4x4 grow room clean slate


Well-Known Member
i killed all three males i saw more footballs develop today and i had to swing the ax


pics of my 7 ladies tomorrow


Well-Known Member
yea dude, it was male... its always hard to do ... thats why when you get females you keep em in veg and clone em,... never have to see a male again :)


Well-Known Member
yea dude, it was male... its always hard to do ... thats why when you get females you keep em in veg and clone em,... never have to see a male again :)
i will definatly be cloning but this is a bagseed run so i will wait for the next batch to chose my mothers !



Well-Known Member
i still need to move some things around but here are the final 7 and my 4 new bagseed sprouts (germed in a coaster in my living room over night by accident)i burnt the one pretty bad so i pinched it but seems ok otherwise.


last two pics show my "stealthy setup" its behind the wall of crap with the rc car on top



Well-Known Member
lol, yea i was somewhat thinkin of tring just for the hell of it, but it really doesnt look worth it at all to me


Well-Known Member
hey man i just looke thru the thread and ur girls look great, im planning on running cfls next year when i get back from studying abroad, simply b/c i dont have the money right now to invest in hps or hallides, and it makes me happy to see such strong plants growing under 16 lights. where did u find those vanity fixtures? did you just wire them up to a power chord? also, what kind of nutes are you feeding them? did you change when you made the shift to bloom?


Well-Known Member
hey man i just looke thru the thread and ur girls look great, im planning on running cfls next year when i get back from studying abroad, simply b/c i dont have the money right now to invest in hps or hallides, and it makes me happy to see such strong plants growing under 16 lights. Where did u find those vanity fixtures? Did you just wire them up to a power chord? Also, what kind of nutes are you feeding them? Did you change when you made the shift to bloom?

i got the vanity fixtures at homedepot for like 11bucks. I just used a 12foot extension cors 2feet to connect the twi fixtures together than that leaves you a 10foot cord.as for nutes i use only reg plant food from homedepot/lowes just start off weak and see how the plant reacts. And yes i went from 20/20/20 to 10/15/10 to flower and i use worm poop it was on sale at lowes low nute numbers but the plants like it .just remember to let the plants dryout every few days they seem to grow more when they are drying up.. Thanks for looking keep checking out for nugs they should be here in a week or two!!!



Well-Known Member
Just something to think about guys . Everybody says that cfls put out more light from the side but my cheapo light meter says that the ends are the brightest spot . Hmmmmmm i might have to re aim some lights to see... What do youo guys think??


Well-Known Member
i made my cfl set up so the sides are used along with the hood and they are spaced out very well,after seeing the results .. im not changing a thing ;)


Well-Known Member
I understad i didnt create the strain but i think after putting in the work i deserve to name the girls ! After all if i plantmy seed in a woman i get to help name that baby ????

Anyway after looking over the plants im thinkin

barbwire and bs420 (bag seed420)



Well-Known Member
I use a weed grinder that has a screen in the bottom , i saved about a gram of keif... You roll it really tight into a joint soak the joint in water for a few secs than cook with a lighter be carefol not to catch it on fire you may have to lick the ends to stop from burning . Burn untill nice and hot and dry then squish it under a hard flat object (i use the bottom of my grinder on the desk ...)and here it goes



Active Member
Hey Wink! Found your thread and read it through, hope the girls are doing ok in flowering!



Well-Known Member
Walmart and other companies like Walmart play huge role in why our
economy is in the shithole.
If you wanna help the economy, buy your supplies from your local Mom-n-Pop shop.
Why would you wanna buy cheap Chinese crap anyways?
I agree.. Ppl dont realize this but it's true...