5th Official Party Cup Grow Competition

Pass it Around

Well-Known Member
I'm officially throwing in the towel guys. Three weeks of no growth. Seedling hasn't done anything since shedding its shell. Good luck to everyone still in it.
It happens, I couldn't do the competition cuz I had a 10 day road trip so I didn't want someone else watching my baby as I consider that cheating ina competition.


Well-Known Member
I made it to the end of the last 2 comps. Placed 4th 2 comps ago with cheese og
Geez, do you have a sense of humor?! Actually I read up on the last ones, I'm just picking on you! You have a beautiful garden, and a healthy shot at placing pretty high....

What happened to the friendly shit talk?!


Well-Known Member
Yo time for a update.

Seriously getting kicked in the ass with our hot dry weather. No ac just three 8" in line plus a smll 4", still over 90+.!.!

I planted a mixture of cover crop thinking the blue bubbas would out grow them..... Wrong, cover crops growing healthy which means my soil is good, starting to think these are weak seeds/genetics..but i think its the heat...OR my lights are much too high, will find a way to get these seeds closer up..supra still in the lead, others are following, oh yea, chroni motha fucka dead lol.

Although chroni is dead, the cover crops will grow and live on!


Well-Known Member
This cali heat wave is doing the same here but I upped the nutes a little and more water and they started growing again. Can't wait for summer lite (winter) to get here.