4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck


Well-Known Member
come on CD, DO IT! show that girl who's boss! hahahaha I'd give it a try, maybe just a small one at first to get the feel for it. shit it's warm where you're at, go outside, practice on all kinds of plants(your neighbors, not your own) hahaha


Well-Known Member
yeah, actually i forgot to mention when i fucked up my first attempt, i actually didn't *completely* snap the stem off, so i kinda duct taped it together and 2 days later it had healed, and like 15 days later it was the thickest branch lol.

p.s. i say go for it cd...


Well-Known Member
yeah, actually i forgot to mention when i fucked up my first attempt, i actually didn't *completely* snap the stem off, so i kinda duct taped it together and 2 days later it had healed, and like 15 days later it was the thickest branch lol.

p.s. i say go for it cd...
aaahhhh duct tape! what every plant needs!!!! hahahaha


Active Member
Yes thickest branch is to be expected (excuse my semi coherency kinda tired). Supercropping is especially effective outdoors or when expecting intense harvests such as with the classic strain "big bud" as the stress point heals it puts more energy into the entire branch in turn creating super strong plants that can easily hold a couple of pounds wet without a trellis. But honestly those figures are with outdoor or greenhouse plants and advanced knowledge. But for how much bud CD has proven he can pull out of these little uhaul boxes he may need to supercrop just to hold the buds up in there! :D but careful about supercropping during flower though... it does cause some stress to the plant and ya don't want her going hermie.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Greeat Job Nice Harvest..I just harvested my first LST CFL girl also.187 WET.Been following your grow.
thanks jd, sounds like you got a good haul too.

come on CD, DO IT! show that girl who's boss! hahahaha I'd give it a try, maybe just a small one at first to get the feel for it. shit it's warm where you're at, go outside, practice on all kinds of plants(your neighbors, not your own) hahaha
LoL, im trying it now on grassy.

yeah, actually i forgot to mention when i fucked up my first attempt, i actually didn't *completely* snap the stem off, so i kinda duct taped it together and 2 days later it had healed, and like 15 days later it was the thickest branch lol.
p.s. i say go for it cd...
i am.

they also have some nice videos on the net on how to super crop, if you do plan to do it.
grassy is looking a little flowery too, very nice!!
thanks, yeah there popping up everywhere.

I've been supercropping since I was a boy sticking plants in the park to see what would happen and I gotta say along with LST there are must know techniques for any growers. After supercropping the internodal growth is reminescent of of LST. But it has a learning curve I will admit... just pinch thoroughly before ya bend bro!
Yes thickest branch is to be expected (excuse my semi coherency kinda tired). Supercropping is especially effective outdoors or when expecting intense harvests such as with the classic strain "big bud" as the stress point heals it puts more energy into the entire branch in turn creating super strong plants that can easily hold a couple of pounds wet without a trellis. But honestly those figures are with outdoor or greenhouse plants and advanced knowledge. But for how much bud CD has proven he can pull out of these little uhaul boxes he may need to supercrop just to hold the buds up in there! :D but careful about supercropping during flower though... it does cause some stress to the plant and ya don't want her going hermie.
thanks hippy, ok heres what im doing. i take the stem and just barely pinch and roll it and shape the stem to where i want it to get it down lower. then i wire tie it to a stake, i gain a couple more inches doing that and in turn, the are more branches shooting up from the bends. its what i did with the rocklock plant, that was bent around like an S. so is that super cropping? heres some pics from today. its day 66 for grassy and its been 2 weeks of flowering today. thats the chunk of RL i have left.



Active Member
yes that is the way I supercropped at first honestly to the T. When I was younger I used a branch or a stake to hold up the branch until the supercropping took effect and the stem became beefier. I remember the stakes no on RL so did ya notice a difference after supercropping her?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
no, the stakes were only on the KK. i tied the rl down because of height and had to tie the main bud to the light to hold it up. but by bending the stem that way, i got all those buds that popped up on the backside the stem.


Well-Known Member
Grassy is looking super tall.. I don't know if you'll be able to keep her down >_< you have a little space on the sticks to bend them a little more since they are used to what they are bent at now and you can guide them around the bulbs to not get burned. I"M SCARED, DON"T BURN THE BABIES!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Damn dude you got so many fat plants I am confusing them :P
well now were down to one and she's gonna be enough, LoL.

Grassy is looking super tall.. I don't know if you'll be able to keep her down >_< you have a little space on the sticks to bend them a little more since they are used to what they are bent at now and you can guide them around the bulbs to not get burned. I"M SCARED, DON"T BURN THE BABIES!!
i wont taf, the lights just went off so i had to stop but im getting them bent all over and lowering the whole plant. i'll finish it tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
And just to prepare you for the future and the possibilities, even that may not be enough. and before you panic. Just keep in mind that cutting the bottom of the box out so that you can just raise the box is very easy :)

Or you could of course just put your lights on the ceiling and place your plant in the middle of the room :P


Well-Known Member
yeah cd, i was gonna suggest the same thing as taf, cutting the box and raising it, but i thought it would be complicated and/or unstable to hold the rest of the box up? also possibly a pain to take the plants in and out? anyway i'm tuned in...


Well-Known Member
place dvds/objects around the box, Homer :) just cause you cut out the bottom doesn't mean it has to float, :O, you could tie it in place. but setting it on something is much easier and safer.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
no, im not cutting up the box, i think she'll be fine. i'll get her bent and tied down and she should be fine. its day 67 for grassy and the bud sites are popping up all over her, should be a good producer. this KK is some pretty good weed, gonna suck when its all gone, LoL. i have the week 3 nutes mixed and ready and i gave her some bat guano today, just sprinkled it on top before i watered. im wondering if that little shoot at the bottom there would make a good clone? party cup kush?



Active Member
looks tiny but I have had successful clones that size, and the lower the branch it is taken from the stronger chance for the clone. Good time to make a bubble cloner cd ;)

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
so i cut the small shoot of the bottom of grassy, this allowed me to add more soil. the new clone is in the veg box and we'll see what happens. i cut it, then peeled some off the tiny stem, sprayed it with water and dipped it in the take root. then in the soil it went. if this one take root, it should be ready to go about the time grassy is done.



Well-Known Member
nice dude, i hope that little clone takes off! it's great seeting the runtiest little things survive. good luck taming grassy too bro.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
seneca's???? horrible brand dude no disrespect but damn dude cheap smokes?
LMAO, hey there cheaper than marlboro at $5.69 a pack here, 3 packs for $10.69 with tax and there not to bad really, i like them better than 305's.

Everything looks great in your garden to mate :clap: glad you took a clone, it is nice to always have a backup :weed:
thanks gumball, yeah i really hope it takes, i love this kandy kush!!

nice dude, i hope that little clone takes off! it's great seeting the runtiest little things survive. good luck taming grassy too bro.
thanks homer, i'll get her under control. and the little one should, we;ll know in a week or so.