4x4 grow room clean slate

nelsonbrian 93

Active Member
If nothing else, at least go to a garden supply center to get a proper fertilizer. 20-20-20 for veg. 0-50-0 for flower. your yields will be worth the extra trip.


Well-Known Member
Just thought i would ad those are the bottoms of 64oz double gulp cups more than twice the size of a solo cup .just thought i would mention .
your plants should be at least double the size they are. if they were in a proper pot. 2 weeks from seed .. they should be in gallon size pot. they will really start to grow like that !:joint:
i left one of mine in a cup like u and stunted it ... took a week or 2 in a bigger pot to respond and grow again ;)


Well-Known Member
I usually grow under a 400w/hps but I'm doing a solo grow with cfl's for the first time, trying to check out everyone elses setup. Looks good so far!


Well-Known Member
Is there a way to move this whole thread?? If not im sorry this kinda became a journal not so much a clean slate anymore:)


Well-Known Member
a 4 X 4 requires 1000 watts of HPS. good luck. :)
Not sure where you are getting that, but it is way off. A 4' x 4' area is 16' sq of canopy. The most light a garden will need is 3000 lumens per sq ft. Your recommendation of a 1000w in a 4'x4' grow room provides about 7000 lumens and is overkill unless the grower has set up vertical screening and exceeds 32' sq canopy.

A 4'x4' grow room gets excellent results with a 400w HPS providing 2500 lumens. A 1000w HPS can provide about 2500 lumens to a 50' ft area.


Well-Known Member
Not sure where you are getting that, but it is way off. A 4' x 4' area is 16' sq of canopy. The most light a garden will need is 3000 lumens per sq ft. Your recommendation of a 1000w in a 4'x4' grow room provides about 7000 lumens and is overkill unless the grower has set up vertical screening and exceeds 32' sq canopy.

A 4'x4' grow room gets excellent results with a 400w HPS providing 2500 lumens. A 1000w HPS can provide about 2500 lumens to a 50' ft area.
i will say it again 5-7000 psf. any more and its a waste any less and your herb will suffer the growfaq says 3-7000. i say 5-7000 a 400 watter will do a 3x3 600 watter 4x4. you can get away with a 400 watter in a 4x4 but would be much hapier with a 600... this has already been adressed. thanks stranger but your wrong 2500 is not enuff stick around and learn b4 you quote the king(fdd) i did it to but my info was correct


Well-Known Member
i will say it again 5-7000 psf. any more and its a waste any less and your herb will suffer the growfaq says 3-7000. i say 5-7000 a 400 watter will do a 3x3 600 watter 4x4. you can get away with a 400 watter in a 4x4 but would be much hapier with a 600... this has already been adressed. thanks stranger but your wrong 2500 is not enuff stick around and learn b4 you quote the king(fdd) i did it to but my info was correct

My info comes from Ed Rosenthal's (Ganja Guru horticulturist) Closet Cultivation, chapter 8, Lighting. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
My info comes from Ed Rosenthal's (Ganja Guru horticulturist) Closet Cultivation, chapter 8, Lighting. bongsmilie
my info comes from expiriance and knowledge passed down from others..... fact is lummens greatly reduce the farther the bulb is from the plant so if your pushin 5000 psf than 1 foot away ur lumens are much less than 5000(look it up prolly under penetration, it will tell you how much lummens go down and you can figure it out), then if you dnt train top fim or something than the rest of the plant will be farther away... i have not read ed's book but i must ask, what year was it writen... ive never heard less than 3000 lummens ever.... ive been doin this awhile and yea you could grow with 2500 psf but the results will suffer, i dn't need a book to tell me 5000psf is the number to shoot for dnt belive me i dn't care mine come out nice and dense,large and sticky good luck, if your here to learn, but if your just here to quote books i suggest you think again. books are just a general guide



Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing that info. I did some researching online and found some sites suggesting that 7k lumens was ideal. I think I'll shoot for around 5k based on your experience.