see how myself. I have mostly Daddy long legs on mine, they don't spin webs. Tons of Dragon flys this time of year too which is great cause they are keeping the mosquito population down.


Well-Known Member
well I do believe my widow is about ready to be harvested, I can maybe get a decent pic in a day or so if the sun comes out but my camera sucks. Pretty much all of the pistols have recessed in, its covered with trichs and there isn't much new growth coming in (pistols) Also I will add that today I looked at them and its been a week since I last looked...I was outta town. So I'm gonna give it a few days and see what I see and I'll keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
I have a question I am at 7 weeks with this white widow and its looking very close so I bought a 20x - 200x microscope and cut samples off buds in different areas of the plant and its showing mostly all milky and about 25%-30% light amber colored trichs.....which yes it is time to harvest this plant...........BUT some of the lower samples are not showing as much of the amber trichs......should I harvest the top bigger buds and let the bottom smaller buds go for a few more days or just take it all down.....or just wait a couple days.......I'm not sure I want to wait too much longer with all this rain coming in the forcast....not to mention alot of the trichs are about where I think they should be........please give me some feedback very soon as I may decide to chop yet tonight. Thank you


Well-Known Member
i say chop what looks ready and let the other parts go a bit longer.
Its usually no big deal I was just wanting to try something different this year....I've never tried harvesting like half now and the rest later....will cutting off upper branches mess with the growth of the existing plant? Or will it continue on the same?