$50 ounces for upper tier legal weed?

Last texan I had up to visit was paying 4 bills down there. Came up , smoked some of mine and talked about making the trip from Houston to Denver monthly just to pick up.
That would be correct. Though i wouldnt put it quite like that. I cant find it in me to charge outrageous prices for something that cost me about 11$ an oz to produce. I mean its supplemental income for me anyway, i make plenty. And despite one of my places being raided last fall, still pumping out a little bit. Maybe itll catch on.. i know prices are dropping heavy in my area..i remember $60 1/8ths down in downtown atx but a few years ago. Now its 30-40, and thats by the college
Down in the heart of tx
I been doing $50 ozs all day. Off dank
Those buying off the street without a connect can get $50 1/4s
Shits getting cheap, and its gonn get cheaper. Im dropping prices to 35 an o to stamp out the last of the brick weed buyers. Costs so little to produce. Thats still turning huge profits.
You got to be joking right.. I'm in Tx and I am a medium size grower. I sell grams for 10, 225 for a ounce of top shelf. 175 for cali outdoor. I'm sorry but 50 a ounce is just too cheap.. And I live in DFW.. You say from the hearth of texas,.that would be Waco which I know first hand weed cost more in Waco
I didnt mean the litteral "heart" but i am somewhere in the center.. austin area. Just east really, in travis county

What you sell for is the typical street price, 10 a g, 30 an 1/8 then 50 for the 1/4 between 175-200 for the oz. Thats no connect, basic street prices. People i sell too then sell it to dealers who then sell to these street folk. Inevitably it doubles in price before its smoked often times so everyone makes profit. My boy in san marcos wants 20lbs every 2 weeks. Thats plenty profit-$40 an oz for little ol me. I dont see the point in charging outrageously, thats not how you push product. Better quality at a cheaper price = high demand. And keeps lips tight
Stoners today must be some cheap ass fuckers.
You get what you pay for.
Demand all the underpriced weed you want and see what that brings you.
Id burn my shit first. Looks like its back up to 35 an eighth a lot of places here. As where I consider 70 a quarter zip too much 50 a zip or even double that and its still too cheap.200 a zip is more than fair for true top shelf.
New England's where it's at 200 a zip shits not gonna be great. :bigjoint: They do pay crazy prices but I just give the best and it ain't no $200 but they charge like $20 a gram 60 an eighth. lol
I didnt mean the litteral "heart" but i am somewhere in the center.. austin area. Just east really, in travis county

What you sell for is the typical street price, 10 a g, 30 an 1/8 then 50 for the 1/4 between 175-200 for the oz. Thats no connect, basic street prices. People i sell too then sell it to dealers who then sell to these street folk. Inevitably it doubles in price before its smoked often times so everyone makes profit. My boy in san marcos wants 20lbs every 2 weeks. Thats plenty profit-$40 an oz for little ol me. I dont see the point in charging outrageously, thats not how you push product. Better quality at a cheaper price = high demand. And keeps lips tight
So it's not 50 an ounce your selling to a middle man better to cut them out IMO but if you don't know anyone to take it middle men work just know he is making more than you and taking less of a risk while putting in no work. lol
Well when it does hit the intended buyer its still a good bit cheaper.
And he may not put the same sort of work in but i could never get that much product out without being terribly paranoid, besides that i wouldnt even know enough people to smoke and buy it all.
But in my personal opinion people like myself are why the prices went from 350 an oz to 250 then commonly just under 2 in but 5-7 years time. Thats the beauty of competition, few people smoke shwag anymore. And thats not to say that these middle men and myself dont sell to friends. In my ideal world you could get dank on the street for 50 an oz. I want to see even the poorest of people able to afford quality bud. I believe the only way that will happen is scaling up, i dont need to make more than 100k a year to be satisfied. Lowering prices and selling more is key. I realize alot of people i sell too jump on it and flip it for more but i cant help that. I dont have a problem spreading the wealth anyway, id rather everybody make money
Well when it does hit the intended buyer its still a good bit cheaper.
And he may not put the same sort of work in but i could never get that much product out without being terribly paranoid, besides that i wouldnt even know enough people to smoke and buy it all.
But in my personal opinion people like myself are why the prices went from 350 an oz to 250 then commonly just under 2 in but 5-7 years time. Thats the beauty of competition, few people smoke shwag anymore. And thats not to say that these middle men and myself dont sell to friends. In my ideal world you could get dank on the street for 50 an oz. I want to see even the poorest of people able to afford quality bud. I believe the only way that will happen is scaling up, i dont need to make more than 100k a year to be satisfied. Lowering prices and selling more is key. I realize alot of people i sell too jump on it and flip it for more but i cant help that. I dont have a problem spreading the wealth anyway, id rather everybody make money
Well you're obviously not growing it. Because homeboy in san marcus would not be getting 20 packs every other week without a massive warehouse's' and a army of workers. And if I was growing at that size in this state I sure the fuck wouldn't be talking about openly in a forum.. Just saying. So I assume you are getting cali outdoor in the mail, right? I'm just stating this because I have been growing for a living for over 10 years now and there is no way in hell I would be doing this for 40 a ounce!!! Fuck that noise!!
I have 15,000 watts and two houses. And after you include rent, electricity, nutrients and taxes at 40 dollars a ounce you would be losing your ass, I know this..
In my ideal world you could get dank on the street for 50 an oz. I want to see even the poorest of people able to afford quality bud. I believe the only way that will happen is scaling up, i dont need to make more than 100k a year to be satisfied. Lowering prices and selling more is key. I realize alot of people i sell too jump on it and flip it for more but i cant help that. I dont have a problem spreading the wealth anyway, id rather everybody make money

