$50 ounces for upper tier legal weed?

Having read this whole thread I see two points of view;

The short term view is that anyone selling $50 zips on the street right now is an idiot. True enough.

The long term view is that anyone who expects to still be making MORE than $50 a zip in five years- maybe ten- is an idiot. I believe this is also true.

I clearly see where both of these statements can be true, it's just a matter of time.

Advancing technology, continuing legalization, accelerating consolidation, increasing commoditization will combine to do what America does best; drive the price inexorably downward.

Complain all you want, it's as inevitable as water running downhill.

So the question becomes what will you do while this process continues? Those who 'take a stand' at a given price point will get steamrolled. Those who move upmarket will find that just like Ferrari and Rolls Royce, there is little room at the top, certainly not enough for everyone. Those who work to commoditize the product will earn a decent living.

Personally, I know too many poor, sick, hurting people to want to see the market continue to play keep away with the meds they need just because they're stuck in a low paying job.

So, count me as one of those who will work hard and innovate my ass off to help drive the price of high quality meds down to where the sick can get what they need, no matter what their budget.

We will see who ends up making a good living as this all plays out... but I think I'm on the right side of this and I sleep well at night.
Having read this whole thread I see two points of view;

The short term view is that anyone selling $50 zips on the street right now is an idiot. True enough.

The long term view is that anyone who expects to still be making MORE than $50 a zip in five years- maybe ten- is an idiot. I believe this is also true.

I clearly see where both of these statements can be true, it's just a matter of time.

Advancing technology, continuing legalization, accelerating consolidation, increasing commoditization will combine to do what America does best; drive the price inexorably downward.

Complain all you want, it's as inevitable as water running downhill.

So the question becomes what will you do while this process continues? Those who 'take a stand' at a given price point will get steamrolled. Those who move upmarket will find that just like Ferrari and Rolls Royce, there is little room at the top, certainly not enough for everyone. Those who work to commoditize the product will earn a decent living.

Personally, I know too many poor, sick, hurting people to want to see the market continue to play keep away with the meds they need just because they're stuck in a low paying job.

So, count me as one of those who will work hard and innovate my ass off to help drive the price of high quality meds down to where the sick can get what they need, no matter what their budget.

We will see who ends up making a good living as this all plays out... but I think I'm on the right side of this and I sleep well at night.
Folks! I am not making this up to troll. This is your most basic grade school economics in play right here. Some WILL survive, the smart ones who become efficient and are the best marketers of their brand. When the dust settles, perhaps the most who don't survive, can get decent middle class jobs working for those who make it.


"this time he expects to get just $4 per gram, when he has big bills to pay."
"We're running out of money," he said. "We need to make sales this month to stay operational, and we're going to be selling at losses."
"If it's a natural bump from the outdoor harvest, that's one thing," said Jeremy Moberg, who is sitting on 1,500 pounds of unsold marijuana at his CannaSol Farms in north-central Washington. "If it's institutionally creating oversupply ... that's a problem."

"In the early days, we were able to get, like, $1,700 to $2,200 a pound, wholesale. Now it's like $700, $800 a pound," he said. "That's not profitable at all. I've got most of my stuff stashed away for later."
"There's 45,000 extra pounds floating around out there with no home right now."


“The script has been flipped from demand outpacing the supply to growers in the past few months having over-produced 10 times what’s being sold in retail stores,” said Ramsey Hamide, owner of the Main Street Marijuana rec shop in Vancouver, Washington.

He added that a lot of growers and processors are “absolutely scared to death.”

“The last big purchase I made was at $6 a gram. The guy came back two days ago, said, ‘Would you want more at $4.50?’ I said, ‘I’ll take more at $3 a gram.’ And I bought another 10 pounds,” Hamide said in December. “(Growers have) been bringing us product for $1, $2 a gram.”


And there are dozens more stories like the above.
If we are talking about indoor weed and we are paying .35 cents per kw(like we are in nor cal)than simple math = 6 plants under 1000w for 60 days veg 18 hr and 80 days flower on 12 hrs light...average yield say 16 oz. than just the volts cost $706.00
So 200.00 an oz is about fair...but 50 an oz no way.
I see what you are saying. Your utilities are insane bro. Many multiples of my costs. If I were in the biz, I would be working to bring my costs down to as cheap as possible right now ASAP. No expensive soils or NUTES, you can't afford the costs of those companies marketing expenses. Gonna have to learn to mix your own out of raw materials purchased in quantity. Greenhouses. The sun is free of charge. In business where competition exists, costs and marketing ability are what will give you the edge over your competition. Or they will bury you. It's really your most basic supply VS demand in play.

