5 mistakes most new growers make.

He should have posted do not listen to 95% of the crap posted on RIU :D because most of it is either misleading or pure bullshit...

Kind of like Politics... ;)
experience is the only real teacher. theory and book learning is a good starting point but nature does not read books or understand theory and often does not know what "it is suppose to do" we have all had grows that we "don't want to talk about" but thats the only way to learn :):):)
Hey there new grower! Are you excited to grow your first plant? Ready to start harvesting pounds? Well, hold up there homie, you have to be able to get through a full grow from seed to harvest and drying before you can start slangin them bows. Lets makes sure you get off to a good start by avoiding some of these common rookie mistakes bruh.

Rookie mistake #1 Read read read!
The best thing you can do before you ever start growing is reading up and learning. A lot of the questions asked in this section are questions that have been discussed time and time again. This is the boring part for some and I get it, reading a book isn't on the top of the list of things do(getting stoned and pimpin hoes ranks pretty high up there though:blsmoke:)

Rookie mistake #2 Planning
Since you skipped over the studying part you're not all that familiar with a proper grow room environment(with your non-reading ass). So you didn't take the time to go over what you needed and how to set it all up correctly. There are a lot of things to consider here. Things like heat and air exchange, plant count, vertical grow space, and lets not forget smell:shock:

Rookie mistake #3 Over-fucking-watering

Now that you got a little corner of your closet all decked out with a 14w cfl that you stole from the kitchen, a cut up milk jug with miracle-grow soil, and tin foil taped to the walls you're going hard! So you have to make sure this little bitch goes hard too. Time to pour a gallon of water on half a gallon of soil at least 3-4 times a week, that'll do it! NO NO and NO! The soil does NOT need to be fully saturated 24/7! Go back to mistake #1 and read up on watering you asshole:finger:

Rookie mistake #4 Over-fucking-loving

The plant is wilting and the leaves aren't as green as they were yesterday so you flip teh fuck out! You start seeing all these deficiencies. Is it P? No, maybe it Ca? Maybe I burnt it? Must be time for a flush! Yea, lets dump MORE water on it to clean out all that nasty shit in the soil:roll:. You go through all this stuff in your head when its probably just over watered. If you stopped trying to figure out what's wrong with it and backed off the watering, everything would've been fine. Which leads to the next mistake.

Rookie mistake #5 Lack of patience

Because you over loved the plant, you never gave it time to fully recover before you created another problem. Most of the time you have to just let the poor plant grow. We get in our own way sometimes by being impatient. Lack of patience can fuck you in more ways then one when it comes to growing. There is not one single stage of growing weed that can be rushed from seedling to vegging to flowering to harvest to drying and finally curing. You should not skimp out on any of those 6 stages of growing.

Reading this will NOT make you a master grower, but I do hope it helps a new grower avoid a few headaches on their journey to slangin bows and pimpin hoes:hump:. Growing Cannabis can be a very rewarding experience, but there are some that have gave it up because they made it more difficult than it needed to be.

Good luck and happy growing
Holy shit, Gary, you wrote this the day I signed up.
so what the point in these thread's if all you get is miss leading people,giving bad advice,people just need a little help sometimes and i was brought up with people teaching me how to grow spuds n veg now i just apply that to my girls,il help any1 its in my nature,if ye never ask ye never know
so what the point in these thread's if all you get is miss leading people,giving bad advice,people just need a little help sometimes and i was brought up with people teaching me how to grow spuds n veg now i just apply that to my girls,il help any1 its in my nature,if ye never ask ye never know
From my observations, there are two reasons users post problems in threads:

1. Lack of confidence and/or testicular fortitude to figure it out themselves.

2. They lacked restraint and overnuted or overwatered, or put their lights entirely too close (or far away.)
so what the point in these thread's if all you get is miss leading people,giving bad advice,people just need a little help sometimes and i was brought up with people teaching me how to grow spuds n veg now i just apply that to my girls,il help any1 its in my nature,if ye never ask ye never know
The way I see newbie central is as a place for folks who have read the stickies and have a base understanding of what they are doing to ask questions that aren't as basic as how do I germ/water/feed, but not as advanced as want to try cloning to ask them, as well as meet others who are in the same stages as growers and bond over that. The next generation of "it" breeders have to come from somewhere right?
so what the point in these thread's if all you get is miss leading people,giving bad advice,people just need a little help sometimes and i was brought up with people teaching me how to grow spuds n veg now i just apply that to my girls,il help any1 its in my nature,if ye never ask ye never know
You do have a point about this thread going to shitsville, but I'm ok with that. They were never going to give it a sticky anyway. Hey, we are all here because of cannabis right? So we like to get stoned an lol sometimes homie. Nothing wrong with that?

The joking tone of the thread is so the new growers wont feel so intimidated by the overwhelming amount info out there on growing. It can all seem so complicated at first. I would rather them relax, have a smoke, laugh, and learn some grow techniques. At any point when a new grower asks a question they will get the advice they need.

On the other hand, I'm not going to spoon feed anyone. You as a new grower should be able to read and learn somethings on your own. At least the basics, right?
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yes gary,im on ye now,growing is easy,the plant wants to make buds to smoke,and bejasus with a little care and understand you can smoke weed as good as mine lol,look if i can grow,so can you.i did everything on that list and made some of me own mistakes along the way,worrying over everything,just let nature do its thing,simple as,bit of tlc for thc
You do have a point about this thread going to shitsville, but I'm ok with that. They were never going to give it a sticky anyway. Hey, we are all here because of cannabis right? So we like to get stoned an lol sometimes homie. Nothing wrong with that?

The joking tone of the thread is so the new growers wont feel so intimidated by the overwhelming amount info out there on growing. It can all seem so complicated at first. I would rather them relax, have a smoke, laugh, and learn some grow techniques. At any point when a new grower asks a question they will get the advice they need.

On the other hand, I'm not going to spoon feed anyone. You as a new grower should be able to read and learn somethings on your own. At least the basics, right?
Awsome thread ye know man,good work
From my observations, there are two reasons users post problems in threads:

1. Lack of confidence and/or testicular fortitude to figure it out themselves.

2. They lacked restraint and overnuted or overwatered, or put their lights entirely too close (or far away.)
if ye never try,ye never know,i broke some plants to shit and they still grew,dont be afraid to bend or break a branch here n there,just see what will happen,its kinda fun,coz its totally abnormal to do,but works good,try new things people