5 mistakes most new growers make.

Yep. All those beautiful people.
Thanks for the compliment, but there are far better growers on here than me. We have peeps like @doublejj that dude doesn't just grow plants, he grows a forest of weed lol @Garden Boss grows some trees as well. Then there is @Dr. Who and @RM3 , both are very knowledgeable. If you need to learn vertical or dwc @ttystikk would be a great guy to start a convo with. @Dr.Pecker grows some nice looking plants in organic water only soil. @greasemonkeymann has the organics down, if you need help making compost, hit him up.I know a couple of other ninjas that kill it @Diabolical666 and @.Pinworm. both of them go hard outdoor AND indoor! I recently got to see @Bob Zmuda animal cookies(I think it was?) and it looked killer. There are so many more and I hope nobody get sad if I left them out
Bunch of fucking trolls.
I say that as a compliment, I'm an Orc, you see.
Great list of people that are respectable on this site, Gary. If I made a list like that it would look very similar.
Lok'tar Ogar! Dunno mon, you smell like a troll to me and why's ya axe have a hole in the handle and a bowl at da other end?
And this is why I love RDWC. Overwatering is impossible. Roots literally LIVE in water!
I grow both soil and hydro dwc. Maybe I should come up with a hydro version? Because there are plenty of new growers that have issues starting with hydro as well, but thanks for your opinion.
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Bunch of fucking trolls.
I say that as a compliment, I'm an Orc, you see.
Great list of people that are respectable on this site, Gary. If I made a list like that it would look very similar.
there's tons more here just as talented or more so that don't feel the need to go online showing their grows.......all the folks up here that "Do EXACTLY" as others do here aren't of the "internet mindset" we have harvest festivals were we enjoy each others bounties......my point is some of the finest gardeners are NOT ONLINE. just another facet to consider
Nice strain that blue cheese.. Still my fav for taste and effect.

Heres another fav
O M G MOCHO jesus i haven't heard of him in years,lol.i like that cheese aswell mate,you should try the anto blue dream strain,jasus mate it smells like fruit and smokes like a rainbow,on my top 5 list for smell n teast.happy growing mate
there's tons more here just as talented or more so that don't feel the need to go online showing their grows.......all the folks up here that "Do EXACTLY" as others do here aren't of the "internet mindset" we have harvest festivals were we enjoy each others bounties......my point is some of the finest gardeners are NOT ONLINE. just another facet to consider
No doubt about it. I know one near me who has run some serious square footage in the past, Super-talented in a lot of stuff but he doesn't know how to use a computer hardly at all.
Hey there new grower! Are you excited to grow your first plant? Ready to start harvesting pounds? Well, hold up there homie, you have to be able to get through a full grow from seed to harvest and drying before you can start slangin them bows. Lets makes sure you get off to a good start by avoiding some of these common rookie mistakes bruh.

Rookie mistake #1 Read read read!
The best thing you can do before you ever start growing is reading up and learning. A lot of the questions asked in this section are questions that have been discussed time and time again. This is the boring part for some and I get it, reading a book isn't on the top of the list of things do(getting stoned and pimpin hoes ranks pretty high up there though:blsmoke:)

Rookie mistake #2 Planning
Since you skipped over the studying part you're not all that familiar with a proper grow room environment(with your non-reading ass). So you didn't take the time to go over what you needed and how to set it all up correctly. There are a lot of things to consider here. Things like heat and air exchange, plant count, vertical grow space, and lets not forget smell:shock:

Rookie mistake #3 Over-fucking-watering

Now that you got a little corner of your closet all decked out with a 14w cfl that you stole from the kitchen, a cut up milk jug with miracle-grow soil, and tin foil taped to the walls you're going hard! So you have to make sure this little bitch goes hard too. Time to pour a gallon of water on half a gallon of soil at least 3-4 times a week, that'll do it! NO NO and NO! The soil does NOT need to be fully saturated 24/7! Go back to mistake #1 and read up on watering you asshole:finger:

Rookie mistake #4 Over-fucking-loving

The plant is wilting and the leaves aren't as green as they were yesterday so you flip teh fuck out! You start seeing all these deficiencies. Is it P? No, maybe it Ca? Maybe I burnt it? Must be time for a flush! Yea, lets dump MORE water on it to clean out all that nasty shit in the soil:roll:. You go through all this stuff in your head when its probably just over watered. If you stopped trying to figure out what's wrong with it and backed off the watering, everything would've been fine. Which leads to the next mistake.

Rookie mistake #5 Lack of patience

Because you over loved the plant, you never gave it time to fully recover before you created another problem. Most of the time you have to just let the poor plant grow. We get in our own way sometimes by being impatient. Lack of patience can fuck you in more ways then one when it comes to growing. There is not one single stage of growing weed that can be rushed from seedling to vegging to flowering to harvest to drying and finally curing. You should not skimp out on any of those 6 stages of growing.

Reading this will NOT make you a master grower, but I do hope it helps a new grower avoid a few headaches on their journey to slangin bows and pimpin hoes:hump:. Growing Cannabis can be a very rewarding experience, but there are some that have gave it up because they made it more difficult than it needed to be.

Good luck and happy growing
I could hangout with you lol. Look I have land in nocal with 6000sf+ indoor space. 6 parcels=91 acre outdoor. Any help on what to do? Namaste bro . Tee
I could hangout with you lol. Look I have land in nocal with 6000sf+ indoor space. 6 parcels=91 acre outdoor. Any help on what to do? Namaste bro . Tee
That's a lot of space, don't bite off more than you can chew homie. If you're new to growing I would start small and work my way up. You got to learn the plant first.

Have you grown before? Are you comfortable with your ability to handle a large grow op?
I have experience. I'm getting old n would rather over see op. I took a break for 10yrs. Getting back into it. I also have 280 acres in mono co. Norcal indoor space is underground. I have video
I have experience. I'm getting old n would rather over see op. I took a break for 10yrs. Getting back into it. I also have 280 acres in mono co. Norcal indoor space is underground. I have video
jasus all best to you with all that space,im happy with 8 to 10 plants,every fue months,dont think i could handle work life grow life n social life,with any more then 10 lol,keep is posted on what you decide lad,happy growing
man I used to love wrestling from the 60's thru prob early 90's. Earliest ones I remember were Bobo Brazil, Johnny Valentine, Bruno Sammartino, Gorilla Monsoon

The Sailor Art Thomas, Dick the Bruiser (and his cousin, the Crusher as a tag team), Superstar Billy Graham, Jimmie Valiant and his tag team partner Luscious Johnny Valiant, The Sheik (Ed Farhat from Lansing), Bobby "pretty boy" Heenan (who is a legend for giving a press interview in the locker room while getting a blow-job and not missing a word!) And lest we forget ,,, Andre The Giant!

These are the Chicago based group that would have match's with the Detroit group from time to time!

The Chi town owner was "something" - LUCE. he was said to be close to the heads of the Chi-town mobsters from the 40's on. Stories say that he had direct ties to Salvatore Giangana himself! He was seen in personal seats and given anything he wanted on Luce's dime , often!

Nothing like Detroits channel WKBD 50 and Chicago's WGN 44 for the best in old school wrestling action!
SHIT , I'm old to remember that stuff...