5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

Hey brotha, from all of us up here in ALASKA
winter will be in full swing in about a month....
For real wisco has already been getting to freezing at night this last week. It went from pushing 90 to barely hitting 60 during the day lol. And of course the heater in the place I just signed a lease in went out .:wall:
Its why I havent moved them yet unfortunately
Another pathetic weekly update. I've been running them on plain pH'd water for now, gonna add some nutes tomorrow and I expect to see some growth after that...I hope...lol

And the secret to my pics not looking all washed out and yellow...Taking pictures through the lens of a pair of Blue Polarized Sunglasses...Works like a charm to take out the yellow and take away the HPS bars...
Update #2 - Day 14

They are growing up so fast!

PCU#2 BE.jpg
PCU#2 Groupie.jpg

Timewreck x Cerberus #1
If any of them are female, it's this one. Very reserved growth compared to the others, but that is not to say it's growing slowly. Looks the most indica of the bunch, so far.
PCU#2 TxC#1.jpg

Timewreck x Cerberus #2
Almost lost this one when I knocked over a flood pan, but the clothespin acted like a roll cage, and kept it's stem from snapping, during the fall.
PCU#2 TxC#2.jpg

Timewreck x Cerberus #3
This one would be my other early bet as a female, due to the slightly more reserved growth compared to the next two, but only slightly.
PCU#2 TxC#3.jpg

Timewreck x Cerberus #4
Getting big, and bushy, fast.
PCU#2 TxC#4.jpg

Timewreck x Cerberus #5
This one has got to be a male, it's just getting too big, too fast.
PCU#2 TxC#5.jpg
You guys think it's rough where your at,it hit 61 today and I almost had to take my flannel shirt off. And my damn cup plant is growing so fast I have to raise the light every day. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

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Lifes tough all over I guess, damn this global warming! Err umm I mean climate change, or wait what are they calling it this week??

(Just so no one gets there jimmies up tight I do believe in climate change just poking fun at it)
hey ive got a question, root pruning..... legal??
and btw f#%k off @frozencho have you ever had to put up with summer constantly hitting 100s!?!? it sucks ass!! lol