5150's Backyard 2013


Well-Known Member
I am hoping to not need the carports this year. Last year the Purple kush finish Oct. 3rd. Beat the rain. This is why this year I am going all fast strains to beat the weather. Also by looking at my past grow logs bud worms and damaged has never showed up until mid oct. Hoping to kill two birds with one stone with fast strains. I do have plans for lean two style covers off my fence line if rain comes early. Just simple covers. without my logs and threads like this I would have never put two and two together.


Well-Known Member
Time for weekend update. Beans are becoming a problem. I will chop all the lower bean leafs out around the plants. Just let the upper beans grow. Never did this before so not sure how it will work. Still no ferts on any of the plants. I will feed flowering ferts once full flower comes on.

Going to feed the Mendo purps tonight for she is in full flower. The mendo started flowering about a week ago. So early August for that one. Much further ahead of all the others. Lets hope she finishes fast. May be all Mendo purps next year. I am striving to finish before all the worms and rain show up. I do not care what strain I have really. Just looking for works in my area.

Enjoy friends.



Well-Known Member
That what I tried doing too..Cenex, Purple Lightning and a Blue Magoo (The magoo looks like that later finisher) I'm excetied about trying the Magoo..It's a relative of Williams Wonder. I'd love to have everything chopped before Oct 1.


Well-Known Member
Update time.

Mendo purps is in full flower. Blackberry is starting pre flowers. All the rest no signs of flowering. Stretch seems to be going sideways. Some are more fatter than taller. I fed the Mendo Grow Big and Tigar Bloom for first ferts of the season. The tall Lemon Kush in the corner is going about a few inches a day. I been watching it on the fence line.

sucks for my plans were to be in full flower right now. Plans change daily right now. I am thinking my Purple Kushs are not Purple kushes at all. The fatty purple kush leafs are not present on what I was told was PK. It is what it is. Live and learn.

I also trim the bottom of the plant. My rule of thumb for my area is to trim out any leafs or branches that touch the ground when the plant is wet. In pots I just let them be.



Well-Known Member
Weekend update time.

Going to have to make some kind of covers for sure. Thinking about using half a carport leaned up against my fence line. Half hoop off the fence if you will.

Who is watching Little League World Series? I am cheering for the San Diego team and the team from Samammish Washington State.
