5 weeks veg, no nodes at all. Need help!

Your plant isn't looking too great but I'm not with the people telling you to toss it. Actually growing is the best way to learn. I researched growing for years before I actually sprouted a seed and got it to flowering (flipped lights today), but I didn't really learn shit until I started doing it myself. It does look like nute burn so so I was surprised to hear you haven't added any all. There's a couple things you can do if you want to try to get some bud off this plant still bongsmilie

Get ahold of a different pot, I've heard those long narrow tupperwear containers aren't all that great for the root system. Get something with more vertical height, so you can bury that stretchy stem. You can bury it all the way up the cotyledon (first round leaves that sprouted out). Put some good thought into how your going to transplant it, because a rough transplant will certainly kill a plant in this sickly state. Make sure the soil is slightly moist to keep the dirt together. I'm guessing you'll have to put some soil a new container and carefully cut the tupperwear container down the middle and pull the sides apart while setting it in the pot. Usually you can flip the pot upside down and hold your plants rootball to transplant but that seems like it'd be a pain in the ass with one of these things. Once you get it in a new pot add some more soil to bury that stem all the way to the very first node.

You also need to put a fan in there. It will thicken your stem a bit. Any fan will do, just make sure it shakes the leaves but doesn't blow your plant over. From the glare in the first picture it looks like your lights are really far from the plant. Put them within 1-5 inches (1-3 is best) but make sure its not too hot. CFLs lose most of there power past 6 inches.

The last thing I can think to tell you is that pH is really important. It may be attributing to most of your problems. Get a hold of a ph tester and test the water you've been feeding your plant. It should be between 6.3 and 6.8.

I'd veg for just a little bit longer if you can get it to health, even if you don't get a great turn out of bud you may be able to get some alright clones. I've been close to giving up but my plant has pulled through so far and is looking pretty good now.

I'm no pro, just barely getting a grasp on growing myself, but these are the things I noticed. If all of the above fails or you don't have the means to fix anything I've stated, better luck next time :roll: