5.5 weeks flower yellow leaves


Well-Known Member
Correct me if I am wrong, it is the fan leaves and not the sugar leaves. From what I see the sugar leaves in the buds look great. Am I correct?


Boy you guys are crazy.... No, It's not what a perfect MJ plant looks like, try to steer clear from running out of nutes in your media. It is normal for a PIG like that to use all the available micros in the soil, ya-all are making an argument out of nothing, Yes there is a way to PREVENT this. This late in the bloom when the plant is winding down its simply not worth starting a new feeding program. You got to factor in, when was your projected, or target date for harvest. Knowing that, you got to figure how long your plants will take, to dry out some after that final flush. Planning people, do you really want to start feeding your plant N. P. K. right before your planning to flush it out? filling a nearly finished plant with a shitload of chlorophill,( Nasty green taste )?????? Seems like a way to fuck up that awsome bud. Once again pick up a can of secondary and micro-nutrients for the next go round. plan your flush soon around a new target date, some one mentioned bud death. This, will be the plants next step toward death. Watch your trichomes, soon as you see the smallest indication of milky white, harvest, Some, say that amber look, Your situation is diffrent. That amber color, signals that no new or fresh trichomes have developed, and the oldest ones are starting to degrade.This is as far as you should push on a healthy plant. With a less than healthy plant this one for instance, look for the first indicators of finishing, and that is the milky appearance of trichomes. Catch them there, if they aren't allready at that point.
hey so what you are saying is to just not bother doing anything just now and start to flush soon? I had been feeding with molasses and also giving it bio bizz bloom and also an additive for it. do you think i should flush with molasses or would that be pointless? Yea next grow i will give then epsom salts throughout flowering and hopefully that helps with the yellowing. should i start the final flush now then??


First off your buds look fantastic. Happened to me a couple times in flower if they look like they do now they will finish. I had one like that at 5.5 weeks looked similar i expected to finish it in 8 and it took 11.5 weeks but the buds were fine dont know the impact on them or potency etc but it was dank. Is it really an 8 week strain if you were workin a 8 week clone id say leave it and let it finish but if your not sure id try to fix it. Its either nitrogen or mag and in my experiences the soil was all locked out and didnt matter what i gave em so maybe flush first then try feeding. If its mag and you flush your gona strip away even more mag from the soil so feed it the epsoms soon after. Ive had better luck with mag problems by ph'ing the water in close to 7. Did you use dolomite lime in your soil? If not the ph tends to slip lower than where mag can be taken up. Im thinkin you got a nitrogen prob also bc your leaves are solid yellow evenly some of them. They need a little N during flower kinda a fine line between giving em enough and too much.
hey thanks for the comment. I got the seeds from nirvana and it says its an 8 week strain but i know it normally takes longer than they claim. since i was planning to flush soon, is there any point adding anything this late in flower?? What I might do is just start flushing the plant in the next week and hope its ready to be harvested in 8 weeks. Oh and also I never used and dolomite lime in my soil. it was just soil and perlite bought from the local grow shop


Active Member
No I wouldnt flush unless the buds are showing sighns of early finish. They sometiimes do that when they chow everything down and deplete the micro-nutes. Theres 8 essential ones, that create HEALTHy flowering plants, all thats happened here is your plant has depleted them, molassas will certainly help in all aspects here, as well as improve the flavor of your buds, pure epsons as well, the damage is done here in my opinon, I wouldn't worry about bringing the green back this late with doses of macros, they should be flushing now anyway, Im not saying thats what is going on here, it's NOT. Watch the color of trichomes, this is a better indication of when YOUR particular plant is finishing. The grower time on a label is a guide. They finish earlier or later, depending on how they have been grown. You mentioned an 8 week estimated bloom time, Well this plant might not make it that long before experiencing degradation of canaboids. You also want to plan a flush about a week before finish with a little time to dry out, buddy your almost there. at 5.5 weeks. Figure the math give them a drink of molassas tea, after a mg dose that's probably all you can do before harvest,yes?


No I wouldnt flush unless the buds are showing sighns of early finish. They sometiimes do that when they chow everything down and deplete the micro-nutes. Theres 8 essential ones, that create HEALTHy flowering plants, all thats happened here is your plant has depleted them, molassas will certainly help in all aspects here, as well as improve the flavor of your buds, pure epsons as well, the damage is done here in my opinon, I wouldn't worry about bringing the green back this late with doses of macros, they should be flushing now anyway, Im not saying thats what is going on here, it's NOT. Watch the color of trichomes, this is a better indication of when YOUR particular plant is finishing. The grower time on a label is a guide. They finish earlier or later, depending on how they have been grown. You mentioned an 8 week estimated bloom time, Well this plant might not make it that long before experiencing degradation of canaboids. You also want to plan a flush about a week before finish with a little time to dry out, buddy your almost there. at 5.5 weeks. Figure the math give them a drink of molassas tea, after a mg dose that's probably all you can do before harvest,yes?
ok thanks for the comment. what i will do is just give them molasses water for the next few weeks and then cut down when I get about 50/50 milky to amber trichs or earlier, just depends on how the plants doing. thanks for the input. i will be giving my plants next go around epsom salts when the leaves go yellow.