Monday morning update:
Mornin' . . . . coffee gooooood!
I got a lot done yesterday. I took the fan off the wall and hung it from the ceiling. I wired up the electrical. I finished plumbing the buckets. AND I turned the light on for the first time

Here are some pics.
I filled that water barrel til 11pm. I shut it off manually because I don't trust the float yet, and I just wanted to be there to see it shut off. That's a lot of water and it took a good 5 hrs to fill. I can safely say that the chances of me ever flooding the garage are nil. Unless a line pops off somewhere, I should be okay. It would take 2 hrs to get past the float valve and top over.
Once I had time to relax, I sat down to watch the Lakers stomp the Thunder. I noticed a loud hum coming through the wall. That was odd because everything was OFF. I went in the garage and found that the power panel was humming. It hummed when I first powered it up, but I wasn't on the couch trying to watch tv at the time. Right about then I was really glad I had installed a smoke detector directly above the power panel. There was no smoke or heat coming off it, but I felt safer anyway. I went outside and threw the breaker just incase. Today after work, I'll call the electrician to come out and diagnose it for me. Hopefully it's just something he can tighten up or replace inside the box. If not, I'm going to have to come up with an alternate way of mounting that board to the wall. Any good ideas?
Plus, the babies are only 15 days old. That may be a little too soon to throw under 1000w. One isn't growing much. See the Blue Hash #2. I'm hoping it finds it's stride soon and takes off. We'll see. All the rest are growing. Some faster than others, but BH#2 has a bad case of couch lock. What should I do?
My sister and her kids are coming for the weekend. She knows I smoke, but I don't want that hum killing the living room. My sister will will take my room and the kids in the spare . . . that leaves me on the couch listening to that SOB.