I'm so with you on this. We're talking about a flower, and the price dropping to comparably priced commodities is an expected side effect of cannabis normalization. As decrim/legalization continues across the country, risk will decrease and more growers/sellers will enter the market. Upscaling will inevitably occur, and as you note prices will keep falling.

Here in AK, soon the proposed $50/oz cannabis tax will become a majority of the cost!
I didnt mean the litteral "heart" but i am somewhere in the center.. austin area. Just east really, in travis county

What you sell for is the typical street price, 10 a g, 30 an 1/8 then 50 for the 1/4 between 175-200 for the oz. Thats no connect, basic street prices. People i sell too then sell it to dealers who then sell to these street folk. Inevitably it doubles in price before its smoked often times so everyone makes profit. My boy in san marcos wants 20lbs every 2 weeks. Thats plenty profit-$40 an oz for little ol me. I dont see the point in charging outrageously, thats not how you push product. Better quality at a cheaper price = high demand. And keeps lips tight
If you're selling quantity and expect whoever buys it is gonna pass on the savings you are probably mistaken. So basically you aren't doing a thing to cut the hand of our south of the border buddies from selling the swag.
I'm so with you on this. We're talking about a flower, and the price dropping to comparably priced commodities is an expected side effect of cannabis normalization. As decrim/legalization continues across the country, risk will decrease and more growers/sellers will enter the market. Upscaling will inevitably occur, and as you note prices will keep falling.

Here in AK, soon the proposed $50/oz cannabis tax will become a majority of the cost!
Good luck with that.
I DO NOT SUPPORT dropping in the marijuana prices! It's NOT just some fucking flower! And who ever the supports 50 dollar ounces has NO respect for us the growers! You know there are families that rely on this plant to feed their kids and family. Call me black market cash cropper, I don't care. Y'all do realize why cali did not win the vote for recreational, right? Because all the big ass growers up in the emerald triangle Voted no, because they don't want plant counts and falling prices.. Don't believe me let's ask.. @Garden Boss @doublejj

And look what Washington did, they dropped all the medical and are going to only rec. Cutting out the small farmers and monopolizing the market to just the industrial giants, ask Canada how this worked out for them..
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Lol yes you made that point obvious.
Im all for dropping prices...

no m8

if you drop the prices your gonna get shit weed and people wont be able to support themelves

now im not saying it should be 20 bucks a gram

but i think 10 or 15 a gram is a good price and should stay right there

every industry pretty much got fucked from trying to lower prices