5 out of 5 Males....

That is fascinating, and something I've never heard before. I typically get feminized seeds because of the limited space/time factor; that said, I've always had crap luck with Jillybean. My Jillybean seeds have never even germinated and I've tried 5 or 6 of them.
cause that pic is a myth that has floated on the internet for many years
now that's just bad luck.....or maybe not

There are two schools of thoughts, 1) seeds have pre-determined gender..... 2) the environment has an influence.

I believe the environment theory says that higher humidity (70%) and cooler temps (75-78F) can influence the plant to become female

So the question could be, was your environment on the warmer side with low humidity that could influence males?

On the other side of the coin, I bought 20 assorted seeds from a breeder which were just a "random mix & match" of all their seeds (not bag seeds)

90% matured to males, so I wonder if these low priced seeds or "freebie's" are seeds with the male appearance.

Attached is a pic that demonstrates the difference between male and female seeds, for those that believe in pre-determined gender theory


So females prefer wet and cold....
Are we still discussing plants???
I have a shit load of bag seeds I brought home from Mexico, so I'm thinking of doing an experiment to determine if gender can be influenced or if it's pre-determined

Create one grow room with the perfect female conditions, and another room with conditions indicative of males.

Then put the female seeds in the male room, and the male seeds in the female room.

If the results are consistent, then one should know if the environment can influence gender or not

That's a good idea for a trial
but it would be better if you had a source of seeds that was more uniform.....
Take the seeds from ONE PLANT
then do the side by side in two rooms.

I'd be surprised if something like this has not already been done
and by people with far more control over variables.
But I don't have the first clue abut where to start looking for it....?
That's a good idea for a trial
but it would be better if you had a source of seeds that was more uniform.....
Take the seeds from ONE PLANT
then do the side by side in two rooms.

I'd be surprised if something like this has not already been done
and by people with far more control over variables.
But I don't have the first clue abut where to start looking for it....?
my seeds are from one plant....in fact from one 1/4 ounce
I wait until they are about 5 inches and flip to sex (1 week)... can easily weed out the males. Flip back, take clones.

That is shitty ratio. I popped 4 Bodhi beans, White Lotus and Blood Orange, all males.
I have a shit load of bag seeds I brought home from Mexico, so I'm thinking of doing an experiment to determine if gender can be influenced or if it's pre-determined

Create one grow room with the perfect female conditions, and another room with conditions indicative of males.

Then put the female seeds in the male room, and the male seeds in the female room.

If the results are consistent, then one should know if the environment can influence gender or not

Experiments are good :)
It will be a fall project, but I may first start a thread to establish what "most" consider to be ideal environmental conditions to influence the outcome to become female.....then opposite for the male room
BTW: my x-girlfriend asked me to start her some seedlings, so I selected 3 seeds that looked the most like males, so if one does turn out to be female then that chart is BS and I won't do the experiment in the fall.

I'm hoping all 3 of her plants become male so I can do the experiment....but mostly because I'm evil
I wait until they are about 5 inches and flip to sex (1 week)... can easily weed out the males. Flip back, take clones.

That is shitty ratio. I popped 4 Bodhi beans, White Lotus and Blood Orange, all males.

Me too, Golden Triangle 1/5 females, Satsuma 4/5 females.
It's just luck of the draw, but if you pop enough seeds it seems to work out to a 50% ratio.
Your odds go down when you have a lower plant count. I always plant 5 or more of a strain @ one time.
I believe sex/gender is predetermined. I would have a higher male ratio by their environmental claims.
Well, the odds are 46:54 that you're right. :)
Perhaps, but the probability is much higher, some people are just better than flipping coins than others :D

I believe sex/gender is predetermined. I would have a higher male ratio by their environmental claims.
Sex genes are determined as soon as the pollen meets the calyx and creates the seed but there are more elements at play. It does not necessarily mean its sexual expression or "reproductive commitment" matches the sex genes.

The sexual differentiation of Cannabis sativa L.: A morphological and molecular study
V. M. Cristiana Moliterni, Luigi Cattivelli, P. Ranalli, Giuseppe Mandolino

Cannabis sativa L. is a dioecious species with sexual dimorphism occurring in a late stage of plant development. Sex is determined by heteromorphic chromosomes (X and Y): male is the heterogametic sex (XY) and female is the homogametic one (XX). The sexual phenotype of Cannabis often shows some flexibility leading to the differentiation of hermaphrodite flowers or bisexual inflorescences (monoecious phenotype). Sex is considered an important trait for hemp genetic improvement; therefore, the study of the mechanism of sexual differentiation is of paramount interest in hemp research. A morphological and molecular study of Cannabis sativa sexual differentiation has been carried out in the Italian dioecious cultivar Fibranova.

Microscopic analysis of male and female apices revealed that their reproductive commitment may occur as soon as the leaves of the fourth node emerge; the genetic expression of male and female apices at this stage has been compared by cDNA-AFLP. A rapid method for the early sex discrimination has been developed, based on the PCR amplification of a male-specific SCAR marker directly from a tissue fragment.

Five of the several cDNA-AFLP polymorphic fragments identified have been confirmed to be differentially expressed in male and female apices at the fourth node. Cloning and sequencing revealed that they belong to nine different mRNAs that were all induced in the female apices at this stage. Four out of them showed a high degree of similarity with known sequences: a putative permease, a SMT3-like protein, a putative kinesin and a RAC-GTP binding protein.



That "rapid method for early sex discrimination" is available at the better test labs.
Sex genes are determined as soon as the pollen meets the calyx and creates the seed but there are more elements at play. It does not necessarily mean its sexual expression or "reproductive commitment" matches the sex genes.
Agreed. :peace:
quite a few years ago, i was going to have a plot with a friend that has no where to grow. i had a spot picked out in a swamp area. when i told him where we would be going, he ended up a no show.

so now i had 12 extra plants that were about 1/4 of the way to the swamp and it would be way to much for me alone. i found a spot close by and started planting. i could only fit 10 plants.

i couldn't find anyplace to put the other 2 so i went home and grabbed a storage bin with drilled holes and a big bag of miracle grow moisture control.

i checked once in awhile when it was really hot and dry. finally flowering starts and all 10 plants in the ground were male.

a week later, the 2 in the storage bin proved to be female.

now that i think about it, i am sure glad these were extra plants.
Hey y'all, thanks for the replies! Much appreciated. Luckily I have one other female on the go, and decided to throw a few autoflowering plants in there so I'm not running my set-up for just one plant.

As for the germination, I did it at room temperature in rockwool cubes. The reason I vegged for so long is because I was main-lining them for 8 colas. The temperature in my tent is between 70-80% and humidity is around 40-50%. Not sure if the environment played a role...I don't have enough experience to know that! But I'm coming off of my first grow, 2 feminized Critical Kush, which gave me almost 10 zips cured, so I was encouraged by that...and then discouraged by this. Ah well..soldier on eh?