5th Official Party Cup Voting Submissions

The only thing I worry about a open vote is that people get their feelings hurt,I'm really not interested in winning because I wouldn't be able to compete in the next one,just like to place and get a prize of some sort.

I think anyone that was going to get their feelings hurt got them hurt when the saw your yield bud ! lol

Not that yield is everything and even finishing a plant in such a small container can be a bitch

I might get a new cam and some cups so I can come to the next party

If we could just use 1/2 L black plastic bag pots, I`d be in for sure, lol
Wow talk about a tough comp. It was very hard trying to vote who for what places. Very good job to everyone.

I gotta say some very stiff competition. I based my votes of off appearance, overall grow progress, plant health, yield, and innovation.

1. Captain for innovation with lighting, yield, and appearance/frostiness'
2. Frozen- yield, appearance, and innovation for DWC with the yield. I don't think that DWC in a solo could be pulled off very easy, at least what I have seen from past comps.
3. MC130P-yield, appearance, and lighting
4. Cococola36- appearance, plant health, yield- ( honestly a very hard choice. With your overall appearance and plant health I felt you should have been in the top 2, if your yield was slightly higher that could have been the case.)

Also the fact that you only popped one seed was a def. consideration. However I solely could not base votes off of one or two things and took an overall consideration of many factors.

Seriously, amazing job to all. I raked my brain for an hour trying to vote and decide who for what places.

Epicfail- you could have been a serious contender if your yield was higher, that was a damn nice looking plant. I look forward to seeing everyone in the next comp.
1. KineB saw what you did in the last cup, this run was twice as good.

2. Captain. Actually had you first, but you said you wanted to participate in the next one and after what you did in this one I had to honor that request.

3. Mc130p been following your grows for over a year now and watched you really up your game. That and your yield and bag appeal put you slightly ahead of the following,

Cococola, Badkarma, Hyroot, Frozenchozen and the man who produced one of the prettiest plant pics I've ever seen, Epicfail. Everyone in this catigory was in my top three at some point.
1) @FrozenChozen - OMG is right.
2) @mc130p - If that is 13 cents I'd love to see what 14 cents will do.
3) @captainmorgan - Best looking industrial hemp in the comp. ;-)

Blue Ribbon I think goes to @Chronikool s little girl, I Cant wait to see what she looks like after the reveg

Those were not easy choices, I reviewed the selection a few times over that last few days and this is what I'm settling on. Awesome job everyone.
How are votes going to be tallied?
most first place votes gets first, and so on?
or a point system for each vote...
1st - 5 points
2nd- 3 points
3rd- 2 points
4th/BR- 1 point

That makes 2 2nd place votes worth more than 1 first place vote and so on....
I was "encouraged' to vote - lol Did enter (and exit real quick) and followed along. Great growing to all, going to be a tough comp to beat!

1. FrozenChozen for showing us that hps still works
2. mc130p for pulling that with a few cents of MG
3. CaptainMorgan for showing us what some CXA's in the right hands can do

Looking forward to the next one, see if I can stay in longer than a week :)