5.5 weeks flower yellow leaves


hey guys my plants are at 5.5 weeks flower and alot of the leaves are turning yellow and going weird like crispy at the ends of the leaves. its northern lights that i got from nirvana and it has an 8 weeks flowering period. View attachment 2203299View attachment 2203301View attachment 2203302View attachment 2203304View attachment 2203305View attachment 2203306View attachment 2203307View attachment 2203310View attachment 2203311View attachment 2203312View attachment 2203314

I have heard that the leaves will go yellow during the last stage of flower but it still has at least 2.5 weeks to go. any feedback would be appreciated. Also how do they look for week 5.5? Thanks in advance guys


Well-Known Member
Its normal for them to do that at this stage...don't worry about it...focus on the buds not the leaves now. I would not add E Salt. The plant is focusing its energy on the flower....your fine. The big fan leaves will start to die and fall off. You should see new smaller leaves forming on the buds...they look great by the way..nice work!!!!!


ty man. pretty confused now tho. what happens if the trichs dont develop by week 8 and i have to keep it in flower for another 2 or 3 weeks?


Well-Known Member
it confuses me that anyone would say that is normal. i never have leaves turn like that. what i saw looked like could be a combination of ph, root bound, or mainly nute burn.


lol im confused too. really not too sure what to do with this 1, such conflicting advice. what do u think i should do superstoner1? i was just planning to flush them soon anyway. do u think epson salts would work like scroglodyte said?


Well-Known Member
it confuses me that anyone would say that is normal. i never have leaves turn like that. what i saw looked like could be a combination of ph, root bound, or mainly nute burn.
Look at any grow journal on this site, you will see the same think on all plants this late into bloom...its normal! Call your local hydro shop or the people who make the nutes and they will tell you the same thing..good luck


yea i have seen it alot this late in flowering on different grow journals i have seen. dont think ill worry about it, just worrying as i dont want it to die this late in flowering. what about epsom salts though? good idea if I had this problem earlier in flower like say week 2 or 3?


Well-Known Member
yellowing is one thing...getting all crispy crunchy like what you have going on is another. If you still have a couple weeks left I would feed it or else some of that "death" might start happening to your buds. It is perfectly normal for leaves to yellow in flower but the yellowing is normally from low Nitrogen and it starts from the bottom up. If you have that much leaf death on the upper part of your plants with almost 3 weeks left I would definitely give it a good feeding then use plain water the rest of the way


Well-Known Member
yellowing is one thing...getting all crispy crunchy like what you have going on is another. If you still have a couple weeks left I would feed it or else some of that "death" might start happening to your buds. It is perfectly normal for leaves to yellow in flower but the yellowing is normally from low Nitrogen and it starts from the bottom up. If you have that much leaf death on the upper part of your plants with almost 3 weeks left I would definitely give it a good feeding then use plain water the rest of the way
Good advise, I agree with that. The crispy could be heat or light poisening. Make sure your plants are atleast 18” from the top of the plant with a good fan...


Well-Known Member
call your hydro store? nute supplier? maybe that is why you think his plants are normal.
Your a donkey dude! I was saying that so he could see that they would say the same thing...the companies who make nutes have techs who answer questions like that. Either add to the solution or move on!


yea i had a problem with burning my plants because the light was too close but i moved it up a week ago. i just moved it up a little more and hopefully that takes care of the crispyness.


Active Member
First off your buds look fantastic. Happened to me a couple times in flower if they look like they do now they will finish. I had one like that at 5.5 weeks looked similar i expected to finish it in 8 and it took 11.5 weeks but the buds were fine dont know the impact on them or potency etc but it was dank. Is it really an 8 week strain if you were workin a 8 week clone id say leave it and let it finish but if your not sure id try to fix it. Its either nitrogen or mag and in my experiences the soil was all locked out and didnt matter what i gave em so maybe flush first then try feeding. If its mag and you flush your gona strip away even more mag from the soil so feed it the epsoms soon after. Ive had better luck with mag problems by ph'ing the water in close to 7. Did you use dolomite lime in your soil? If not the ph tends to slip lower than where mag can be taken up. Im thinkin you got a nitrogen prob also bc your leaves are solid yellow evenly some of them. They need a little N during flower kinda a fine line between giving em enough and too much.


Active Member
MJ plants that grow particularly large buds leach micro-nutriants as well as most macros from the soil. When I look at this plant, I see a plant that has multiple micro-nutrient deficiencies, as well as secondary nute deficiencies. These secondary macros are ca mg s, calacium, magnesium and sulfer. If your plants leaves are twisting and turning yellow, and some are turning brown and curlling slightly. This is one deficiency causing another. When a plant uses up all its availlable magnesium it no longer can process any potassium. this causes those leaves on the bud to turn yellow and warped. Then because the lack of k (potassium) they turn brown at the tips and curl down or up at the tips. The way you have slightly yellow viens but green mottled leaves without twisting and warping, indicates another possible micro deficiecy, Mn (Manganese), Wow! the more I look at these pictures, the more I can see what a pig she was She devowered every micro in your mix, Did you add any micro nutients? If not pick up a small cannister of micro- nutients, for your next go round. Usually, you can find them with your secondary macros included. These are kind important when you grow a hog like those there. A plant that has micro deficient issues, will go through to maturity, but have production issues. This is clearly not the case. This has happened toward the end of bloom. You would have the same look after you do a real good flush, and let that plant bloom for another good two weeks. This is nearlly done with the run, and you are planning a flush soon anyway. No I wouldn't add anything to your final flush. Plan here, is to remove everything to create a final explosion of trichomes, and get that chem taste out of your weed. Remember a "clensing" flush is nearly worthless If you don't cut them before your lights come on sending whatever is left "nutewise" in the pot straight out of where they where just bieng stored, the roots.


Active Member
Boy you guys are crazy.... No, It's not what a perfect MJ plant looks like, try to steer clear from running out of nutes in your media. It is normal for a PIG like that to use all the available micros in the soil, ya-all are making an argument out of nothing, Yes there is a way to PREVENT this. This late in the bloom when the plant is winding down its simply not worth starting a new feeding program. You got to factor in, when was your projected, or target date for harvest. Knowing that, you got to figure how long your plants will take, to dry out some after that final flush. Planning people, do you really want to start feeding your plant N. P. K. right before your planning to flush it out? filling a nearly finished plant with a shitload of chlorophill,( Nasty green taste )?????? Seems like a way to fuck up that awsome bud. Once again pick up a can of secondary and micro-nutrients for the next go round. plan your flush soon around a new target date, some one mentioned bud death. This, will be the plants next step toward death. Watch your trichomes, soon as you see the smallest indication of milky white, harvest, Some, say that amber look, Your situation is diffrent. That amber color, signals that no new or fresh trichomes have developed, and the oldest ones are starting to degrade.This is as far as you should push on a healthy plant. With a less than healthy plant this one for instance, look for the first indicators of finishing, and that is the milky appearance of trichomes. Catch them there, if they aren't allready at that point.


Well-Known Member
Mine did the same thing, uppers closest to the lights looked just like yours and lowers begin to turn yellow and die off, I cut them away both the uppers and the lowers. Make sure you do it at the end of the leaf not the end of the stem by the plant. Let the stem die off on its own. It is perfectly normal and your buds look fantastic.