4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey thanks free!! well i fimmed it 2 times so far so some of the leaves are a little goofy from it, LoL. + rep to ya man.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey micro, im just gonna leave these girls alone and see what happens now, im done topping/fimming and no lst this time.

heres the girls today, 31 days, the tops are showing so much new growth, i hope i get a lot of colas, LoL.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
well hater, like i said, im not cutting any more off, whatever happens, happens now, LoL.

yes gumball, theres a couple nice lower branches i think will make 2 real nice clones off the rocklock, but still trying to decide if i should use the jiffy peat pellets or just coat them with the root power and put them right into the soil?

heres some pics, new growth on both and the 2 branches i plan on using.



Well-Known Member
Those should deff make some nice healthy clones! sorry must have missed where ya said your not taking more tops..looking good!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hell yeah hater, im gonna dut them off this sunday before i switch the lights to 12/12, but im done cutting on the tops. i did it twice on each plant.


Well-Known Member
i have some questions for you concord :]

whats the difference in results from fimming and topping ?
and though i think i know what colas are , if you could explain that would be great ? haha

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey student, the first pic is topping, the second pics is fimming. the third pic was my first grow, new bean, i fimmed her just like in the the pic and i got 6 main colas but i broke 1 off and ended up with 5 when i tried lst. lst or low stress training is where you tie the main braches down to get bigger buds from more down in the plant. those whole big branches are the main colas. you would go with topping if you wanted to use the "top" for a clone maybe. topping is more of a sure fire way to get more than 1 main cola, where as fim can be hit hit or miss and may take a few times to make it work.


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
heres pics from just now, as you can see, rocky more or less got topped, i cut to far and took the whole new set of leaves off, choo choo on the other hand is fimmed. she should be busting out some new branches now.



Well-Known Member
Some nice training there CD! Can't wait to see the difference in yield between the two. Make sure you jump on my new thread in my sig..

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
day 32, the girls look great and are doin fine. my nute jug has a brown film and the water turned kind murky, is this normal with the fox farm nutes? its the grow big, tiger bloom, and r/o water. it did take alot of ph up to bring it up to 6.6.



Active Member
How long have you had that jug mixed? I know light can make some bacteria bloom quick so if it was in a fair amount of light you may want to mix up a new batch to be safe. My big bloom leaves a mess in my rez though so could just be some residue of that, not positive.
I'm going with Canna nutes next round just for that reason.

Girls look happy though bro nice work!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
The color of the jug of FF nutes looks normal too me...plants should be lovin it!
ok, lets hope so, LoL. plants are great!!
How long have you had that jug mixed? I know light can make some bacteria bloom quick so if it was in a fair amount of light you may want to mix up a new batch to be safe. My big bloom leaves a mess in my rez though so could just be some residue of that, not positive. I'm going with Canna nutes next round just for that reason.
Girls look happy though bro nice work!
thanks P7, i mixed that up monday night so 3 days old, my room stays pretty dark most of the time. im gonna get some more water and mix a new batch, im on the 5th weeks FF feed schedule. the grow big and big bloom was fine in the first 2 jugs, this is the grow big and tiger bloom so i dont know what that does. just dont want no funky shit fucking these babies up.