5th Official Party Cup Voting Submissions

1st: MCP, that dude would wreck house with a proper grow light lolol
2nd: FrozenChozen, you crushed yields for party cups, and I'd really love to see a SOG with something like that.
3rd: Captain! That girl was real pretty, but you did dedicate a state-of-the-art light to a single plant.

Aaaand Metasynth gets the Charlie Brown... If I could pack the bowl for you I would. :P

Might be back to play again, but I have doubts in my ability to successfully post an update every week... We'll see. Either way, my Romulan/Sweet Skunk-Ghost/Afghan (how do I name things? someone name this shit pls) from the comp has been rebred, seeded a few buds with the original pollen for F3, and is vegging out about 5' to start flower in a couple weeks!
So blue Ribbon update:
Epicfail received both the most amount of votes for blue ribbon and, was the only one with BR votes that didn't recieve any 1st, 2nd. or 3rd, placement votes...
EpicFail receives the Blue ribbon for the comp. Which means once all other prizes have been picked, the only prize left if yours!!!
Prizes available are: An Inda-gro 420-par, and Inda-gro 200-par, Area 51 Rw75 Model, A generous multi size pack of Root Pouches, midweeksong.com gift voucher valued @ 100$, or a Green Gator Filter package. I will PM you with the remaining prizes to choose from once those before you have picked their prize..

Thanks again to all our sponsors for their donations and time hope to see you all in the next comp.

Good Luck @ our New Moderator FrozenChozen as he takes the wheel steering us into a new Party Cup Competiton!!!
1 st place goes to: FrozenChozen
2 nd place: captainmorgan
3 rd place: Mc130P
4th place: Kineboisin420
5th place: CocoCola36
and epicfail receives the Blue Ribbon
Frozen is picking a prize and once he has, then captainmorgan can pick a prize and so on...

that Inda-gro 420 is what I've had my eye on since before the competition started! Maybe if I'm lucky, I can have it in hand for my birthday in mid January!