wally nutter
Well-Known Member
LoL. so you watched wally, its great huh? man you just dont know how much i love this job!! the dogs are so fucking cool. not sure which one you mean though, LoL. the greys run about 40 mph. i pick the dog up after it runs in each race were in and take them back to the kennel and let them out for a few minutes, then i feed them and they go back out again, and then they get a cookie (a milk bone, LoL) 2 if they win, and then they go to sleep. its just awesome, best job i ever had!! there are 66 dogs in our kennel.
when i clicked the link and it loaded up the gates dropped and doggie number 5 was a hundred miles ahead of e'rebody!! they were FLYINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG