First time indoor grow

On mixed strain runs where I’m going to SCROG I make the scrog at the height I want as my light is solidly fixed. Wait until the plants are almost to that height before placing.
i scrog 4 plants in a 5x5. not much reaching / bending over cuz the tent has 3 doors. first couple months i start them in plastic pots and set them on 5 gallon buckets so i dont have to bend over at all to train.

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i have a watering hose so i can sit down and water super easy.
Three doors would make it easier. I don't use tents anymore for flowering though. My 4x8 (soon to be 6x8 )flowering room only has the one door. That's why, when I did scrogs, I attached the trellis screen directly to the plants fabric pot.20200211_063123.jpg
When done this way it's a whole lot easier because you can pull them out one at a time, set them on a work bench and take care of pruning or anything else that needs attention.
It still was harder for me than going up the wall. And still made it a pain to hand water.

Also, with relation to the exhale bags- in the foreground, is a carboy full of beer! Mmmmmmmm CO2!
Three doors would make it easier. I don't use tents anymore for flowering though. My 4x8 (soon to be 6x8 )flowering room only has the one door. That's why, when I did scrogs, I attached the trellis screen directly to the plants fabric pot.View attachment 4827905
When done this way it's a whole lot easier because you can pull them out one at a time, set them on a work bench and take care of pruning or anything else that needs attention.
It still was harder for me than going up the wall. And still made it a pain to hand water.

Also, with relation to the exhale bags- in the foreground, is a carboy full of beer! Mmmmmmmm CO2!
yea once my girls go into their 20 gallon pots there is no "pulling them out". put something over that carboy, beer/wine doesnt like light.
One other thing I always feel the need to suggest when it comes to scrog growing is- to use rigid (or at least semi-rigid) material for the screen. It makes it easier to keep the plant going in the directions you want it to. And helps to better support the plant later on near harvest. 2"x3" pvc coated wire fencing is what I used in my previous picture.
yea once my girls go into their 20 gallon pots there is no "pulling them out". put something over that carboy, beer/wine doesnt like light.
I did/do cover it. Was just talking a look. Sitting on the floor in there is honestly the best place I have ever found for the yeast I use to do their work. It's some high test stuff they produce.
Thanks for all your suggestions, really appreciate it. Especially JimmiP, for lots of useful new info.
I have some additional questions, will post them later :)
In regards to the exhale bag, lol. If you want a little extra CO2, then start making beer or wine. Then, put your carboy in the tent while it's fermenting. I do this every winter. Not so much for the CO2. But because it's warm in the grow room and it helps the process of making high test beer move right along. If the plants get some benefits all the better but really I am just trying to keep my yeast happy and productive.

Since i already bought it, it doesn't hurt to leave it in for now, or?
Yeah making beer is actualy awesome idea :D

Hoe much does co2 really helps with growing / yeald?
Since i already bought it, it doesn't hurt to leave it in for now, or?
Yeah making beer is actualy awesome idea :D

Hoe much does co2 really helps with growing / yeald?
You need a really high amount of CO2 (look it up on RIU, someone has posted about it). A lot of light, and warm temps in a sealed grow space. Doesn't hurt....just not doing anything. Put some plastic palm trees and sand in there, ladies love the beach...
Since i already bought it, it doesn't hurt to leave it in for now, or?
Yeah making beer is actualy awesome idea :D

Hoe much does co2 really helps with growing / yeald?
No it wont hurt anything to leave it there.

it can help quite a bit if done right, in a sealed room. But that entails more than just dropping one of those bags in.
It has been a while since I or anyone I grow with has used supplemental CO2. Back when we were using it, the controllers seemed way over priced. And it ended up being being more of a hassle than anything else. Back then, it was not worth it for us to continue with.
Things have changed though. Prices have dropped dramatically for equipment. And information about how to implement the technology is easily available. If a person wants to make the investment of time and money, then it can be a worthwhile thing to do.
There are several others on this forum who are actively using supplemental CO2 who could offer better information about the subject than me. Just take the time to read as much about it as you can. Then if you have any questions I am sure several people will help you out.
That being said, I would not worry about using CO2 yet. I believe it is better to get to know the plant and all of its different needs and tells before someone jumps head first into higher tech growing. You don't need supplemental CO2 or all of the latest bottles of BRAWNDO! to grow an outstanding plant. Its best to just keep it simple in the beginning.
Good luck friend!
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You guys made good points against scrog.
And I agree. Didn't really think of accessing plant from below, only above.

Some questions. Last one is more theoretical one.

Did some defoliation on lower fan leaves.
There is still some space left, should i tie down those secondary branches with but sides to grow further apart, or should just leave them to grow however they want? (pic1)
What about those branches circled with blue?
Will they grow out, or are they just eating away the energy?

2) new fan leaves covering lower but sites should be removed right. How regularly? Every few days? (Pic2)

3) a more theoretical one
Since you said 9 plants is quite a crowd (and yeah it really is), what do you think would happen with yeald if one would remove all other but sites, except main 4, which are result of quadlining.
That would give you only 4 buts per plant, but should be bigger right since they have more space and more energy from the plant available. (Pic3)

We are 35 days into flowering (i switched to 12/12 35 days ago)
It it normal that there are already brown pistils?
It should be at least a month of flowering left..


And what could be a cause of this?
Only on one plant.
Fertilizer burn?
I gave one plant 4ml of bud booster instead of suggested 3ml as i feed the rest if them.