$50 ounces for upper tier legal weed?

I only drink moonshine, clear whiskey now. 6 years ago I drank at least of fifth of Jim Beam every night. Sometimes a liter. And I often put a real hurting in a half gallon. Woah, the shakes the next day were fucking insane when I did that.

Then I learned how to make moonshine. It's really easy. But, you have to do it right otherwise you could kill of fuck your self up. Knowing how much time and effort going into making your own moonshine, you realize it's not really worth it unless your setup for quantity.

So now I drink the watered down shine off the shelf from the liquor store. It's pretty much the same and will get you where you wanna go. Thankfully, I don't drink every day anymore and it had brought my tolerance down to reasonable levels. I rarely consume a quart anymore.

You can have a steak dinner at some places for a $20 bill. You can go somewhere else and it might cost $2000.

That's marketing. The whole point of this thread was to realize that weed is just a fucking consumable plant. It's not hard to grow. It will get cheaper as they take away the black market expenses. It is easy to grow ur own dank.

Sorry if I butt hurt all you bitches little feelings out there that because just because you can grow a "WEED" doesn't make you a rocket scientists.

I love it. Just vaped my first for the day. After, yard work, car work and everything else I've done this morning to reach this point of chill.

Oh did I mention bars? Also microbrewery's with their very own bar now a 6 pack not enough to get drunk of course costs $7 or so then you go to the bar your paying $2.50 just for 1 Budweiser so $15 just to catch a buzz 1 gram goes further than a 6 pack so coffee shops I think you would pay $10 a gram unless it's amazing.

But we are 10-20+ years from legal about 4 states are voting 2016 laws won't change till 2017. What about the south? none of them are dreaming of it, also Rand Paul wins it will be a big set back but who knows the guy flip flops so much it's not even funny, never heard Hilary even speak of medical weed either it's a long hard road.

I wouldn't be surprised if full legalization don't come for 30 years CA had medical like 1996 or some shit now it's 2015 and I don't even think half the states have medical and a lot of states that do you can't even access medical marijuana or grow it. So I ain't sweating shit before 30 years I'll be retired to my fishing boat catching tropical fish in the Caribbean. :bigjoint:While growing Neville's Haze and shit on tropical islands. :weed:
50$ a ounce for indoor is less than pathetic. If somebody is growing indoor and selling it for 50, dam all I got to say is you LOST the GAME.. Over and out , learn how to grow then you can charge more for your shit..
Quote by GrowUrOwnDank "Seriously dude, I haven't bought weed in years. The OP was about how the legalization will make it much cheaper to produce and an over abundance of producers will drive the price down".

History of the cannabis market alone has already refuted this claim. It has remained constant and consistent even as Gold, Real Estate and the Stock Market experience schizophrenic variation to the extreme. People simply have it programmed into their heads that theyre paying around $50 an eighter, minimum 700 for a QP, and in the 3K range for a P. Again, this phenomenon has been consistent since at least the early 90's when "Chronic and Northern Lights" were 50 an eighth. There are exponentially more growers now. Supply has absolutely skyrocketed. If anything, the scale has risen even higher, and thats without full fledged legal taxation right now! (At least here in CA) In other words, there is absolutely nothing factual or that can be reconciled with the history of the Cannabis market that supports your claim. Thats sort of a nice way of saying that its Bullshit.

"As a matter of fact, remember I grow 1 plant. I use quality genetics, usually autos. I grow hempy mostly, but have done soil and hydro. I use LED and sometime a few humongous 65(actual) watt CFLs. And it doesn't cost me a dang thing now that I think about it! Everything I have purchased has been more than 3 years ago! Even the seeds are over 3 years old and I still got freebs to pop! May have to buy some nutes eventually tho."

Hmmm.. I dont want to be hostile, but this has Rabid Newb written all over it dude.
I use quality genetics, usually autos"
This is essentially like saying, " I only pilot the finest of automobiles. My fleet usually consists of Mitsubishi Eclipses"
I can see why people utilize Autos outdoors, but since the photoperiod is controlled by manual manipulation of, well, the photoperiod, Autos are absolutely pointless indoors. Not to mention that the genetics by nature will never compare with carefully scrutinized and selected elite females from standard lines.

"I use LED and sometime a few humongous 65(actual) watt CFLs"
You stumbled into a forum that posesses some very knowledgeable individuals on LED. What fixture are you using? Since you "produce the dank" as you have stated, I and potentially others in the community would be stoked to know which diode blends your using, kelvin ratings etc.
Also, please elaborate on what the relevance of a "humungous" CFL is, if you dont mind.

"and I still got freebs to pop! May have to buy some nutes eventually tho. "
Why wouldnt they have popped? Just because they are a few years old? Please elaborate on what you mean, along with the statement that you " may have to buy some nutes eventually tho."
You claim to be growing in Hempy buckets correct? You have no use for nutrients now, but you may need them at " some point?"

And don't give me that crap about "all the time it takes to trim". That's crap if you're just supplying yourself. I can trim out a 2 ounce crop in a couple of hours. And that's usually on a Friday with me sipping a brew and vegging with the TV on.

Two hours for a couple zips? Are you an amputee?