Just think about it. Read my previous post and keep abreast of the news.

This thread was created with $50 ounces in the title. Wholesale. It's already happening. I feel, and am merely speculating, after the 2015 fall harvest, the growers will begin to consolidate. Some want make it. Others will have to work harder and smarter.

I could be wrong, but it seems kind of apparent.
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small talk guys

small money talk guys

small change guys

very small cash talk guys lol ;) bless
" my bro can get $50 zips"

;) bless you wannabe gangstas ;)

Those are old people with no contacts..and that's outdoor. good/great weed sells itself...those fools have 45000 pounds of this. View attachment 3397515not this!!View attachment 3397516huge difference.
That's nice looking bud. Connoisseur grade. Hey, Ginseng root sells for like $1000 a pound on that show Appallacian Outlaws. But, the difference is, natural ginseng takes like 10 to 15 years to mature enough to harvest. 30 years to have a significant sized root. Not 3 to 6 months like MJ. Kudos on the nice bud though. One could build a name brand out of that bottom pic. Kinda like top shelf whiskey. Which takes years to age as well.

Edit: took a sec to look at that first pic up close. Should just throw that in the compost bin. Mexican shwag is an upgrade from that.
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I see what you are saying. Your utilities are insane bro. Many multiples of my costs. If I were in the biz, I would be working to bring my costs down to as cheap as possible right now ASAP. No expensive soils or NUTES, you can't afford the costs of those companies marketing expenses. Gonna have to learn to mix your own out of raw materials purchased in quantity. Greenhouses. The sun is free of charge. In business where competition exists, costs and marketing ability are what will give you the edge over your competition. Or they will bury you. It's really your most basic supply VS demand in play.

Just think about it. Read my previous post and keep abreast of the news.

This thread was created with $50 ounces in the title. Wholesale. It's already happening. I feel, and am merely speculating, after the 2015 fall harvest, the growers will begin to consolidate. Some want make it. Others will have to work harder and smarter.

I could be wrong, but it seems kind of apparent.

I just now am jumping on the band wagon(green house growing)indoor is now shut down for good.
As far as a nute program I found maxsea for a good price(thanks double jj)
Open market price is 100 an oz local
On the other hand...most nor cal growers are fetching 3000 a pound in new york.
I just now am jumping on the band wagon(green house growing)indoor is now shut down for good.
As far as a nute program I found maxsea for a good price(thanks double jj)
Open market price is 100 an oz local
On the other hand...most nor cal growers are fetching 3000 a pound in new york.
Yessir, gotta move that product into the black market areas to make the big bucks. And that is why Colorado is getting sued by several of the surrounding states.

Don't get me wrong. I am an advocate of MJ. The things some do with the plant are truly amazing and should garner higher prices.

Good luck with the green house bro.
The Colorado store owner quoted below thinks so. And I agree. At the end of the day, cultivating great weed is NOT rocket science. Sure there is a learning curve, but the same exists growing high quality spices, tomatoes or even live stock or manufacturing anything else. But, like good genetic stock, the upper tier seeds, the nutrients, the equipment and even the education is easily obtainable. And like all other things, experience is attained over time and that along with the training is available right here on the rollitup.

IDK..look at some of the crap people post..even with the help of RIU..it IS like rocket science to some people...i just don't get it..
Those are old people with no contacts..and that's outdoor. good/great weed sells itself...those fools have 45000 pounds of this. View attachment 3397515not this!!View attachment 3397516huge difference.

Lol, That has to be the worst outdoor I've ever seen I'll take most brick weed over that crap any day outdoor can actually be damn good but indoor does come out nicer most of the time. I've had outdoor that looked like indoor just way too big of buds and not better then the best indoor I've had yet better than most indoor you see in New England from the big time commercial growers their weed sucks yet they charge more than me but my people love me for it :hug: they use to pay $50 and eighth for crap indoor and $60 for shit like mine but I hook it up for $40 indoor less for O's never lost a costumer.:bigjoint:
IDK..look at some of the crap people post..even with the help of RIU..it IS like rocket science to some people...i just don't get it..
Yep a lot of total misinformation on the RIU. I mean there are some really admirable educated growers here, as well as awesome threads, but you have to weed through so much muck it's pathetic to find that needle in the hay stack. Confuses me sometimes too. I validate everything I discover here elsewhere before I implement anything. Plus I have never seen so many fuck ups coagulate in one place. Troll central. Even those I feel add value screw around on TnT rather than even bother trying to get involved in discussions.

Oh well. It is what it is. I'm only here because I got a cooshy job and get bored half the time. And I love growing and all things about it. I certainly don't consider myself an expert, but damn it's just not that hard to be a novice or mid level grower and get good results.

