today is 9 weeks of flowering, getting close to cuttin it, not sure if i should by time or wait for the trichs to change??? it says its an 8 week plant. i dont wanna wait to long and fuck this one up!! LoL.
heres the pics.
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thanks guys, i really hope this is the one!! space cowboy has stopped growing and now following the lord, he had some bad shit happen to him over the weed. theres a thread about it somewhere on here about what happened.
heres something i was reading, Happy Plants go to look inside at the top to read about trichs, let me know what you think.mine are clear to cloudy. i guess i cut a small test bud to check out.
heres the link to Space Cowboy
thanks herb, i just cut the 4 main tops off and they are hanging in a box upside down. i'm hoping for the best. here's pics from yesterday, right about 10 weeks.
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