So all my stuff has long paid for itself. I would say, including lights all other equip and supplies, genetics(seeds) and everything even the BS I have purchased and no longer use, my total costs to produce what I've produced is probably $400. And I've gotten a solid 12 ounces out of that investment. Thats like $33.33 an O and I still have at least half a grow worth of nutes doing the hempy method. I Can't remember how many times I've used the same MG perlite?

Basically, all of my weed is just free from here forward. Keep in mind, an ounce will also last me at least 3 months depending if I make a lot of edibles which dwindles my supply faster. I smoke true 2 toke dank bru.

Heres a quote of yours from above
"Everything I have purchased has been more than 3 years ago"

So, just to confirm, the last time you purchased bud was more than 3 years ago? And youve only reaped 12 zips?

"I smoke true 2 toke dank bru."
;) Whatever you say, homeslice. Ill tell you what I see. I call it as I see it so I will apologize in advance. I expect nothing less from my extended homies in the Cannabis world to call me out if I am in need. I see an uninformed and insecure Novice " grower" stumble into topics so far over his head he cant see the underside, and then purporting to make wild ridiculous claims based off of wishful thinking, most likely resultant from his dismay at Cannabis prices in which he is, and has been ,forced to pay. Of which of course are dictated by those who actually possess the skill to produce quality flowers.
I also see a Newb of the highest calibre cringingly attempting to pontificate on terminology and topics he simply has zero understanding of, in an attempt to seem relevant and to relate to this established and tightknit community. Finally, I see a dude who wouldve been welcomed a little more warmly, had he simply acknowledged his Newbiocrity, instead of mouthing off to established forum members.

Thats what I see.
Tell me, what do you see?

hows he still alive after this post lol
So, as everyone is aware, this Pillowbiting Newb is so hostile and abrasive that there are literally almost a half dozen threads running at the moment where he is getting sumultaneously annihilated by countless long time community members. That's not really the problem however. These threads really do offer up some enjoyable reading, to a point. It's just simply getting old now. It's tarnishing the vibes of this normally mellow and good natured community. The more serious issue is that we have an imposter "grower" in our midst, who is actually purporting to offer gardening advice in various threads to his fellow newbs, when he hasn't the slightest clue about even the first thing about growing cannabis. It's well established that he champions his single Auto under LED's and quote" a humongous CFL."
That's not ok. There are actually humble new growers out there who may have been tainted by this pathetic individual's masked Newbiocrity. I won't stand for it. I can't. I won't. I'm a Paramedic by trade. Every now and then I stumble upon an EMT who fronts like he is acquainted with emergency medicine. This is no different. Some people just love to pretend to have achieved a certain level of status that they didn't earn, for whatever reason. They are easily sniffed out by the elite.
It looks like the Mods are starting to delete his posts. I just literally laughed out loud when I noticed this righteous reality upon inspecting some of these threads. May it continue until this tumor has been removed from our little village here at RIU
1, 2, 3 dollar grams? Yep.

It's happening in Washington. Huge oversupply.

Your not buying it that cheap buddy this guy bought 10 pounds at $1-3 per gram I doubt that is top shelf indoor too so between $455-1,365 times 10 he's going to make more money than the grower so $5-10 a gram for mid grade herb $15 a gram for the dank. Actually its worse them fools are making bank
two rec shops’ retail prices have plummeted from $33.50 in July to between $12-$19 a gram in January.

Sorry little buddy you still need to pay for your herb.:bigjoint:
So, as everyone is aware, this Pillowbiting Newb is so hostile and abrasive that there are literally almost a half dozen threads running at the moment where he is getting sumultaneously annihilated by countless long time community members. That's not really the problem however. These threads really do offer up some enjoyable reading, to a point. It's just simply getting old now. It's tarnishing the vibes of this normally mellow and good natured community. The more serious issue is that we have an imposter "grower" in our midst, who is actually purporting to offer gardening advice in various threads to his fellow newbs, when he hasn't the slightest clue about even the first thing about growing cannabis. It's well established that he champions his single Auto under LED's and quote" a humongous CFL."
That's not ok. There are actually humble new growers out there who may have been tainted by this pathetic individual's masked Newbiocrity. I won't stand for it. I can't. I won't. I'm a Paramedic by trade. Every now and then I stumble upon an EMT who fronts like he is acquainted with emergency medicine. This is no different. Some people just love to pretend to have achieved a certain level of status that they didn't earn, for whatever reason. They are easily sniffed out by the elite.
It looks like the Mods are starting to delete his posts. I just literally laughed out loud when I noticed this righteous reality upon inspecting some of these threads. May it continue until this tumor has been removed from our little village here at RIU
best post I have read on riu for the last year or so winner :clap:
best post I have read on riu for the last year or so winner :clap:
if the guy cant take a hint from that post there's something a miss somewhere .

maybe he's starting to understand he's been wrong all these years ........ I sure most of us have too.

the guy needs to wise up to the next level and not stay on the teenage level of niaivity ........... Wise up or shut up ...... Fuck up usmc.

^^^ im done here.

good luck @GrowUrOwnDank
which ever path you choose
If we are talking about indoor weed and we are paying .35 cents per kw(like we are in nor cal)than simple math = 6 plants under 1000w for 60 days veg 18 hr and 80 days flower on 12 hrs light...average yield say 16 oz. than just the volts cost $706.00
So 200.00 an oz is about fair...but 50 an oz no way.