5150's Backyard 2012 Pacific Northwest






Guy next door is having outdoor party. 50 people next door 10 feet from my greenhouse. Gotta love it.
Really nice grow. I was wondering if the tarp cover you have on there blocks a lot of the light that the plants need. I live in WA. a couple of hours from Portland. I have a cover for mine but this is my first time growing and I was worried that the cover would block a lot of the light that they needed.
Really nice grow. I was wondering if the tarp cover you have on there blocks a lot of the light that the plants need. I live in WA. a couple of hours from Portland. I have a cover for mine but this is my first time growing and I was worried that the cover would block a lot of the light that they needed.

The 6mm plastic blocks 20% of the sun. It is a must not only for the rain but the morning dew we have in the valley in Portland area's. Same as a greenhouse really. 20% is nothing for the protection you get. I would try to leave them uncovered until the dew shows up though. Remember dew falls like rain so the cover will keep plants dry even if no rain.
I have been covering them up at night and uncovering when i get up in the afternoon. I am only using 4 mil though. I am hoping that the weather don't get too bad before the end of OCT. Thanks for the help. If you have any other advice I would appreciate it.
Guy next door is having outdoor party. 50 people next door 10 feet from my greenhouse. Gotta love it.

my neighbors and i have been trading shifts staying up.

how about this fucking weather! talk about a great way to finish.
my neighbors and i have been trading shifts staying up.

how about this fucking weather! talk about a great way to finish.

Yah could not ask for better weather!!! Like it man.

Added a bug zapper with cut out cage so large moths can get fried easy.

You do realize bug zappers ATTRACT the bugs, don't you?
I woulda left it out. :)

Yah talking about this now in a few other forums. More info to come. So far I seen it kill 3 moths in about 30 minutes watching it. Moths have been getting under my carport. It's this or let them fly around and do there thing? Still thinking about it and will listen to any advice. Also worried about the light. I did move it all the way to the top.
I will hang a 5g bucket and lower the zapper half way into the bucket. This will deflect the light off the plants but still draw the moths. All new to me so any advice I will listen.
awwweeesooomeee I've always thought about building a greenhouse... would be nice to have on top of my main grow ;)
beautiful gals... great set up and thought put into this grow..

and the pics are clear nice camera too!
im going to bite the bullet and get 2 carports next year...im getting mold from the morning dew..
...about how much you think it will cost to convert them to greenhouses?
im doing that bucket zapper next year too...
im going to bite the bullet and get 2 carports next year...im getting mold from the morning dew..
...about how much you think it will cost to convert them to greenhouses?
im doing that bucket zapper next year too...

check out craigslist for car canopy frames I had one that I got rid of for free to a buddy and really wish I did not...