Also I have a real life outside of growing and MJ. ITS ALL GOOD!

legalization has absolutely Zero to do with cheap weed. It is all about Money and Only Money and that is all..
The taxes alone will not be below 50$/ounce .

it may drop , but Ca has had legal weed since '96 and retail prices are still 300~400 ounce for upper tier A Grade in Bay Area dispensaries .

Also, one needs to look no further than Colorado's legalization terms, for an example. In their law there is a minimal threshold for commercial wholesale marijuana. That threshold is $1875/pound . Meaning, you can sell it for less if you want, but , you will pay the tax rate as if the pound sold for $1875 .

If somebody is going to sell at less than $1000 /pound and then pay tax at the rated minimal as if the pound sold for $1875, they might like to get a job sweeping the floors instead lol
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Yessir, gotta move that product into the black market areas to make the big bucks. And that is why Colorado is getting sued by several of the surrounding states.

Don't get me wrong. I am an advocate of MJ. The things some do with the plant are truly amazing and should garner higher prices.

Good luck with the green house bro.

The fucking Sheriff of Larimer county is one of the plaintiffs in this lawsuit- he needs to read the Constitution and figure out what his JOB actually is. I'll summarize; it's to protect the citizens of his county FROM Federal overreach, not to complain that state laws and federal laws aren't the same... and then side with THE FEDS!

legalization has absolutely Zero to do with cheap weed. It is all about Money and Only Money and that is all..
The taxes alone will not be below 50$/ounce .

it may drop , but Ca has had legal weed since '96 and retail prices are still 300~400 ounce for upper tier A Grade in Bay Area dispensaries .

Also, one needs to look no further than Colorado's legalization terms, for an example. In their law there is a minimal threshold for commercial wholesale marijuana. That threshold is $1875/pound . Meaning, you can sell it for less if you want, but , you will pay the tax rate as if the pound sold for $1875 .

If somebody is going to sell at less than $1000 /pound and then pay tax at the rated minimal as if the pound sold for $1875, they might like to get a job sweeping the floors instead lol

That upper tier grade A is also selling in the most cost inflated market in the country; only in the Bay area do people actually pay a million dollars for a one bedroom apartment of less than a thousand square feet!

I'm quite sure the Colorado tax schedule you mentioned will change soon, the legal cannabis industry lobby will take care of that. It's how the game is currently played, and the dispensaries certainly have the money to play (pay to play) it well.
The fucking Sheriff of Larimer county is one of the plaintiffs in this lawsuit- he needs to read the Constitution and figure out what his JOB actually is. I'll summarize; it's to protect the citizens of his county FROM Federal overreach, not to complain that state laws and federal laws aren't the same... and then side with THE FEDS!

Yup. I had something to say about that to the tune that butch can't do his sworn duties for the voters county who elected him. Then they need to run his ass outta town. The people voted for that. Disgusts me for sure.
legalization has absolutely Zero to do with cheap weed. It is all about Money and Only Money and that is all..
The taxes alone will not be below 50$/ounce .

it may drop , but Ca has had legal weed since '96 and retail prices are still 300~400 ounce for upper tier A Grade in Bay Area dispensaries .

Also, one needs to look no further than Colorado's legalization terms, for an example. In their law there is a minimal threshold for commercial wholesale marijuana. That threshold is $1875/pound . Meaning, you can sell it for less if you want, but , you will pay the tax rate as if the pound sold for $1875 .

If somebody is going to sell at less than $1000 /pound and then pay tax at the rated minimal as if the pound sold for $1875, they might like to get a job sweeping the floors instead lol

See now I think that legalization has all to do with cheap weed. I`ve also been stating for years now that dispensaries will fail from the get go. Sure the FAB is short lived and gives dealers a false sense of success.

Legalization decreases demand, and you can`t predict where people will get their weed. Gov. expects tax dollars and like you say, that`s all they care about and will get theirs even if you don`t get your share.

If weed were free to grow and sell at will unrestricted, ... you will have a pot industry a lot like the auto industry. You can`t machine farm weed. It don`t take well to machine harvest and people need to be paid. (Cartels excluded)

To think weed prices will be controlled by industry is silly and foolish.

Like Mr. Sunshine said,....Good weed sells it`self.
Mr. Sunshine is also right about the 45,000 pounds of commercial being turned away in favor of the other picture.

High school kids are the one`s running around buying anything from anywhere.....Selected weed buyers are where the money is going to be, low weight high tier.....(upper tier being lab tested)

Still, I`ve seen amazing killer plants grown indoors, and killer wild weed from outside. The indoors guys got a slight edge on the control, but a good grower can grow top crop outside too.